void onReadCell(XSSFCell cell){
//collect cells holding shared formulas
CTCell ct = cell.getCTCell();
CTCellFormula f = ct.getF();
if (f != null && f.getT() == STCellFormulaType.SHARED && f.isSetRef() && f.getStringValue() != null) {
// save a detached copy to avoid XmlValueDisconnectedException,
// this may happen when the master cell of a shared formula is changed
CTCellFormula sf = (CTCellFormula)f.copy();
CellRangeAddress sfRef = CellRangeAddress.valueOf(sf.getRef());
CellReference cellRef = new CellReference(cell);
// If the shared formula range preceeds the master cell then the preceding part is discarded, e.g.
// if the cell is E60 and the shared formula range is C60:M85 then the effective range is E60:M85
// see more details in https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=51710
if(cellRef.getCol() > sfRef.getFirstColumn() || cellRef.getRow() > sfRef.getFirstRow()){
String effectiveRef = new CellRangeAddress(
Math.max(cellRef.getRow(), sfRef.getFirstRow()), sfRef.getLastRow(),
Math.max(cellRef.getCol(), sfRef.getFirstColumn()), sfRef.getLastColumn()).formatAsString();
sharedFormulas.put((int)f.getSi(), sf);
if (f != null && f.getT() == STCellFormulaType.ARRAY && f.getRef() != null) {