public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
DemoCore demoCore = new DemoCore();
// Open the package
Package pkg = Package.open(demoCore.getTestRootPath() + "sample.docx",
// Get documents core document part relationship
PackageRelationship coreDocumentRelationship = pkg
// Get core document part from the relationship.
PackagePart coreDocumentPart = pkg.getPart(coreDocumentRelationship);
InputStream inStream = coreDocumentPart.getInputStream();
SAXReader docReader = new SAXReader();
Document doc = docReader.read(inStream);
Namespace namespaceWordProcessingML = new Namespace("w",
Element bodyElement = doc.getRootElement().element(
new QName("body", namespaceWordProcessingML));
// Retrieves paragraph childs from body element
List paragraphs = bodyElement.content();
// Build a new paragraph element
Element paragraph = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName("p",
Element run = paragraph.addElement(new QName("r",
Element text = run
.addElement(new QName("t", namespaceWordProcessingML));
text.setText("New paragraph added with OpenXML4J !");
// Add the newly created paragraph at the last position of paragraph
// elements, just before the w:sectPr element
paragraphs.add(paragraphs.size() - 1, paragraph);
// Save back the content into the part
StreamHelper.saveXmlInStream(doc, coreDocumentPart.getOutputStream());
pkg.save(new File(demoCore.getTestRootPath() + "sample_output.docx"));