continue TRIP;
/* Get the existing TripPattern for this filtered StopPattern, or create one. */
StopPattern stopPattern = new StopPattern(stopTimes);
TripPattern tripPattern = tripPatterns.get(stopPattern);
if (tripPattern == null) {
tripPattern = new TripPattern(trip.getRoute(), stopPattern);
tripPatterns.put(stopPattern, tripPattern);
/* Create a TripTimes object for this list of stoptimes, which form one trip. */
TripTimes tripTimes = new TripTimes(trip, stopTimes, graph.deduplicator);
/* If this trip is referenced by one or more lines in frequencies.txt, wrap it in a FrequencyEntry. */
List<Frequency> frequencies = frequenciesForTrip.get(trip);
if (frequencies != null && !(frequencies.isEmpty())) {
for (Frequency freq : frequencies) {
tripPattern.add(new FrequencyEntry(freq, tripTimes));
// TODO replace: createGeometry(graph, trip, stopTimes, hops);
/* This trip was not frequency-based. Add the TripTimes directly to the TripPattern's scheduled timetable. */
else {
// create geometries if they aren't already created
// note that this is not only done on new trip patterns, because it is possible that
// there would be a trip pattern with no geometry yet because it failed some of these tests
if (!geometriesByTripPattern.containsKey(tripPattern) &&
trip.getShapeId() != null && trip.getShapeId().getId() != null &&
!trip.getShapeId().getId().equals("")) {
// save the geometry to later be applied to the hops
geometriesByTripPattern.put(tripPattern, createGeometry(graph, trip, stopTimes));
} // end foreach TRIP"Added {} frequency-based and {} single-trip timetable entries.", freqCount, nonFreqCount);
/* Generate unique human-readable names for all the TableTripPatterns. */
/* Generate unique short IDs for all the TableTripPatterns. */
/* Loop over all new TripPatterns, setting the service codes. */
for (TripPattern tripPattern : tripPatterns.values()) {
tripPattern.makePatternVerticesAndEdges(graph, context);
// add the geometries
LineString[] geom = geometriesByTripPattern.get(tripPattern);
if (geom != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tripPattern.hopEdges.length; i++) {
tripPattern.setServiceCodes(graph.serviceCodes); // TODO this could be more elegant
/* Identify interlined trips and create the necessary edges. */