urltext += "...<snip>...\n";
JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
p.add(new JMultilineLabel(
tr("You have encountered an error in JOSM. Before you file a bug report " +
"make sure you have updated to the latest version of JOSM here:")), GBC.eol());
p.add(new UrlLabel(Main.getJOSMWebsite(),2), GBC.eop().insets(8,0,0,0));
p.add(new JMultilineLabel(
tr("You should also update your plugins. If neither of those help please " +
"file a bug report in our bugtracker using this link:")), GBC.eol());
p.add(getBugReportUrlLabel(urltext), GBC.eop().insets(8,0,0,0));
p.add(new JMultilineLabel(
tr("There the error information provided below should already be " +
"filled in for you. Please include information on how to reproduce " +
"the error and try to supply as much detail as possible.")), GBC.eop());
p.add(new JMultilineLabel(
tr("Alternatively, if that does not work you can manually fill in the information " +
"below at this URL:")), GBC.eol());
p.add(new UrlLabel(Main.getJOSMWebsite()+"/newticket",2), GBC.eop().insets(8,0,0,0));
if (Utils.copyToClipboard(text)) {
p.add(new JLabel(tr("(The text has already been copied to your clipboard.)")), GBC.eop());