
Examples of

            numberOfNodesInCircle = 100;

        Collection<OsmPrimitive> sel = getCurrentDataSet().getSelected();
        List<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<>();
        Way existingWay = null;

        for (OsmPrimitive osm : sel)
            if (osm instanceof Node) {

        // special case if no single nodes are selected and exactly one way is:
        // then use the way's nodes
        if (nodes.isEmpty() && (sel.size() == 1)) {
            for (OsmPrimitive osm : sel)
                if (osm instanceof Way) {
                    existingWay = ((Way)osm);
                    for (Node n : ((Way)osm).getNodes())
                        if(!nodes.contains(n)) {

        if (nodes.size() < 2 || nodes.size() > 3) {
            new Notification(
                    tr("Please select exactly two or three nodes or one way with exactly two or three nodes."))

        // now we can start doing things to OSM data
        Collection<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<>();
        EastNorth center = null;

        if (nodes.size() == 2) {
            // diameter: two single nodes needed or a way with two nodes
            Node   n1 = nodes.get(0);
            double x1 = n1.getEastNorth().east();
            double y1 = n1.getEastNorth().north();
            Node   n2 = nodes.get(1);
            double x2 = n2.getEastNorth().east();
            double y2 = n2.getEastNorth().north();

            // calculate the center (xc/yc)
            double xc = 0.5 * (x1 + x2);
            double yc = 0.5 * (y1 + y2);
            center = new EastNorth(xc, yc);
        } else {
            // triangle: three single nodes needed or a way with three nodes
            center = Geometry.getCenter(nodes);
            if (center == null) {

        // calculate the radius (r)
        EastNorth n1 = nodes.get(0).getEastNorth();
        double r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(center.east()-n1.east(),2) +

        // Order nodes by angle
        PolarNode[] angles = new PolarNode[nodes.size()];
        for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
            angles[i] = new PolarNode(center, nodes.get(i));
        Arrays.sort(angles, new PolarNodeComparator());
        int[] count = distributeNodes(angles,
                numberOfNodesInCircle >= nodes.size() ? numberOfNodesInCircle - nodes.size() : 0);

        // build a way for the circle
        List<Node> wayToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
            double delta = angles[(i+1) % nodes.size()].a - angles[i].a;
            if(delta < 0)
                delta += 2*Math.PI;
            for(int j = 0; j < count[i]; j++) {
                double alpha = angles[i].a + (j+1)*delta/(count[i]+1);
                double x = center.east() + r*Math.cos(alpha);
                double y = center.north() + r*Math.sin(alpha);
                LatLon ll = Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(new EastNorth(x,y));
                if (ll.isOutSideWorld()) {
                Node n = new Node(ll);
                cmds.add(new AddCommand(n));
        wayToAdd.add(wayToAdd.get(0)); // close the circle
        if (existingWay == null) {
            Way newWay = new Way();
            cmds.add(new AddCommand(newWay));
        } else {
            Way newWay = new Way(existingWay);
            cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(existingWay, newWay));

        Main.main.undoRedo.add(new SequenceCommand(tr("Create Circle"), cmds));;
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                        Node n = (Node) p;
                        List<OsmPrimitive> lp=n.getReferrers();
                        for (OsmPrimitive sp: lp) {
                            if (sp.getType()==OsmPrimitiveType.WAY) {
                                boolean typed = false;
                                Way w=(Way) sp;
                                Map<String, String> keys = w.getKeys();
                                for (String type: typeMap.keySet()) {
                                    if (keys.containsKey(type)) {
                                        typeMap.put(type, true);
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    public void visit(Relation r) {
        if (!"restriction".equals(r.get("type")))

        Way fromWay = null;
        Way toWay = null;
        List<OsmPrimitive> via = new ArrayList<>();

        boolean morefrom = false;
        boolean moreto = false;
        boolean morevia = false;
        boolean mixvia = false;

        /* find the "from", "via" and "to" elements */
        for (RelationMember m : r.getMembers()) {
            if (m.getMember().isIncomplete())

            List<OsmPrimitive> l = new ArrayList<>();
            if (m.isWay()) {
                Way w = m.getWay();
                if (w.getNodesCount() < 2) {

                switch (m.getRole()) {
                case "from":
                    if (fromWay != null) {
                        morefrom = true;
                    } else {
                        fromWay = w;
                case "to":
                    if (toWay != null) {
                        moreto = true;
                    } else {
                        toWay = w;
                case "via":
                    if (!via.isEmpty() && via.get(0) instanceof Node) {
                        mixvia = true;
                    } else {
                    errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Unknown role"), UNKNOWN_ROLE,
                            l, Collections.singletonList(m)));
            } else if (m.isNode()) {
                Node n = m.getNode();
                if ("via".equals(m.getRole())) {
                    if (!via.isEmpty()) {
                        if (via.get(0) instanceof Node) {
                            morevia = true;
                        } else {
                            mixvia = true;
                    } else {
                } else {
                    errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Unknown role"), UNKNOWN_ROLE,
                            l, Collections.singletonList(m)));
            } else {
                errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Unknown member type"), UNKNOWN_TYPE,
                        l, Collections.singletonList(m)));
        if (morefrom) {
            errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("More than one \"from\" way found"), MORE_FROM, r));
        if (moreto) {
            errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("More than one \"to\" way found"), MORE_TO, r));
        if (morevia) {
            errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("More than one \"via\" node found"), MORE_VIA, r));
        if (mixvia) {
            errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("Cannot mix node and way for role \"via\""), MIX_VIA, r));

        if (fromWay == null) {
            errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("No \"from\" way found"), NO_FROM, r));
        if (toWay == null) {
            errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("No \"to\" way found"), NO_TO, r));
        if (via.isEmpty()) {
            errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.ERROR, tr("No \"via\" node or way found"), NO_VIA, r));

        if (via.get(0) instanceof Node) {
            final Node viaNode = (Node) via.get(0);
            final Way viaPseudoWay = new Way();
            checkIfConnected(fromWay, viaPseudoWay,
                    tr("The \"from\" way does not start or end at a \"via\" node."), FROM_VIA_NODE);
            if (toWay.isOneway() != 0 && viaNode.equals(toWay.lastNode(true))) {
                errors.add(new TestError(this, Severity.WARNING, tr("Superfluous turnrestriction as \"to\" way is oneway"), SUPERFLUOUS, r));
            checkIfConnected(viaPseudoWay, toWay,
                    tr("The \"to\" way does not start or end at a \"via\" node."), TO_VIA_NODE);
        } else {
            // check if consecutive ways are connected: from/via[0], via[i-1]/via[i], via[last]/to
            checkIfConnected(fromWay, (Way) via.get(0),
                    tr("The \"from\" and the first \"via\" way are not connected."), FROM_VIA_WAY);
            if (via.size() > 1) {
                for (int i = 1; i < via.size(); i++) {
                    Way previous = (Way) via.get(i - 1);
                    Way current = (Way) via.get(i);
                    checkIfConnected(previous, current,
                            tr("The \"via\" ways are not connected."), UNCONNECTED_VIA);
            if (toWay.isOneway() != 0 && ((Way) via.get(via.size() - 1)).isFirstLastNode(toWay.lastNode(true))) {
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        if (ways.size() < 2)
            return null;

        long idToKeep = 0;
        Way wayToKeep = ways.iterator().next();
        // Only one way will be kept - the one with lowest positive ID, if such exist
        // or one "at random" if no such exists. Rest of the ways will be deleted
        for (Way w: ways) {
            if (!w.isNew() && (idToKeep == 0 || w.getId() < idToKeep)) {
                idToKeep = w.getId();
                wayToKeep = w;

        // Find the way that is member of one or more relations. (If any)
        Way wayWithRelations = null;
        List<Relation> relations = null;
        for (Way w : ways) {
            List<Relation> rel = OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(w.getReferrers(), Relation.class);
            if (!rel.isEmpty()) {
                if (wayWithRelations != null)
                    throw new AssertionError("Cannot fix duplicate Ways: More than one way is relation member.");
                wayWithRelations = w;
                relations = rel;

        Collection<Command> commands = new LinkedList<>();

        // Fix relations.
        if (wayWithRelations != null && wayToKeep != wayWithRelations) {
            for (Relation rel : relations) {
                Relation newRel = new Relation(rel);
                for (int i = 0; i < newRel.getMembers().size(); ++i) {
                    RelationMember m = newRel.getMember(i);
                    if (wayWithRelations.equals(m.getMember())) {
                        newRel.setMember(i, new RelationMember(m.getRole(), wayToKeep));
                commands.add(new ChangeCommand(rel, newRel));
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        getProgressMonitor().indeterminateSubTask(tr("Initializing nodes to update ..."));
        for (OsmPrimitive primitive : toUpdate) {
            if (primitive instanceof Node && !primitive.isNew()) {
            } else if (primitive instanceof Way) {
                Way way = (Way)primitive;
                for (Node node: way.getNodes()) {
                    if (!node.isNew()) {
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     * @param selection current selection (ways and others)
     * @param node      perimeter node from which to extend the selection
     * @return a way by which to extend the selection, or null
    private static Way findWay(Collection<OsmPrimitive> selection, Node node) {
        Way foundWay = null;

        for (Way way : OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(node.getReferrers(),
                Way.class)) {
            if (way.getNodesCount() < 2 || !way.isFirstLastNode(node)
                    || selection.contains(way))
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     * @param selection current selection
     * @return a way by which to extend the selection, or null
    private Way findWay(Collection<OsmPrimitive> selection) {
        for (Node node : outerNodes) {
            Way way = findWay(selection, node);
            if (way != null)
                return way;

        return null;
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    public void extend(DataSet data) {
        Collection<OsmPrimitive> currentSelection;
        LinkedList<OsmPrimitive> selection;
        boolean selectionChanged = false;
        Way way;

        if (!canExtend())

        currentSelection = data.getSelected();
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     * @throws IllegalDataException thrown if a data integrity problem is detected
    protected void processWaysAfterParsing() throws IllegalDataException{
        for (Long externalWayId: ways.keySet()) {
            Way w = (Way)externalIdMap.get(new SimplePrimitiveId(externalWayId, OsmPrimitiveType.WAY));
            List<Node> wayNodes = new ArrayList<>();
            for (long id : ways.get(externalWayId)) {
                Node n = (Node)externalIdMap.get(new SimplePrimitiveId(id, OsmPrimitiveType.NODE));
                if (n == null) {
                    if (id <= 0)
                        throw new IllegalDataException (
                                tr("Way with external ID ''{0}'' includes missing node with external ID ''{1}''.",
                    // create an incomplete node if necessary
                    n = (Node)ds.getPrimitiveById(id,OsmPrimitiveType.NODE);
                    if (n == null) {
                        n = new Node(id);
                if (n.isDeleted()) {
          "Deleted node {0} is part of way {1}", id, w.getId()));
                } else {
            if (w.hasIncompleteNodes()) {
      "Way {0} with {1} nodes has incomplete nodes because at least one node was missing in the loaded data.",
                          externalWayId, w.getNodesCount()));
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                    if (primitive == null) {
                        switch (rm.getMemberType()) {
                        case NODE:
                            primitive = new Node(rm.getMemberId()); break;
                        case WAY:
                            primitive = new Way(rm.getMemberId()); break;
                        case RELATION:
                            primitive = new Relation(rm.getMemberId()); break;
                        default: throw new AssertionError(); // can't happen
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