if (!inTransport.getHTTPMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("This message deocoder only supports the HTTP POST method");
log.debug("Unmarshalling SOAP message");
Envelope soapMessage = (Envelope) unmarshallMessage(inTransport.getIncomingStream());
Header messageHeader = soapMessage.getHeader();
if (messageHeader != null) {
List<XMLObject> soapBodyChildren = soapMessage.getBody().getUnknownXMLObjects();
if (soapBodyChildren.size() < 1 || soapBodyChildren.size() > 1) {
log.error("Unexpected number of children in the SOAP body, " + soapBodyChildren.size()
+ ". Unable to extract SAML message");
throw new MessageDecodingException(
"Unexpected number of children in the SOAP body, unable to extract SAML message");