// Use user preference
if (options.getAssertionConsumerIndex() != null) {
for (AssertionConsumerService service : services) {
if (options.getAssertionConsumerIndex().equals(service.getIndex())) {
if (!isEndpointSupported(service)) {
throw new MetadataProviderException("Endpoint designated by the value in the WebSSOProfileOptions is not supported by this profile");
} else {
log.debug("Using consumer service determined by user preference with binding {}", service.getBinding());
return service;
throw new MetadataProviderException("AssertionConsumerIndex " + options.getAssertionConsumerIndex() + " not found for spDescriptor " + spDescriptor);
// Use default
if (spDescriptor.getDefaultAssertionConsumerService() != null && isEndpointSupported(spDescriptor.getDefaultAssertionConsumerService())) {
AssertionConsumerService service = spDescriptor.getDefaultAssertionConsumerService();
log.debug("Using default consumer service with binding {}", service.getBinding());
return service;
// Iterate and find first match
if (services.size() > 0) {
for (AssertionConsumerService service : services) {
if (isEndpointSupported(service)) {
log.debug("Using first available consumer service with binding {}", service.getBinding());
return service;
throw new MetadataProviderException("Service provider has no assertion consumer service available for the selected profile " + spDescriptor);