if (WSConstants.ST_UNSIGNED == actInt.intValue()) {
// If this is a SAML2.0 assertion
if (wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_SAML_ASSERTION) instanceof Assertion) {
final Assertion assertion = (Assertion) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_SAML_ASSERTION);
String id = assertion.getID();
Subject subject = assertion.getSubject();
SubjectConfirmationData scData = subject.getSubjectConfirmations()
Date dateOfCreation = scData.getNotBefore().toDate();
Date dateOfExpiration = scData.getNotOnOrAfter().toDate();
// TODO : SAML2KeyInfo element needs to be moved to WSS4J.
SAML2KeyInfo saml2KeyInfo = SAML2Utils.
getSAML2KeyInfo(assertion, signatureCrypto, tokenCallbackHandler);
//Store the token
try {
TokenStorage store = rmd.getTokenStorage();
if (store.getToken(id) == null) {
Token token = new Token(id, (OMElement) SAML2Utils.getElementFromAssertion(assertion), dateOfCreation, dateOfExpiration);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RampartException(
"errorInAddingTokenIntoStore", e);
//if this is a SAML1.1 assertion
else {
final SAMLAssertion assertion =
((SAMLAssertion) wser
String id = assertion.getId();
Date created = assertion.getNotBefore();
Date expires = assertion.getNotOnOrAfter();
SAMLKeyInfo samlKi = SAMLUtil.getSAMLKeyInfo(assertion,
signatureCrypto, tokenCallbackHandler);
try {
TokenStorage store = rmd.getTokenStorage();
if (store.getToken(id) == null) {
Token token = new Token(id, (OMElement) assertion.toDOM(), created, expires);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RampartException(