AuthnRequest request = null;
SAMLObject message = context.getInboundSAMLMessage();
// Verify type
if (!(message instanceof Response)) {
throw new SAMLException("Message is not of a Response object type");
Response response = (Response) message;
// Verify status
String statusCode = response.getStatus().getStatusCode().getValue();
if (!StatusCode.SUCCESS_URI.equals(statusCode)) {
StatusMessage statusMessage = response.getStatus().getStatusMessage();
String statusMessageText = null;
if (statusMessage != null) {
statusMessageText = statusMessage.getMessage();
throw new SAMLException("Response has invalid status code " + statusCode + ", status message is " + statusMessageText);
// Verify signature of the response if present, unless already verified in binding
if (response.getSignature() != null && !context.isInboundSAMLMessageAuthenticated()) {
log.debug("Verifying Response signature");
verifySignature(response.getSignature(), context.getPeerEntityId(), context.getLocalTrustEngine());
// Verify issue time
DateTime time = response.getIssueInstant();
if (!isDateTimeSkewValid(getResponseSkew(), time)) {
throw new SAMLException("Response issue time is either too old or with date in the future, skew " + getResponseSkew() + ", time " + time);
// Reject unsolicited messages when disabled
if (!context.getPeerExtendedMetadata().isSupportUnsolicitedResponse() && response.getInResponseTo() == null) {
throw new SAMLException("Reception of Unsolicited Response messages (without InResponseToField) is disabled");
// Verify response to field if present, set request if correct
SAMLMessageStorage messageStorage = context.getMessageStorage();
if (messageStorage != null && response.getInResponseTo() != null) {
XMLObject xmlObject = messageStorage.retrieveMessage(response.getInResponseTo());
if (xmlObject == null) {
throw new SAMLException("InResponseToField of the Response doesn't correspond to sent message " + response.getInResponseTo());
} else if (xmlObject instanceof AuthnRequest) {
request = (AuthnRequest) xmlObject;
} else {
throw new SAMLException("Sent request was of different type than the expected AuthnRequest " + response.getInResponseTo());
// Verify that message was received at the expected endpoint
verifyEndpoint(context.getLocalEntityEndpoint(), response.getDestination());
// Verify endpoint requested in the original request
if (request != null) {
AssertionConsumerService assertionConsumerService = (AssertionConsumerService) context.getLocalEntityEndpoint();
if (request.getAssertionConsumerServiceIndex() != null) {
if (!request.getAssertionConsumerServiceIndex().equals(assertionConsumerService.getIndex())) {"Response was received at a different endpoint index than was requested");
} else {
String requestedResponseURL = request.getAssertionConsumerServiceURL();
String requestedBinding = request.getProtocolBinding();
if (requestedResponseURL != null) {
String responseLocation;
if (assertionConsumerService.getResponseLocation() != null) {
responseLocation = assertionConsumerService.getResponseLocation();
} else {
responseLocation = assertionConsumerService.getLocation();
if (!requestedResponseURL.equals(responseLocation)) {"Response was received at a different endpoint URL {} than was requested {}", responseLocation, requestedResponseURL);
if (requestedBinding != null) {
if (!requestedBinding.equals(context.getInboundSAMLBinding())) {"Response was received using a different binding {} than was requested {}", context.getInboundSAMLBinding(), requestedBinding);
// Verify issuer
if (response.getIssuer() != null) {
log.debug("Verifying issuer of the Response");
Issuer issuer = response.getIssuer();
verifyIssuer(issuer, context);
Assertion subjectAssertion = null;
List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
List<Assertion> assertionList = response.getAssertions();
// Decrypt assertions
if (response.getEncryptedAssertions().size() > 0) {
assertionList = new ArrayList<Assertion>(response.getAssertions().size() + response.getEncryptedAssertions().size());
List<EncryptedAssertion> encryptedAssertionList = response.getEncryptedAssertions();
for (EncryptedAssertion ea : encryptedAssertionList) {
try {
Assert.notNull(context.getLocalDecrypter(), "Can't decrypt Assertion, no decrypter is set in the context");
log.debug("Decrypting assertion");
Assertion decryptedAssertion = context.getLocalDecrypter().decrypt(ea);
} catch (DecryptionException e) {
log.debug("Decryption of received assertion failed, assertion will be skipped", e);
Exception lastError = null;
// Find the assertion to be used for session creation and verify
for (Assertion assertion : assertionList) {
if (assertion.getAuthnStatements().size() > 0) {
try {
// Verify that the assertion is valid
verifyAssertion(assertion, request, context);
subjectAssertion = assertion;
log.debug("Validation of authentication statement in assertion {} was successful", assertion.getID());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("Validation of authentication statement in assertion failed, skipping", e);
lastError = e;
} else {
log.debug("Assertion {} did not contain any authentication statements, skipping", assertion.getID());
// Make sure that at least one assertion contains authentication statement and subject with bearer confirmation
if (subjectAssertion == null) {
throw new SAMLException("Response doesn't have any valid assertion which would pass subject validation", lastError);
// Process attributes from assertions
for (Assertion assertion : assertionList) {
if (assertion == subjectAssertion || isIncludeAllAttributes()) {
for (AttributeStatement attStatement : assertion.getAttributeStatements()) {
for (Attribute att : attStatement.getAttributes()) {
log.debug("Including attribute {} from assertion {}", att.getName(), assertion.getID());
for (EncryptedAttribute att : attStatement.getEncryptedAttributes()) {
Assert.notNull(context.getLocalDecrypter(), "Can't decrypt Attribute, no decrypter is set in the context");
Attribute decryptedAttribute = context.getLocalDecrypter().decrypt(att);
log.debug("Including decrypted attribute {} from assertion {}", decryptedAttribute.getName(), assertion.getID());
NameID nameId = (NameID) context.getSubjectNameIdentifier();
if (nameId == null) {
throw new SAMLException("NameID element must be present as part of the Subject in the Response message, please enable it in the IDP configuration");
// Populate custom data, if any
Serializable additionalData = processAdditionalData(context);