An implementation of the {@link Repository} interface that operates on a(stack of) {@link Sail Sail} object(s). The behaviour of the repository isdetermined by the Sail stack that it operates on; for example, the repository will only support RDF Schema or OWL semantics if the Sail stack includes an inferencer for this.
Creating a repository object of this type is very easy. For example, the following code creates and initializes a main-memory store with RDF Schema semantics:
Repository repository = new RepositoryImpl(new ForwardChainingRDFSInferencer(new MemoryStore())); repository.initialize();
Or, alternatively:
Sail sailStack = new MemoryStore(); sailStack = new ForwardChainingRDFSInferencer(sailStack); Repository repository = new Repository(sailStack); repository.initialize();
@author Arjohn Kampman