
Examples of$Severity

        CompilerMessageLogger ml = new MessageLogger();
        // Init and compile the workspace.
        Status initStatus = new Status("Init status.");
        workspaceManager.initWorkspace(streamProvider, initStatus);
        if (initStatus.getSeverity() != Status.Severity.OK) {
        long startCompile = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // If there are no errors go ahead and compile the workspace.
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        try {
            XMLPersistenceHelper.checkTag(element, GemPersistenceConstants.TABLETOP_TAG);

        } catch (BadXMLDocumentException bxde) {
            loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_TableTopLoadFailure"), bxde));


        // Make sure the tabletop is clear before we continue further.

        // Temporarily set the target's name to something invalid, to avoid name collisions with any gems being loaded.

        // Also disable automatic gem graph reflector updating.

        // The set of loaded collector gems.
        Set<Gem> collectorGemSet = new HashSet<Gem>();

        // We instantiate emitters last, as they cannot be instantiated without their associated collectors.
        Set<Element> emitterElements = new HashSet<Element>();

        // A new context in which the gems are loaded.
        GemContext gemContext = new GemContext();
        Argument.LoadInfo loadInfo = new Argument.LoadInfo();

        // Set of IDs of gem elements which couldn't be instantiated
        Set<String> unknownGemIds = new HashSet<String>();

        try {
            // Instantiate displayed gem children, except for emitters (which need collectors to be instantiated first)
            boolean targetWasLoaded = false;
            Node childNode;
            for (childNode = element.getFirstChild(); isDisplayedGemElement(childNode); childNode = childNode.getNextSibling()) {

                Element displayedGemElement = (Element)childNode;

                // Get the gem node.
                Node gemNode = displayedGemElement.getFirstChild();
                try {
                } catch (BadXMLDocumentException e) {
                    loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_ErrorLoadingFromNode") + gemNode.getLocalName(), e));

                // instantiate gem node
                Class<?> gemClass = getGemClass((Element)gemNode);

                if (gemClass == null) {
                    // unrecognized type
                    String gemId = Gem.getGemId(displayedGemElement);
                    if (gemId != null) {

                    loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.WARNING, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_UnrecognizedGemType") + displayedGemElement.getLocalName(), null));

                } else if (gemClass == ReflectorGem.class) {
                    // emitter gem - save for later

                } else {
                    // a gem which we should instantiate now.  Do this if possible.
                    DisplayedGem displayedGem = getDisplayedGem(displayedGemElement, gemContext, loadInfo, perspective, loadStatus);

                    if (displayedGem == null) {
                        // Couldn't instantiate.
                        String gemId = Gem.getGemId(displayedGemElement);

                        if (gemId != null) {

                    Gem gem = displayedGem.getGem();
                    if (!targetWasLoaded && gem instanceof CollectorGem) {
                        // HACK(?): reassign things so the gem graph target looks like the loaded target.
                        CollectorGem newTarget = (CollectorGem)gem;
                        CollectorGem gemGraphTarget = gemGraph.getTargetCollector();

                        gemContext.addGem(gemGraphTarget, gemContext.getIdentifier(newTarget, false));
                        loadInfo.remapGem(newTarget, gemGraphTarget);
                        targetWasLoaded = true;

                    } else {
                        // Add the gem to the tabletop
                        addGem(displayedGem, displayedGem.getLocation());

                    // Add to the collector map if it's a collector
                    if (gem instanceof CollectorGem) {

            if (!targetWasLoaded) {
                loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_TargetDidntLoad"), null));
                gemGraph.getTargetCollector().setName("target")// Just set to something valid..

            // Instantiate displayed emitters.
            for (final Element emitterElement : emitterElements) {

                DisplayedGem displayedGem = getDisplayedGem(emitterElement, gemContext, loadInfo, perspective, loadStatus);

                if (displayedGem == null) {
                    // Couldn't instantiate.
                    String gemId = Gem.getGemId(emitterElement);

                    if (gemId != null) {

                // Add the gem to the tabletop
                addGem(displayedGem, displayedGem.getLocation());

            // update collector and reflector argument info.
            Set<CollectorGem> collectorSet = gemGraph.getCollectors();
            for (final CollectorGem collectorGem : collectorSet) {
                try {
                    collectorGem.loadArguments(loadInfo, gemContext);
                } catch (BadXMLDocumentException bdxe) {
                    loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.WARNING, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_ErrorLoadingCollector"), bdxe));
            for (final Gem gem : gemGraph.getGems()) {
                if (gem instanceof ReflectorGem) {
                    try {
                        ((ReflectorGem)gem).loadArguments(loadInfo, gemContext);
                    } catch (BadXMLDocumentException bdxe) {
                        loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.WARNING, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_ErrorLoadingEmitter"), bdxe));

            // Instantiate connections.
            while (childNode != null && childNode instanceof Element && Connection.isConnectionElement((Element)childNode)) {

                Element connectionElement = (Element)childNode;

                // Make the connection.  Skip connecting unknown gems.
                Connection connection = null;
                try {
                    connection = Connection.elementToConnection(connectionElement, gemContext, unknownGemIds);

                } catch (BadXMLDocumentException bxde) {
                    loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_CouldntMakeConnection"), bxde));

                if (connection != null) {
                    Gem.PartOutput fromPart = connection.getSource();
                    Gem.PartInput toPart = connection.getDestination();

                    if (fromPart == null || toPart == null) {
                        loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("CouldntMakeConnection"), null));

                    } else {
                        // Attempt the connection
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("CouldntMakeConnection"), e));

                // get the next element
                childNode = childNode.getNextSibling();

            // Make sure the inputs targets actually make sense.

            // Update reflectors.
            for (final CollectorGem gem : collectorSet) {

            // Now that we have instantiated as much of the gem graph as we can,
            //   carry out some validation to ensure that the current gem graph is valid.
            boolean gemGraphValid = true;
            try {

            } catch (TypeException te) {
                gemGraphValid = false;
                loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_InvalidGemGraph"), null));

            // If the gem graph is not valid, disconnect value gems, since they are a big culprit.
            if (!gemGraphValid) {

                // The biggest culprit is value gems.  Disconnect them all.
                for (final Connection connection : gemGraph.getConnections()) {
                    if (connection.getSource().getGem() instanceof ValueGem) {

                // Make sure the inputs targets actually make sense.

                // Update reflectors.
                for (final CollectorGem gem : collectorSet) {

                // try again..
                gemGraphValid = true;
                try {
                } catch (TypeException te) {
                    gemGraphValid = false;

            // If the gem graph is still not valid, disconnect the remaining connections.
            // This should almost always work.
            if (!gemGraphValid) {
                // Disconnect remaining connections.
                for (final Connection connection : gemGraph.getConnections()) {

                // Make sure the inputs targets actually make sense.

                // Update reflectors.
                for (final CollectorGem gem : collectorSet) {

                try {
                    // Type check..
                } catch (TypeException e) {
                    GemCutter.CLIENT_LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_CantConstructLoadState"));

            // sanity test..
            if (GemCutterPersistenceHelper.isDisplayedGemElement(childNode)) {
                BadXMLDocumentException bxde = new BadXMLDocumentException(childNode, "Gem elements must appear before connection elements.");
                loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_InvalidXMLstructure"), bxde));

        } finally {
            // Try to recover from unexpected exceptions..
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            Point location;
            try {
                location = GemCutterPersistenceHelper.elementToPoint((Element)locationNode);

            } catch (BadXMLDocumentException bxde) {
                loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.WARNING, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_CantLoadLocation"), bxde));
                location = new Point();              // default location

            Class<? extends Gem> gemClass = getGemClass(gemElement);
            Gem loadedGem;

            if (gemClass == CodeGem.class) {
                loadedGem = CodeGem.getFromXML(gemElement, gemContext, gemCutter.getCodeGemAnalyser());

            } else if (gemClass == CollectorGem.class) {
                loadedGem = CollectorGem.getFromXML(gemElement, gemContext, loadInfo);
            } else if (gemClass == RecordFieldSelectionGem.class) {
                loadedGem = RecordFieldSelectionGem.getFromXML(gemElement, gemContext, loadInfo);

            } else if (gemClass == FunctionalAgentGem.class) {
                loadedGem = FunctionalAgentGem.getFromXML(gemElement, gemContext, gemCutter.getWorkspace());

            } else if (gemClass == ReflectorGem.class) {
                loadedGem = ReflectorGem.getFromXML(gemElement, gemContext, loadInfo);

            } else if (gemClass == ValueGem.class) {
                loadedGem = ValueGem.getFromXML(gemElement, gemContext, gemCutter.getValueRunner(), perspective.getWorkingModuleName());

            } else if (gemClass == RecordCreationGem.class) {
                loadedGem = RecordCreationGem.getFromXML(gemElement, gemContext, loadInfo);

            } else {
                throw new BadXMLDocumentException(gemElement, "Unhandled gem class: " + gemClass);

            return createDisplayedGem(loadedGem, location);

        } catch (BadXMLDocumentException bxde) {
            loadStatus.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, GemCutter.getResourceString("SOM_CantInstantiateGem"), bxde));

        // Not one of the types we know about.       
        return null;
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        if (fileLocator != null) {
            try {
                return repository.getContents(fileLocator);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String errorString = "Error loading workspace.  File: \"" + fileLocator + "\" could not be read.";
                status.add(new Status(Status.Severity.ERROR, errorString, e));
        return null;
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    public void testSourceCodeFormatterStyle() {
        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();
        ModuleSourceDefinition module = CALServicesTestUtilities.getModuleSourceDefinitionGroup(leccServices).getModuleSource(ModuleName.make("Cal.Test.JUnitSupport.FormatterTestModule"));
        String src = module.getSourceText(new Status("reading source for comparison"), logger);

        CompilerMessageLogger ml= new MessageLogger();
        //reformat the source
        List<SourceEmbellishment> embellishments = new ArrayList<SourceEmbellishment>();
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    public void testPartialFormatting() {
        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();

        ModuleSourceDefinition module = CALServicesTestUtilities.getModuleSourceDefinitionGroup(leccServices).getModuleSource(ModuleName.make("Cal.Test.JUnitSupport.FormatterTestModule"));
        String src = module.getSourceText(new Status("reading source for comparison"), logger);

        PrettyPrintRefactorer rf =
            new PrettyPrintRefactorer(src,
                    new SourceRange(new SourcePosition(1,1), new SourcePosition(99999,1)), Collections.<String>emptySet());
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                sourceDef = new StringModuleSourceDefinition(recompiledModuleName, moduleString);
                // Remove the old module from the workspace and add the new one. This will also force a recompilation of the relevant modules.
                CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();
                privateCopyLeccServices.getWorkspaceManager().removeModule(moduleName, new Status(""));    
                privateCopyLeccServices.getWorkspaceManager().makeModule(sourceDef, logger);
                if (logger.getMaxSeverity().compareTo(CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR) >= 0) {
                    List<CompilerMessage> errors = logger.getCompilerMessages(CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR);
                    for (int i = 0, n = errors.size(); i < n; i++) {
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     * @param sourceDef
     * @return the module source definition as a string
     * @throws IOException
    private static String getSourceString(ModuleSourceDefinition sourceDef) throws IOException {
        Reader reader = sourceDef.getSourceReader(new Status("Get source reader status"));
        reader = new BufferedReader(reader);
        char buff[] = new char[1024];
        StringBuilder moduleTextStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        int br =;
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        // Compile the module.
        SourceModelModuleSource moduleSource = new SourceModelModuleSource(moduleDefn);
        workspaceManager.makeModule(moduleSource, logger);

        // Remove the module.
        leccCALServices.getWorkspaceManager().removeModule(DEFAULT_TEST_MODULE_NAME, new Status("Remove module status."));

        return logger;
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        // Compile the module.
        ModuleSourceDefinition moduleSourceDef = new StringModuleSourceDefinition(moduleName, moduleCode);
        workspaceManager.makeModule(moduleSourceDef, logger);

        // Remove the module.
        leccCALServices.getWorkspaceManager().removeModule(DEFAULT_TEST_MODULE_NAME, new Status("Remove module status."));
        // Check that we got an error message of the expected type.
        // Note: this can only check for a syntax error.  However, there are many ways in which a syntax error can occur.
        CompilerMessage error = logger.getFirstError();
        assertTrue("No errors logged.", error != null);
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Related Classes of$Severity

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