// Just a regular type cons.
// If in the current module, we can use in unqualified form.
ModuleName typeConsModuleName = typeConsName.getModuleName();
if (typeConsModuleName.equals(generationInfo.getCurrentModuleName())) {
return TypeExprDefn.TypeCons.make(null, typeConsName.getUnqualifiedName());
} else if (typeConsModuleName.equals(CAL_Prelude.MODULE_NAME)) {
// If in the Prelude, may also be able to use the unqualified form, but this means we need to add to the using clause.
// We cannot use in an unqualifed way if a type with the same unqualifed name exists in the current module.
String unqualifiedTypeName = typeConsName.getUnqualifiedName();
if (generationInfo.addTypeToPreludeUsingSet(unqualifiedTypeName)) {