
Examples of

    public static SourceModel.FunctionDefn.Algebraic getFunctionSourceModel(
        String functionName, CompositionNode functionRoot, Scope scope) {

        // Get as a collector root.
        Collector rootNode = getAsCollectorRoot(functionRoot, functionName);

        GraphInfo graphInfo = new GraphInfo(rootNode, functionName);
        SourceModel.Expr functionBody = getFunctionBodySourceModel(rootNode, graphInfo, null);

        // The name of the function is the collector name.
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     * @return the arguments in the order that they would appear in the source.
    public static CompositionArgument[] getFunctionArguments(CompositionNode rootNode) {
        // Get as a collector root.  This is necessary so that unbound arguments that don't have a target
        // set properly get picked up as arguments on the root
        Collector collectorRoot = getAsCollectorRoot(rootNode, "temp");

        // calculate the graph info, get the args for the node.
        GraphInfo graphInfo = new GraphInfo(collectorRoot, "temp");
        List<CompositionArgument> nodeArgList = graphInfo.getCollectorArguments(collectorRoot);
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     * @return the resulting CAL source.
    public static String getSourceForCodeGem(CompositionNode rootNode) {
        // Note: prevent eta-reduction of the root gem..
        Collector collectorRoot = getAsCollectorRoot(rootNode, "tempCollector");
        SourceModel.Expr sourceBody = getFunctionBodySourceModel(collectorRoot, new GraphInfo(collectorRoot, "tempCollector"), null);
        return sourceBody.toSourceText();
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    static CheckGraphSource getCheckGraphSource(Set<? extends CompositionNode> rootNodes) {
        Map<String, Collector> rootTypeCollectorNameToCollectorMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Collector>();
        GraphInfo graphInfo = new GraphInfo(rootNodes);
        Collector graphTarget = graphInfo.getGraphTarget();
        SourceModel.Expr graphTargetSourceModel = getFunctionBodySourceModel(graphTarget, graphInfo, rootTypeCollectorNameToCollectorMap);

        // The root->arguments map which is returned.
        Map<CompositionNode, List<CompositionArgument>> rootToArgumentsMap = new LinkedHashMap<CompositionNode, List<CompositionArgument>>();
        List<SourceModel.Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<SourceModel.Parameter>();
        // The root arguments..
        for (final Map.Entry<String, Collector> entry : rootTypeCollectorNameToCollectorMap.entrySet()) {
            final String rootTypeCollectorName = entry.getKey();
            Collector correspondingCollector = entry.getValue();
            // Get the original root corresponding to the collected root.
            CompositionNode correspondingRoot = graphInfo.getOriginalRoot(correspondingCollector);
            // Get the arguments, add to the map (but only if it's not one of the synthetically created enclosing collectors..).
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            // Iterate over the targeting collectors, generating the inner let definitions used for type checking.
            for (final Map.Entry<String, Collector> entry : targetingCollectorNameToCollectorMap.entrySet()) {
                final String targetingCollectorName = entry.getKey();
                Collector targetingCollector = entry.getValue();
                // Skip if it's an excluded collector.
                if (graphInfo.isExcludedCollectorReplacement(targetingCollector)) {
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//            tupleDimension = TypeExpr.getTupleDimension(functionName);

        } else if (node instanceof CompositionNode.Emitter) {

            // This node invokes a local function
            Collector collector = ((CompositionNode.Emitter)node).getCollectorNode();
            applyable = SourceModel.Expr.Var.makeUnqualified(graphInfo.getCollectorName(collector));
        } else {
            // something bad happened
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle this type of node: " + node.getClass());
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            excludedCollectorReplacementMap = getExcludedCollectors(inputRootNodes);
            Set<CompositionNode> rootNodesToAnalyze = new HashSet<CompositionNode>(inputRootNodes);
            // Calculate the target for the CompositionNode graph.
            Collector rootNodeTarget = getGraphTarget(rootNodesToAnalyze, excludedCollectorReplacementMap);
            // Ensure the target is a member of the root nodes set.
            // Create a dummy collector for which the body will be the check graph expression.  Set this as the graph target.
            CompositionNode checkGraphConnectedNode = new CompositionNode.Value() {
                public String getStringValue() {
                    return "0.0";
                public SourceModel.Expr getSourceModel() {
                    return SourceModel.Expr.Literal.Double.make(0.0);
                public int getNArguments() {
                    return 0;
                public CompositionArgument getNodeArgument(int i) {
                    return null;
            Collector graphTarget = new SyntheticCollector("dummyCollector", Collections.<CompositionArgument>emptyList(), checkGraphConnectedNode);
            // The set of all collector names.
            Set<String> collectorNames = new HashSet<String>();
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         *   This may be modified if the graph target is not already found to be in either the set or the map.
         * @return the first collector root in the set which has a null target.
         *   If there are no such collectors, a new temporary collector will be returned.
        private static Collector getGraphTarget(Set<CompositionNode> rootNodes, Map<Collector, SyntheticCollector> excludedCollectorReplacementMap) {
            Collector graphTarget = null;
            // Calculate the target for the CompositionNode graph..
            for (final CompositionNode nextRoot : rootNodes) {             
                // When we find the first collector, find its outermost enclosing collector.  This should be the target.
                if (nextRoot instanceof Collector) {
                    graphTarget = (Collector)nextRoot;

                    Collector enclosingCollector = graphTarget.getTargetCollector();
                    while (enclosingCollector != null) {
                        graphTarget = enclosingCollector;
                        enclosingCollector = graphTarget.getTargetCollector();
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            // Calculate args.
            SubtreeNodeInfo collectorSubtreeNodeInfo = getSubtreeNodeInfo(collector);
            for (final CompositionArgument freeUnburntArgument : collectorSubtreeNodeInfo.getFreeUnburntArguments()) {              
                Collector argumentTarget = getArgumentCollectorTarget(freeUnburntArgument, collector, collectorTargetInfo);
                // Check for the special case where an emitter argument target's the emitter's collector.
                //  In this case, the argument should not appear an an argument on the collector.
                if (recursiveEmitterArgumentToReflectedInputMap.containsKey(freeUnburntArgument)) {

                if (collectorTargetInfo != targetCollectorTargetInfo) {
                    Collector realArgumentTarget = getArgumentCollectorTarget(freeUnburntArgument, collector, targetCollectorTargetInfo);

                    // Check for the case of an argument which isn't used by the collector which it targets.
                    if (argumentTarget != null && realArgumentTarget == null) {
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            // Iterate over the root nodes, checking targets for any collectors.
            for (final CompositionNode rootNode : rootNodes) {
                if (rootNode instanceof Collector) {
                    // If the target isn't in the set of root nodes, call getCollector(), which should create it.
                    Collector targetCollector = ((Collector)rootNode).getTargetCollector();
                    if (targetCollector != null && !rootNodes.contains(targetCollector)) {
                        getCollector(targetCollector, rootNodes, excludedCollectorReplacementMap);
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