
Examples of

        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();
        services.compileWorkspace(statusListener, logger);
        // Just dump messages to the console.
        if (logger.getNMessages() > 0) {
            for (final CompilerMessage compilerMessage : logger.getCompilerMessages()) {
        System.out.println("Test 1:");
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        // The definition..
        SourceModel.FunctionDefn scDef = CALSourceGenerator.getFunctionSourceModel(unqualifiedGemName, collectorGem, scope);

        // TODO Display any error messages from logger?
        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger ();

        // The declaration..
        TypeExpr type = gemCutter.getTypeChecker().checkFunction(
            new AdjunctSource.FromSourceModel(scDef), gemCutter.getWorkingModuleName(), logger);
        String typeDeclaration = (type == null) ? null : unqualifiedGemName + " :: " + type.toString() + ";";
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     * Calculates the affected resources and populates the affectedModuleNames list.
     * @return True if the operation completed successfully
    private boolean calcResources() {
        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();

        if (affectedModuleNames == null) {
            affectedModuleNames = new ArrayList<ModuleName>();
        } else {
        List<ModuleSourceDefinition> affectedResources = refactorer.calculateModifications(logger);
        if (logger.getNErrors() == 0) {
            for (final ModuleSourceDefinition module : affectedResources) {
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     * Updates the contents of the source files to reflect the renaming.
     * @return True if the operation completed successfully, false otherwise.
    private boolean updateSourcesMetadataAndResources() {
        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();
        // Tie the progress bar to show refactorer progress on resources
        Refactorer.StatusListener refactoringStatusListener = new Refactorer.StatusListener() {
            public void willUseResource(ModuleSourceDefinition resource) {}
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     * Undo the updateSources() operation. This should be used if another operation later on in the refactoring sequence fails.
    private void undoSourcesMetadataAndResources() {
        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();
        Refactorer.StatusListener refactoringStatusListener = new Refactorer.StatusListener() {
            public void willUseResource(ModuleSourceDefinition resource) {}
            public void doneUsingResource(ModuleSourceDefinition resource) {
        if (logger.getNErrors() > 0) {
            DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) errorsList.getModel();
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     * Recompiles the changed modules in the workspace.
     * @return True if the operation completed successfully, false otherwise.
    private boolean recompile() {
        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();
        StatusListener recompileStatusListener = new StatusListener.StatusListenerAdapter() {
            public void setModuleStatus(StatusListener.Status.Module moduleStatus, ModuleName moduleName) {
                if (moduleStatus == StatusListener.SM_LOADED) {
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        if (module == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("lecc.CodeGenerator.generateSCCode(): module is null");

        CompilerMessageLogger generateLogger = new MessageLogger();

        //System.out.println ("Gencode: " + module.getName());

        // Top level try catch block.  All exceptions/errors should be caught and logged with the logger.

        try {
            // Since this module has been modified we need to tell the class loader to reset.
            // NOTE!  We must do this early so that nothing in the code generation process grabs
            // a reference to a class loader that is discarded at a later point.

            // Get module and info
            ModuleName moduleName = module.getName();

            informStatusListeners(StatusListener.SM_GENCODE, moduleName);

            // Retrieve the custom class loader that is stored in the Program object.
            CALClassLoader calLoader = module.getClassLoader();
            if (calLoader == null) {
                // This should never be null.
                throw (new CodeGenerationException ("Null class loader in LECCProgram."));

            // Mark labels as adjuncts, and whether they will have code generated.
            for (final MachineFunction machineFunction : module.getFunctions()) {

                // Get the label.
                MachineFunctionImpl label = (MachineFunctionImpl)machineFunction;

                if (label.isCodeGenerated()) {

                if (label.getAliasOf() != null || label.getLiteralValue() != null) {
                    //System.out.println("**** Skipping: " + label.getQualifiedName() + "  -> alias of: " + label.getCoreFunction().getAliasOf());

                 * Mark adjuncts.
                if (isForAdjunct()) {
                    // Check to see if this is a primitive function.
                    // Functions marked as primitive can be one of two things:
                    // 1) a primitive function implemented as a machine specific operator
                    // 2) a primitive function for which a hard coded machine specific implementation is provided.
                    // If the function falls into category two we don't want to generate anything for it.
                    if (label.isPrimitiveFunction()) {
                        // Check to see if this is considered a primitiv op.
                        if (PrimOps.fetchInfo(label.getQualifiedName()) == null && !label.getName().equals("unsafeCoerce")) {
                            // don't need to generate code.

                    // The class to mark as an adjunct.
                    String fullClassName;

                    // This can either be a supercombinator or a data declaration
                    PackCons packCons = label.getExpressionForm().asPackCons();
                    if (packCons != null) {
                        // This is a data declaration
                        TypeConstructor typeCons = packCons.getDataConstructor().getTypeConstructor();

                        if (LECCMachineConfiguration.TREAT_ENUMS_AS_INTS && TypeExpr.isEnumType(typeCons)) {
                            //System.out.println ("**** skipping data type because it is enum: " + typeConsName);

                        fullClassName = CALToJavaNames.createFullClassNameFromType (typeCons, module);

                    } else {
                        // This is a supercombinator.
                        fullClassName = CALToJavaNames.createFullClassNameFromSC(label.getQualifiedName(), module);

                    // Mark the adjunct.

                // Clear the expression form, since we're finished with it.

            informStatusListeners(StatusListener.SM_GENCODE_DONE, module.getName());

            // Write out the compiled module definition if needed.
            if (!isForAdjunct() && !forImmediateUse) {
                writeCompiledModuleInfo (module, generateLogger);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                if (generateLogger.getNErrors() > 0) {
                    //if an error occurred previously, we continue to compile the program to try to report additional
                    //meaningful compilation errors. However, this can produce spurious exceptions related to the fact
                    //that the program state does not satisfy preconditions because of the initial error(s). We don't
                    //report the spurious exception as an internal coding error.
                    generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Fatal.UnableToRecoverFromCodeGenErrors(module.getName())));
                } else {
                    generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Fatal.CodeGenerationAbortedDueToInternalCodingError(module.getName()), e));
            } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation ace) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
        } catch (Error e) {
            try {
                generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(module.getName(), e), null));
            } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation ace) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
        } finally {
            if (logger != null) {
                // Log messages to the passed-in logger.
                try {
                } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e) {
                    /* Ignore and continue. */

        return generateLogger.getMaxSeverity();
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        if (module == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("lecc.CodeGenerator.generateSCCode(): module is null");
        ModuleName moduleName = module.getName();

        CompilerMessageLogger generateLogger = new MessageLogger();

        //System.out.println ("Gencode: " + moduleName);

        // Top level try catch block.  All exceptions/errors should be caught and logged with the logger.

        try {
            // Since this module has been modified we need to tell the class loader to reset.
            // NOTE!  We must do this early so that nothing in the code generation process grabs
            // a reference to a class loader that is discarded at a later point.

            GeneratedCodeInfo existingCodeInfo = null;
            GeneratedCodeInfo newCodeInfo = getNewCodeInfo(module);

            if (forceCodeRegen && !isForAdjunct() && !LECCMachineConfiguration.generateBytecode()) {
                // If we are generating source code we just do a clean sweep of the target directory.
                // If generating bytecode we will try to do a smarter cleanup after generating.
                try {
                    // TODO: actually handle this.
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    // There was a problem deleting one or more files.
                    // This used to be just ignored.
                    System.err.println("Problem deleting one or more files: " + ioe);

            } else
            if (!isForAdjunct()){
                // Load the information about any existing generated code.
                if (forImmediateUse) {
                    existingCodeInfo = immediateUseModuleNameToGeneratedCodeInfoMap.get(moduleName);

                if (existingCodeInfo == null) {
                    existingCodeInfo = getExistingCodeInfo(moduleName, resourceRepository);

            // Do we need to generate all sources.
            boolean generateAll = isForAdjunct() || needToGenerateAll (newCodeInfo, existingCodeInfo) || forceCodeRegen;

            // For the moment we assume that the timestamp is constant for all things in a given module.
            if (!isForAdjunct()) {
                long timeStamp = newCodeInfo.cal_source_timeStamp;
                if (existingCodeInfo == null || timeStamp != existingCodeInfo.cal_source_timeStamp) {
                    // The source for this module has been changed.  Add it to the changed module list.
                    changedModules.put (moduleName, new Long(timeStamp));
                    generateAll = true;

                } else {
                    // Check imported modules.
                    ModuleTypeInfo mti = module.getModuleTypeInfo();
                    for (int i = 0; i < mti.getNImportedModules(); ++i) {
                        ModuleTypeInfo imti = mti.getNthImportedModule(i);
                        Long l = changedModules.get(imti.getModuleName());
                        if (l != null && l.longValue() > timeStamp) {
                            generateAll = true;

            // Get module and info
            informStatusListeners(StatusListener.SM_GENCODE, moduleName);

            JavaGenerator javaGenerator;
            if (LECCMachineConfiguration.generateBytecode()) {

                if (classFileWriter == null) {
                    classFileWriter = resourceRepository.getAsynchronousFileWriter();

                try {
                    javaGenerator = new LECCJavaBytecodeGenerator(module, resourceRepository, isForAdjunct(), forImmediateUse, classFileWriter);

                } catch (IOException e) {
                    generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(moduleName, e)));
                    return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;

            } else {
                // Generate a list of package names for all the modules associated with this module.
                Set<ModuleName> dependeeModuleNameSet = new HashSet<ModuleName>();

                buildDependeeModuleNameSet(module.getModuleTypeInfo(), dependeeModuleNameSet);

                try {
                    javaGenerator = new LECCJavaSourceGenerator(module, resourceRepository, dependeeModuleNameSet);

                } catch (IOException e) {
                    generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(moduleName, e)));
                    return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;

            // Pass the status listeners to the java generator.

            if (codeGenerationStats != null) {
                // Check if this is a module we want to generate stats for.
                String statsModuleNameString = System.getProperty("");

                if (statsModuleNameString != null &&
                    (statsModuleNameString.equals("") || statsModuleNameString.equals(moduleName.toSourceText()) || statsModuleNameString.trim().toLowerCase().equals("all"))) {
                    // Set the object used to collect code generation info.
                    // Inform the stats collector that we're generating stats for new module.

            // Retrieve the custom class loader that is stored in the Program object.
            CALClassLoader calLoader = module.getClassLoader();
            if (calLoader == null) {
                // This should never be null.
                throw (new CodeGenerationException ("Null class loader in LECCProgram."));

            // Create a new Set to hold the TypeConstructor instances associated with this module
            Set<TypeConstructor> typeConsSet = new HashSet<TypeConstructor>();

            // Emit supercombinator symbols and collate data definitions
            // For every symbol, we generate its code, which determines what it is, and builds auxiliary entities
            for (final MachineFunction machineFunction : module.getFunctions()) {

                // Get the label.
                MachineFunctionImpl label = (MachineFunctionImpl)machineFunction;

                if (label.isCodeGenerated()) {

                if (label.getAliasOf() != null || label.getLiteralValue() != null) {
                    //System.out.println("**** Skipping: " + label.getQualifiedName() + "  -> alias of: " + label.getCoreFunction().getAliasOf());

                // Check to see if this is a primitive function.
                // Functions marked as primitive can be one of two things:
                // 1) a primitive function implemented as a machine specific operator
                // 2) a primitive function for which a hard coded machine specific implementation is provided.
                // If the function falls into category two we don't want to generate anything for it.
                if (label.isPrimitiveFunction()) {
                    // Check to see if this is considered a primitiv op.
                    if (PrimOps.fetchInfo(label.getQualifiedName()) == null && !label.getName().equals("unsafeCoerce")) {
                        // don't need to generate code.

                // This can either be a supercombinator or a data declaration
                if (label.getExpressionForm().asPackCons() != null) {
                    // This is a data declaration
                    // Add the associated TypeConstructor to the set for later code generation.
                    DataConstructor dc = label.getExpressionForm().asPackCons().getDataConstructor();
                    TypeConstructor typeCons = dc.getTypeConstructor();
                } else {
                    // This is a supercombinator.  Emit the definition if necessary.
                    try {
                        LECCModule.FunctionGroupInfo fgi = module.getFunctionGroupInfo(label);

                        javaGenerator.createFunction(fgi, generateAll, logger);
                    } catch (CodeGenerationException e) {
                        try {
                            // Note: The code generation could potentially have failed because a foreign type or a foreign function's corresponding Java entity
                            // could not be resolved. (In this case the CodeGenerationException would be wrapping an UnableToResolveForeignEntityException)

                            final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
                            if (cause instanceof UnableToResolveForeignEntityException) {

                            generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAborted(label.getQualifiedName().getQualifiedName()), e));

                        } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}

                        return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;

                    } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e) {
                        try {
                            generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAborted(label.getQualifiedName().getQualifiedName())));
                        } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}

                        return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;

                    if (isForAdjunct()) {
                        String fullClassName = CALToJavaNames.createFullClassNameFromSC(label.getQualifiedName(), module);

                // Clear the expression form, since we're finished with it.

            // Emit any data definitions as necessary.
            for (final TypeConstructor typeCons : typeConsSet) {
                if (LECCMachineConfiguration.TREAT_ENUMS_AS_INTS && TypeExpr.isEnumType(typeCons)) {
                    //System.out.println ("**** skipping data type because it is enum: " + typeConsName);

                if (isForAdjunct()) {
                    String className = CALToJavaNames.createFullClassNameFromType (typeCons, module);

                try {
                    javaGenerator.createTypeDefinition(typeCons, generateAll, logger);
                } catch (CodeGenerationException e) {
                    try {
                        // Note: The code generation could potentially have failed because a foreign type or a foreign function's corresponding Java entity
                        // could not be resolved. (In this case the CodeGenerationException would be wrapping an UnableToResolveForeignEntityException)

                        final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
                        if (cause instanceof UnableToResolveForeignEntityException) {

                        String className = CALToJavaNames.createFullClassNameFromType (typeCons, module);
                        generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAborted(className), e));

                    } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}

                    return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;

            informStatusListeners(StatusListener.SM_GENCODE_DONE, moduleName);

            // Now compile the java sources for this module.
            try {
            } catch (CodeGenerationException e) {
                try {
                    generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.FailedToFinalizeJavaCode(moduleName), e));
                } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}

                return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;

            // Update the generated code info map.  Write out the generated code info if it's new.
            if (!isForAdjunct()) {
                if (forImmediateUse) {
                    immediateUseModuleNameToGeneratedCodeInfoMap.put(module.getName(), newCodeInfo);

                } else {
                    if (!newCodeInfo.equals(existingCodeInfo)) {

                        // Get the module folder.  Ensure that it exists.
                        ProgramResourceLocator.Folder moduleFolder = getModuleResourceFolder(module);
                        try {

                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            // the folder couldn't be created.
                            generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(moduleName, e)));

                    if (forceCodeRegen && LECCMachineConfiguration.generateBytecode()) {
                        // Delete any extraneous files in the target directory.
                        deleteExtraneousCode(module, javaGenerator.getGeneratedClassFiles());

                    // write out the compiled module definition.
                    writeCompiledModuleInfo (module, generateLogger);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                if (generateLogger.getNErrors() > 0) {
                    //if an error occurred previously, we continue to compile the program to try to report additional
                    //meaningful compilation errors. However, this can produce spurious exceptions related to the fact
                    //that the program state does not satisfy preconditions because of the initial error(s). We don't
                    //report the spurious exception as an internal coding error.
                    generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Fatal.UnableToRecoverFromCodeGenErrors(module.getName())));
                } else {
                    generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Fatal.CodeGenerationAbortedDueToInternalCodingError(module.getName()), e));
            } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation ace) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
        } catch (Error e) {
            try {
                generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(module.getName(), e), null));
            } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}

        } finally {
            // Log messages to the passed-in logger.
            if (logger != null) {
                try {
                } catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e) {
                    /* Ignore and continue. */

        return generateLogger.getMaxSeverity();
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        // Set the status label to show that the GemCutter is initializing

        // Compile, capturing the max error severity and the error to be displayed, if any
        boolean foundErrors = false;
        CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger ();

        // Set to busy cursor, since compilation may take a while.
        Cursor oldCursor = getCursor();
        try {
            workspaceManager.compile(logger, dirtyModulesOnly, listener);

        } finally {
            // Reset the old cursor.
        CompilerMessage.Severity errSev = logger.getMaxSeverity();
        if (errSev.compareTo(CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR) >= 0) {
            foundErrors = true;
            // A problem occurred
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                try {
                    ExtendedUndoableEditSupport undoableEditSupport = tableTop.getUndoableEditSupport();
                    CompilerMessageLogger logger = new MessageLogger();
                    if(logger.getMaxSeverity().compareTo(CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR) >= 0) {
                        showCompilationErrors(logger, getResourceString("ErrorWhileCalculatingModifications"));
                    if(logger.getMaxSeverity().compareTo(CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR) >= 0) {
                        showCompilationErrors(logger, getResourceString("ErrorWhileApplyingModifications"));
                    if(logger.getMaxSeverity().compareTo(CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR) >= 0) {
                        showCompilationErrors(logger, getResourceString("ErrorWhileRecompiling"));
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