try {
javaGenerator = new LECCJavaBytecodeGenerator(module, resourceRepository, isForAdjunct(), forImmediateUse, classFileWriter);
} catch (IOException e) {
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(moduleName, e)));
return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;
} else {
// Generate a list of package names for all the modules associated with this module.
Set<ModuleName> dependeeModuleNameSet = new HashSet<ModuleName>();
buildDependeeModuleNameSet(module.getModuleTypeInfo(), dependeeModuleNameSet);
try {
javaGenerator = new LECCJavaSourceGenerator(module, resourceRepository, dependeeModuleNameSet);
} catch (IOException e) {
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(moduleName, e)));
return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;
// Pass the status listeners to the java generator.
if (codeGenerationStats != null) {
// Check if this is a module we want to generate stats for.
String statsModuleNameString = System.getProperty("");
if (statsModuleNameString != null &&
(statsModuleNameString.equals("") || statsModuleNameString.equals(moduleName.toSourceText()) || statsModuleNameString.trim().toLowerCase().equals("all"))) {
// Set the object used to collect code generation info.
// Inform the stats collector that we're generating stats for new module.
// Retrieve the custom class loader that is stored in the Program object.
CALClassLoader calLoader = module.getClassLoader();
if (calLoader == null) {
// This should never be null.
throw (new CodeGenerationException ("Null class loader in LECCProgram."));
// Create a new Set to hold the TypeConstructor instances associated with this module
Set<TypeConstructor> typeConsSet = new HashSet<TypeConstructor>();
// Emit supercombinator symbols and collate data definitions
// For every symbol, we generate its code, which determines what it is, and builds auxiliary entities
for (final MachineFunction machineFunction : module.getFunctions()) {
// Get the label.
MachineFunctionImpl label = (MachineFunctionImpl)machineFunction;
if (label.isCodeGenerated()) {
if (label.getAliasOf() != null || label.getLiteralValue() != null) {
//System.out.println("**** Skipping: " + label.getQualifiedName() + " -> alias of: " + label.getCoreFunction().getAliasOf());
// Check to see if this is a primitive function.
// Functions marked as primitive can be one of two things:
// 1) a primitive function implemented as a machine specific operator
// 2) a primitive function for which a hard coded machine specific implementation is provided.
// If the function falls into category two we don't want to generate anything for it.
if (label.isPrimitiveFunction()) {
// Check to see if this is considered a primitiv op.
if (PrimOps.fetchInfo(label.getQualifiedName()) == null && !label.getName().equals("unsafeCoerce")) {
// don't need to generate code.
// This can either be a supercombinator or a data declaration
if (label.getExpressionForm().asPackCons() != null) {
// This is a data declaration
// Add the associated TypeConstructor to the set for later code generation.
DataConstructor dc = label.getExpressionForm().asPackCons().getDataConstructor();
TypeConstructor typeCons = dc.getTypeConstructor();
} else {
// This is a supercombinator. Emit the definition if necessary.
try {
LECCModule.FunctionGroupInfo fgi = module.getFunctionGroupInfo(label);
javaGenerator.createFunction(fgi, generateAll, logger);
} catch (CodeGenerationException e) {
try {
// Note: The code generation could potentially have failed because a foreign type or a foreign function's corresponding Java entity
// could not be resolved. (In this case the CodeGenerationException would be wrapping an UnableToResolveForeignEntityException)
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof UnableToResolveForeignEntityException) {
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAborted(label.getQualifiedName().getQualifiedName()), e));
} catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;
} catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e) {
try {
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAborted(label.getQualifiedName().getQualifiedName())));
} catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;
if (isForAdjunct()) {
String fullClassName = CALToJavaNames.createFullClassNameFromSC(label.getQualifiedName(), module);
// Clear the expression form, since we're finished with it.
// Emit any data definitions as necessary.
for (final TypeConstructor typeCons : typeConsSet) {
if (LECCMachineConfiguration.TREAT_ENUMS_AS_INTS && TypeExpr.isEnumType(typeCons)) {
//System.out.println ("**** skipping data type because it is enum: " + typeConsName);
if (isForAdjunct()) {
String className = CALToJavaNames.createFullClassNameFromType (typeCons, module);
try {
javaGenerator.createTypeDefinition(typeCons, generateAll, logger);
} catch (CodeGenerationException e) {
try {
// Note: The code generation could potentially have failed because a foreign type or a foreign function's corresponding Java entity
// could not be resolved. (In this case the CodeGenerationException would be wrapping an UnableToResolveForeignEntityException)
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof UnableToResolveForeignEntityException) {
String className = CALToJavaNames.createFullClassNameFromType (typeCons, module);
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAborted(className), e));
} catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;
informStatusListeners(StatusListener.SM_GENCODE_DONE, moduleName);
// Now compile the java sources for this module.
try {
} catch (CodeGenerationException e) {
try {
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.FailedToFinalizeJavaCode(moduleName), e));
} catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
return CompilerMessage.Severity.ERROR;
// Update the generated code info map. Write out the generated code info if it's new.
if (!isForAdjunct()) {
if (forImmediateUse) {
immediateUseModuleNameToGeneratedCodeInfoMap.put(module.getName(), newCodeInfo);
} else {
if (!newCodeInfo.equals(existingCodeInfo)) {
// Get the module folder. Ensure that it exists.
ProgramResourceLocator.Folder moduleFolder = getModuleResourceFolder(module);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// the folder couldn't be created.
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(moduleName, e)));
if (forceCodeRegen && LECCMachineConfiguration.generateBytecode()) {
// Delete any extraneous files in the target directory.
deleteExtraneousCode(module, javaGenerator.getGeneratedClassFiles());
// write out the compiled module definition.
writeCompiledModuleInfo (module, generateLogger);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (generateLogger.getNErrors() > 0) {
//if an error occurred previously, we continue to compile the program to try to report additional
//meaningful compilation errors. However, this can produce spurious exceptions related to the fact
//that the program state does not satisfy preconditions because of the initial error(s). We don't
//report the spurious exception as an internal coding error.
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Fatal.UnableToRecoverFromCodeGenErrors(module.getName())));
} else {
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Fatal.CodeGenerationAbortedDueToInternalCodingError(module.getName()), e));
} catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation ace) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
} catch (Error e) {
try {
generateLogger.logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new MessageKind.Error.CodeGenerationAbortedWithException(module.getName(), e), null));
} catch (CompilerMessage.AbortCompilation e2) {/* Ignore and continue. */}
} finally {
// Log messages to the passed-in logger.
if (logger != null) {