// Check to be sure the schema is known.
MultiValueResult<? extends Schema> schemas =
Registry.getInstance().getSchemas(schemaId, version, 0, 1);
if(schemas.count() == 0) {
new OmhException(
"The schema ID, '" +
schemaId +
"', and version, '" +
version +
"', pair is unknown.");
Schema schema = schemas.iterator().next();
// Get the user that owns this token.
User requestingUser = authToken.getUser();
// Parse the data.
JsonNode dataNode;
try {
dataNode =
catch(JsonParseException e) {
throw new OmhException("The data was not well-formed JSON.", e);
catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new OmhException("The data was not well-formed JSON.", e);
catch(IOException e) {
throw new OmhException("The data could not be read.", e);
// Make sure it is a JSON array.
if(! (dataNode instanceof ArrayNode)) {
throw new OmhException("The data was not a JSON array.");
ArrayNode dataArray = (ArrayNode) dataNode;
// Get the number of data points.
int numDataPoints = dataArray.size();
// Create the result list of data points.
List<Data> dataPoints = new ArrayList<Data>(numDataPoints);
// Create a new ObjectMapper that will be used to convert the meta-data
// node into a MetaData object.
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// For each element in the array, be sure it is a JSON object that
// represents a valid data point for this schema.
for(int i = 0; i < numDataPoints; i++) {
// Get the current data point.
JsonNode dataPoint = dataArray.get(i);
// Validate that it is a JSON object.
if(! (dataPoint instanceof ObjectNode)) {
new OmhException(
"A data point was not a JSON object: " + i);
ObjectNode dataObject = (ObjectNode) dataPoint;
// Attempt to get the meta-data;
MetaData metaData = null;
JsonNode metaDataNode = dataObject.get(Data.JSON_KEY_METADATA);
if(metaDataNode != null) {
metaData = mapper.convertValue(metaDataNode, MetaData.class);
// Attempt to get the schema data.
JsonNode schemaData = dataObject.get(Data.JSON_KEY_DATA);
// If the data is missing, fail the request.
if(schemaData == null) {
new OmhException(
"A data point's '" +
"' field is missing.");