protected void doGet(HttpActionREST action)
if ( action.hasTarget() )
errorBadRequest("Attempt to use GET for quads and name a graph") ;
MediaType mediaType = contentNegotationQuads(action) ;
ServletOutputStream output ;
try { output = action.response.getOutputStream() ; }
catch (IOException ex) { errorOccurred(ex) ; output = null ; }
TypedOutputStream out = new TypedOutputStream(output, mediaType) ;
Lang lang = FusekiLib.langFromContentType(mediaType.getContentType()) ;
if ( action.verbose )"[%d] Get: Content-Type=%s, Charset=%s => %s",, mediaType.getContentType(), mediaType.getCharset(), lang.getName())) ;
if ( ! lang.isQuads() )
errorBadRequest("Not a quads format: "+mediaType) ;
action.beginRead() ;
try {