Package org.openiaml.model.inference

Examples of org.openiaml.model.inference.InferenceException

    try {
      monitor.beginTask("Refreshing " + getTitle() + " mappings", 100);
      EObject obj = part.resolveSemanticElement();
      if (!getExpectedEObjectClass().isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {
        throw new InferenceException("Resolved EObject from EditPart was not of expected type " + getExpectedEObjectClass().getSimpleName() + ": was " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName());
      // select the actual target
      final EObject target = selectRootElement(obj);
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        try {
          super.create(model, logRuleSource, monitor, new InferenceQueueLog());
          // reload
          model = reloader.reload();
        } catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
          throw new InferenceException(e1);
        } catch (IOException e1) {
          throw new InferenceException(e1);
        } catch (ModelLoadException e1) {
          throw new InferenceException(e1);
        int MAX_TIMES = 10;
        List<Long> timedList = new ArrayList<Long>();
        // now execute it 5 times, to get the times
        for (int iteration = 0; iteration < MAX_TIMES; iteration++) {
          System.out.println("iteration " + (iteration + 1) + "...");
          long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          super.create(model, logRuleSource, monitor);
          long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
          // reload
          try {
            model = reloader.reload();
          } catch (ModelLoadException e) {
            throw new InferenceException(e);
        long diff = timedList.get(0);
        // this execution is to get the actual final result
        super.create(model, logRuleSource, monitor);

        // investigate final model properties
        List<Object> finalProperties = getModelPropertiesInvestigator(false).investigate(model);
        List<Object> finalPropertiesNoGen = getModelPropertiesInvestigator(true).investigate(model);
        List<Object> finalDiff = getIncreaseAbsolute(finalPropertiesNoGen, finalProperties);
        List<Object> finalDiffPct = getIncreasePercent(finalPropertiesNoGen, finalProperties);

        // how many are in the final model?
        int finalCount = 0;
          Iterator<EObject> it = model.eAllContents();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
        // write this out to a log file
        try {
          File f = new File("inference-properties.csv");
          if (!f.exists()) {
            // write down a list of all the property names
            write(f, "mode", getModelPropertiesInvestigator(false).getModelProperties());
          write(f, "initial", initialProperties);
          write(f, "initial-no-gen", initialPropertiesNoGen);
          write(f, "initial-diff", initialDiff);
          write(f, "initial-diff-%", initialDiffPct);
          write(f, "final", finalProperties);
          write(f, "final-no-gen", finalPropertiesNoGen);
          write(f, "final-diff", finalDiff);
          write(f, "final-diff-%", finalDiffPct);
          write(f, "time", timedList);
          System.out.println(initial + " -> " + finalCount + "(" + diff + " ms)");
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new InferenceException(e);

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            return root;
          } catch (ModelLoadException e) {
            throw new InferenceException(e);
      InternetApplication root = (InternetApplication) reloader.reload();
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  public EObject createElement(final EObject container, EClass elementType,
      EStructuralFeature containerFeature) throws InferenceException {
    try {
      if (container == null)
        // return null;
        throw new InferenceException("Cannot create an element in a null container");

      IElementType et = getDiagramEditType(elementType);

      // GMF 2.2: XXXCreateCommands no longer extend CreateElementCommand, so
      // we must get the newly created element from the CreateElementRequest instead
      CreateElementRequest request = new CreateElementRequest(getEditingDomain(), container, et );
      EditElementCommand cc = getDiagramCreateNodeCommand(request, elementType );
      if (cc == null) {
        // we can't do anything because the diagram editor won't allow us to create it currently
        //return null;
        throw new InferenceException("Cannot create an element " + elementType + " in the editing domain " + getEditingDomain());

      //EObject createdElement = cc.getNewElement();
      EObject createdElement = request.getNewElement();

      return createdElement;
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
      throw new InferenceException(e);
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      EStructuralFeature sourceFeature, EStructuralFeature targetFeature)
      throws InferenceException {
    try {
      if (container == null || source == null || target == null)
        //return null;
        throw new InferenceException("Cannot create a relationship in a null container, source or target");

      // GMF 2.2: XXXCreateCommands no longer extend CreateElementCommand, so
      // we must get the newly created element from the CreateElementRequest instead
      CreateRelationshipRequest request = new CreateRelationshipRequest(getEditingDomain(), container, source, target, getDiagramEditType(elementType) );
      EditElementCommand cc = getDiagramCreateRelationshipCommand(request, elementType, source, target );
      if (cc == null) {
        // we can't do anything because the diagram editor won't allow us to create it currently
        //return null;
        throw new InferenceException("Cannot create a relationship " + elementType + " in the editing domain " + getEditingDomain());

      //EObject createdElement = cc.getNewElement();
      EObject createdElement = request.getNewElement();

      return createdElement;
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
      throw new InferenceException(e);
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  public void setValue(EObject element, EStructuralFeature reference,
      Object value) throws InferenceException {
    try {
      if (element == null)
        throw new InferenceException("Cannot set a value on a null element");

      SetValueCommand sv = new SetValueCommand(new SetRequest(getEditingDomain(), element, reference, value));
      if (sv == null) {
        // we can't do anything because the diagram editor won't allow us to create it currently
        throw new InferenceException("Cannot set a value " + reference + " on the element " + element);
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
      throw new InferenceException(e);
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  public void addReference(EObject element, EStructuralFeature reference,
      Object value) throws InferenceException {
    try {
      if (element == null)
        throw new InferenceException("Cannot set a value on a null element");

      AddReferenceCommand sv = new AddReferenceCommand(new SetRequest(getEditingDomain(), element, reference, value));
      if (sv == null) {
        // we can't do anything because the diagram editor won't allow us to create it currently
        throw new InferenceException("Cannot set a value " + reference + " on the element " + element);
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
      throw new InferenceException(e);
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  public void deleteElement(EObject object, EObject container,
      EStructuralFeature containerFeature)
      throws InferenceException {

    // TODO implement
    throw new InferenceException("Cannot yet delete from GmfInferenceHandler");
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        public EObject reload() throws InferenceException {
          try {
            return loader.loadDirectly(loadClass, logRuleSource);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new InferenceException(e);
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          public EObject reload() throws InferenceException {
            try {
              return loader.loadModelDirectly(filename);
            } catch (ModelLoadException e) {
              throw new InferenceException(e);
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Related Classes of org.openiaml.model.inference.InferenceException

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