AstroBindingConfigHelper helper = new AstroBindingConfigHelper();
for (String entry : entries) {
String[] entryParts = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(entry).split("[=]");
if (entryParts.length != 2) {
throw new BindingConfigParseException("A bindingConfig must have a key and a value");
String key = StringUtils.trim(entryParts[0]);
String value = StringUtils.trim(entryParts[1]);
value = StringUtils.removeStart(value, "\"");
value = StringUtils.removeEnd(value, "\"");
try {
if ("offset".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
helper.getClass().getDeclaredField(key).set(helper, Integer.valueOf(value.toString()));
} else {
helper.getClass().getDeclaredField(key).set(helper, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BindingConfigParseException("Could not set value " + value + " for attribute " + key);
if (helper.isOldStyle()) {
"Old Astro binding style for item {}, please see Wiki page for new style:",
return getOldAstroBindingConfig(helper);
if (!helper.isValid()) {
throw new BindingConfigParseException("Invalid binding: " + bindingConfig);
PlanetName planetName = getPlanetName(helper);
if (planetName == null) {
throw new BindingConfigParseException("Invalid binding, unknown planet: " + bindingConfig);
AstroBindingConfig astroConfig = new AstroBindingConfig(planetName, helper.type,, helper.offset);
if (!PropertyUtils.hasProperty(context.getPlanet(astroConfig.getPlanetName()), astroConfig.getPlanetProperty())) {
throw new BindingConfigParseException("Invalid binding, unknown type or property: " + bindingConfig);
return astroConfig;