return file.getName();
public void run(TestResult result) {
try {
ProgressListener watch;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
final URL source = file.toURI().toURL();
if (factory.canProcess(DriverOperation.CONNECT, source, null)) {
// getting access to the file
watch = new TestProgress();
final CoverageAccess access = factory.process(DriverOperation.CONNECT,source,null, null, watch);
assertEquals("Connect progress", 1.0f, watch
if (access == null)
throw new IOException("Could not access " + file);
// get the names
watch = new TestProgress();
final List<Name> names = access.getNames(watch);
assertEquals("names progress", 1.0f, watch
for (Name name : names) {
// get a source
watch = new TestProgress();
final CoverageSource gridSource = access.access(
name, null, AccessType.READ_ONLY, null,
assertEquals("access progress", 1.0f, watch
if (gridSource == null)
throw new IOException("");
// create a request
// reading the coverage
watch = new TestProgress();
CoverageResponse response =
new DefaultCoverageReadRequest(), watch);
assertEquals("read progress", 1.0f, watch
assertNotNull("response is null", response);
assertEquals("response success", Status.SUCCESS,
assertTrue("response has no errors", response
watch = new TestProgress();
final Collection<? extends Coverage> results = response
assertEquals("request results progress", 1.0f,
for (Coverage c : results) {
GridCoverage2D coverage = (GridCoverage2D) c;
// Crs and envelope
if (TestData.isInteractiveTest()) {