final Object rx = kvp.get("resx");
final Object ry = kvp.get("resy");
if (rx != null && ry != null) {
// get resx e resy but correct also the sign for them taking into account
final CoordinateSystem cs=crs.getCoordinateSystem();
final AxisDirection northingDirection=cs.getAxis(1).getDirection();
final int yAxisCorrection=AxisDirection.NORTH.equals(northingDirection)?-1:1;
final AxisDirection eastingDirection=cs.getAxis(0).getDirection();
final int xAxisCorrection=AxisDirection.EAST.equals(eastingDirection)?1:-1;
final double resX = Double.parseDouble((String) rx)*xAxisCorrection;
final double resY = Double.parseDouble((String) ry)*yAxisCorrection;
// basic check, the resolution cannot be larger than any of the two spans