ensureNonNull("axis", axis);
this.axis = axis.clone();
for (int i=0; i<axis.length; i++) {
ensureNonNull("axis", axis, i);
final AxisDirection direction = axis[i].getDirection();
ensureNonNull("direction", direction);
* Ensures that axis direction and units are compatible with the
* coordinate system to be created. For example CartesianCS will
* accepts only linear or dimensionless units.
if (!isCompatibleDirection(direction)) {
// TOOD: localize name()
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(
ErrorKeys.ILLEGAL_AXIS_ORIENTATION_$2,, getClass()));
final Unit<?> unit = axis[i].getUnit();
ensureNonNull("unit", unit);
if (!isCompatibleUnit(direction, unit)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(
ErrorKeys.INCOMPATIBLE_UNIT_$1, unit));
* Ensures there is no axis along the same direction
* (e.g. two North axis, or an East and a West axis).
final AxisDirection check = direction.absolute();
if (!check.equals(AxisDirection.OTHER)) {
for (int j=i; --j>=0;) {
if (check.equals(axis[j].getDirection().absolute())) {
// TODO: localize name()
final String nameI = axis[i].getDirection().name();
final String nameJ = axis[j].getDirection().name();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(
ErrorKeys.COLINEAR_AXIS_$2, nameI, nameJ));
* Checks for some inconsistency in naming and direction. For example if the axis
* is named "Northing", then the direction must be North. Exceptions to this rule
* are the directions along a meridian from a pole. For example a "Northing" axis
* may have a "South along 180 deg" direction.
final String name = axis[i].getName().getCode();
for (int j=0; j<DIRECTION_CHECKS.length; j++) {
final DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis candidate = DIRECTION_CHECKS[j];
if (candidate.nameMatches(name)) {
final AxisDirection expected = candidate.getDirection();
if (!direction.equals(expected)) {
DirectionAlongMeridian m = DirectionAlongMeridian.parse(direction);
* Note: for the check below, maybe it would have be nice to use: