new ImagingParameterDescriptors(operation, replacingDescriptors);
// Sets the parameter we want to override
final ParameterValueGroup rip = ripd.createValue();
assertSame(ripd, rip.getDescriptor());
final ParameterValue p = rip.parameter("xPeriod");
assertSame(SPATIAL_SUBSAMPLING_X, p.getDescriptor());
// Note that we are supposed to use spatial coordinates for this value we are seeting here.
assertTrue(p.toString().startsWith("xPeriod = 2.3"));
// Tests direct access to the parameter list.
final ParameterList pl = ((ImagingParameters) rip).parameters;
assertSame(pl, pl.setParameter("xPeriod", 2));
assertSame(pl, pl.setParameter("yPeriod", 2));
assertEquals(2, pl.getIntParameter("xPeriod"));
assertEquals(2, pl.getIntParameter("yPeriod"));
assertEquals("Setting 'xPeriod' on ParameterList should have no effect on ParameterValue.",
2.3, p.doubleValue(), 1E-6);
assertEquals("'yPeriod' should still backed by the ParameterList.",
2, rip.parameter("yPeriod").intValue());