PropertyName ae ="/wq_plus/measurement/result");
List unrolled = (List) ae.accept(visitor, null);
assertEquals(1, unrolled.size());
Expression unmappedExpr = (Expression) unrolled.get(0);
assertTrue(unmappedExpr instanceof PropertyName);
PropertyName attExp = (PropertyName) unmappedExpr;
assertEquals("results_value", attExp.getPropertyName());
// now try with an AttributeExpression that is not directly mapped to an
// attribute
// expresion on the surrogate FeatureType, but to a composite one.
// For example, create a mapping from the test case simple source to
// a complex type with an "areaOfInfluence" attribute, which is a buffer
// over the simple "location" attribute
// and another which is the concatenation of the attributes "anzlic_no"
// and "project_no"
FeatureTypeMapping mapping = createSampleDerivedAttributeMappings();
targetDescriptor = mapping.getTargetFeature();
visitor = new UnmappingFilterVisitor(mapping);
attExp ="areaOfInfluence");
List unrolledExpressions = (List) attExp.accept(visitor, null);
assertEquals(1, unrolledExpressions.size());
unmappedExpr = (Expression) unrolledExpressions.get(0);
assertTrue(unmappedExpr instanceof Function);
Function fe = (Function) unmappedExpr;
assertEquals("buffer", fe.getName());
Expression arg0 = (Expression) fe.getParameters().get(0);
assertTrue(arg0 instanceof PropertyName);
assertEquals("location", ((PropertyName) arg0).getPropertyName());