* default? I will add them, but don't really know what's the expected
* behavior
List<PropertyName> atts = new ArrayList<PropertyName>(attributes);
Collection<PropertyDescriptor> attTypes = schema.getDescriptors();
Name attName;
for (PropertyDescriptor pd : attTypes) {
//attName = pd.getName().getLocalPart();
attName = pd.getName();
// DJB: This geometry check was commented out. I think it should
// actually be back in or
// you get ALL the attributes back, which isn't what you want.
// ALX: For rasters I need even the "grid" attribute.
// DJB:geos-469, we do not grab all the geometry columns.
// for symbolizers, if a geometry is required it is either
// explicitly named
// ("<Geometry><PropertyName>the_geom</PropertyName></Geometry>")
// or the default geometry is assumed (no <Geometry> element).
// I've modified the style attribute extractor so it tracks if the
// default geometry is used. So, we no longer add EVERY geometry
// column to the query!!
if ((attName.getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase("grid"))
&& !attributeNames.contains(attName.getLocalPart())
|| (attName.getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase("params"))
&& !attributeNames.contains(attName.getLocalPart())
) {
atts.add(filterFactory.property (attName));
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
LOGGER.fine("added attribute " + attName);