* @return A new {@linkplain GridCoverage grid coverage} from the input source, or {@code null}
* if the requested envelope is outside the data bounds
public GridCoverage2D read(GeneralParameterValue[] params) throws IOException {
final GeneralEnvelope requestedEnvelope;
final GridEnvelope requestedDim;
final OverviewPolicy overviewPolicy;
final ReadParameters opParams = parseReadParams(params);
overviewPolicy = opParams.overviewPolicy;
requestedEnvelope = opParams.requestedEnvelope;
requestedDim = opParams.dim;
* For each raster in the raster dataset, obtain the tiles, pixel range, and resulting
* envelope
final List<RasterQueryInfo> queries;
queries = findMatchingRasters(requestedEnvelope, requestedDim, overviewPolicy);
if (queries.isEmpty()) {
if (requestedEnvelope.intersects(getOriginalEnvelope(), true)) {
* No matching rasters but envelopes intersect, meaning it's a raster catalog with
* irregular coverage and the request lies on an area with no coverage
ImageTypeSpecifier imageTypeSpecifier;
imageTypeSpecifier = RasterUtils.createFullImageTypeSpecifier(rasterInfo, 0);
SampleModel sampleModel = imageTypeSpecifier.getSampleModel();
Point location = new Point(0, 0);
WritableRaster raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, location);
GridCoverage2D emptyCoverage;
emptyCoverage = coverageFactory.create(coverageName, raster, requestedEnvelope);
return emptyCoverage;
* none of the rasters match the requested envelope.
return null;
final LoggingHelper log = new LoggingHelper();
* Once we collected the matching rasters and their image subsets, find out where in the
* overall resulting mosaic they fit. If the rasters does not share the spatial resolution,
* the QueryInfo.resultDimension and QueryInfo.mosaicLocation width or height won't match
final GridEnvelope mosaicGeometry;
mosaicGeometry = RasterUtils.setMosaicLocations(rasterInfo, queries);
if (mosaicGeometry.getSpan(0) == 0 || mosaicGeometry.getSpan(1) == 0) {
LOGGER.finer("Mosaic geometry width or height is zero,"
+ " returning fake coverage for pixels " + mosaicGeometry);
return null;
* Gather the rendered images for each of the rasters that match the requested envelope
final TiledRasterReader rasterReader = rasterReaderFactory.create(rasterInfo);
try {
readAllTiledRasters(queries, rasterReader, log);
} finally {
// rasterReader.dispose();
final RenderedImage coverageRaster = createMosaic(queries, mosaicGeometry, log);
assert mosaicGeometry.getSpan(0) == coverageRaster.getWidth();
assert mosaicGeometry.getSpan(1) == coverageRaster.getHeight();
GridSampleDimension[] bands = getSampleDimensions(coverageRaster);