* Block A
BlockEntryImpl blockA = block("a");
TripEntryImpl tripA1 = trip("a1", "s1"); // 1
TripEntryImpl tripA2 = trip("a2", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripA3 = trip("a3", "s1");
stopTime(0, stopA, tripA1, 0, 10, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripA1, 20, 20, 0);
stopTime(0, stopC, tripA2, 30, 30, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripA2, 40, 40, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripA3, 50, 50, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripA3, 60, 70, 0);
BlockConfigurationEntry bcA = linkBlockTrips(blockA, tripA1, tripA2, tripA3);
* Block B - Same trip/stop sequence as A
BlockEntryImpl blockB = block("b");
TripEntryImpl tripB1 = trip("b1", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripB2 = trip("b2", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripB3 = trip("b3", "s1");
stopTime(0, stopA, tripB1, 20, 30, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripB1, 50, 50, 0);
stopTime(0, stopC, tripB2, 60, 60, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripB2, 70, 70, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripB3, 80, 80, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripB3, 90, 100, 0);
BlockConfigurationEntry bcB = linkBlockTrips(blockB, tripB1, tripB2, tripB3);
* Block C - Same stop sequence, but runs a little bit faster
BlockEntryImpl blockC = block("c");
TripEntryImpl tripC1 = trip("c1", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripC2 = trip("c2", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripC3 = trip("c3", "s1");
stopTime(0, stopA, tripC1, 40, 50, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripC1, 60, 60, 0);
stopTime(0, stopC, tripC2, 70, 70, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripC2, 80, 80, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripC3, 85, 85, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripC3, 90, 95, 0);
BlockConfigurationEntry bcC = linkBlockTrips(blockC, tripC1, tripC2, tripC3);
* Block D - Same stop sequence, but with different service id
BlockEntryImpl blockD = block("d");
TripEntryImpl tripD1 = trip("d1", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripD2 = trip("d2", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripD3 = trip("d3", "s2");
stopTime(0, stopA, tripD1, 40, 50, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripD1, 70, 70, 0);
stopTime(0, stopC, tripD2, 80, 80, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripD2, 90, 90, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripD3, 100, 100, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripD3, 110, 120, 0);
BlockConfigurationEntry bcD = linkBlockTrips(blockD, tripD1, tripD2, tripD3);
* Block E - One less stop
BlockEntryImpl blockE = block("e");
TripEntryImpl tripE1 = trip("e1", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripE2 = trip("e2", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripE3 = trip("e3", "s1");
stopTime(0, stopA, tripE1, 50, 60, 0);
stopTime(0, stopB, tripE1, 80, 80, 0);
stopTime(0, stopC, tripE2, 90, 90, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripE2, 100, 100, 0);
stopTime(0, stopA, tripE3, 110, 110, 0);
BlockConfigurationEntry bcE = linkBlockTrips(blockE, tripE1, tripE2, tripE3);
* Block F - Another to group with E, but earlier
BlockEntryImpl blockF = block("f");
TripEntryImpl tripF1 = trip("f1", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripF2 = trip("f2", "s1");
TripEntryImpl tripF3 = trip("f3", "s1");