public FullInterfaceDescription describe_interface()
if ( ! defined)
throw new INTF_REPOS ("InterfaceDef " + name + " not defined.");
if( fullDescription == null )
String def_in = "IDL:Global:1.0";
if( defined_in instanceof org.omg.CORBA.Contained )
def_in = ((org.omg.CORBA.Contained)defined_in).id();
/* before assembling descriptions, get hold of all super
types' FullInterfaceDescriptions */
FullInterfaceDescription [] baseDescriptions =
new FullInterfaceDescription[ base_interfaces().length ];
for( int b = 0; b < base_interfaces.length; b++ )
baseDescriptions[b] = base_interfaces[b].describe_interface();
/* build operation descriptions */
Hashtable ops = new Hashtable();
for( int c = 0; c < op_defs.length; c++ )
OperationDescription operation = op_defs[c].describe_operation();
ops.put(, operation );
/* get operation descriptions from super types, potentially duplicate
descriptions due to diamond inheritance are removed by hashing
for( int baseOps = 0; baseOps < baseDescriptions.length; baseOps++ )
for( int bbaseOps = 0;
bbaseOps < baseDescriptions[baseOps].operations.length;
bbaseOps++ )
OperationDescription base_op =
if( !ops.containsKey( ))
ops.put(, base_op );
operations = new OperationDescription[ ops.size() ];
int opsCount = 0;
for( Enumeration e = ops.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); opsCount++ )
operations[ opsCount ] = (OperationDescription)e.nextElement();
/* build attribute descriptions */
Hashtable atts = new Hashtable();
for( int a = 0; a < att_defs.length; a++ )
AttributeDescription att = att_defs[a].describe_attribute();
atts.put(, att );
/* get attribute descriptions from super types */
for( int baseAtts = 0; baseAtts < baseDescriptions.length; baseAtts++ )
for( int bbaseAtts = 0;
bbaseAtts < baseDescriptions[ baseAtts ].attributes.length;
bbaseAtts++ )
AttributeDescription base_att =
baseDescriptions[ baseAtts ].attributes[ bbaseAtts ];
if( !atts.containsKey( ))
atts.put(, base_att );
attributes = new AttributeDescription[ atts.size() ];
int attsCount = 0;
for( Enumeration e = atts.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); attsCount++ )
attributes[ attsCount ] = (AttributeDescription)e.nextElement();
/* build constant descriptions */
constants = new org.omg.CORBA.ConstantDescription[ constant_defs.length ];
for( int b = 0; b < constant_defs.length; b++ )
constants[b] = constant_defs[b].describe_constant();
if (operations == null)
throw new INTF_REPOS ("operations null!");
if (attributes == null)
throw new INTF_REPOS ("attributes null!");
fullDescription =
new FullInterfaceDescription( name,