// encode the principal name as mandated by RFC2743.
byte[] encodedName = CSIv2Util.encodeGssExportedName(principalName);
// encapsulate the encoded name.
Any any = ORB.init().create_any();
byte[] encapsulatedEncodedName;
GSS_NT_ExportedNameHelper.insert(any, encodedName);
try {
encapsulatedEncodedName = codec.encode_value(any);
} catch (InvalidTypeForEncoding e) {
throw JacORBMessages.MESSAGES.unexpectedException(e);
// create identity token.
identityToken = new IdentityToken();
} else if ((secMech.sas_context_mech.supported_identity_types & ITTAnonymous.value) != 0) {
// no run-as or caller identity and the target supports ITTAnonymous: use the anonymous identity.
identityToken = new IdentityToken();
if ((secMech.as_context_mech.target_requires & EstablishTrustInClient.value) != 0) {
// will create authentication token with the configured pair serverUsername/serverPassword.
byte[] encodedTargetName = secMech.as_context_mech.target_name;
String name = serverUsername;
if (name.indexOf('@') < 0) {
byte[] decodedTargetName =
String targetName = new String(decodedTargetName, "UTF-8");
name += "@" + targetName; // "@default"
byte[] username = name.getBytes("UTF-8");
// I don't know why there is not a better way to go from char[] -> byte[].
byte[] password = serverPassword.getBytes("UTF-8");
// create authentication token
InitialContextToken authenticationToken = new InitialContextToken(username, password, encodedTargetName);
// ASN.1-encode it, as defined in RFC 2743.
encodedAuthenticationToken = CSIv2Util.encodeInitialContextToken(authenticationToken, codec);
if (identityToken != absentIdentityToken || encodedAuthenticationToken != noAuthenticationToken) {
// at least one non-null token was created, create EstablishContext message with it.
EstablishContext message = new EstablishContext(0, // stateless ctx id
noAuthorizationToken, identityToken, encodedAuthenticationToken);
// create SAS context with the EstablishContext message.
SASContextBody contextBody = new SASContextBody();
// stuff the SAS context into the outgoing request.
Any any = ORB.init().create_any();
SASContextBodyHelper.insert(any, contextBody);
ServiceContext sc = new ServiceContext(sasContextId, codec.encode_value(any));
ri.add_request_service_context(sc, true /*replace existing context*/);
} catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {