CourseNode clonedCourseNode = (CourseNode) ObjectCloner.deepCopy(resultingCourseRun.getRootNode());
CourseEditorTreeNode clonedRoot = new CourseEditorTreeNode(clonedCourseNode);
convertInCourseEditorTreeNode(clonedRoot, clonedCourseNode);
clonedCourseNode.removeAllChildren(); // Do remove all children after convertInCourseEditorTreeNode
CourseEditorTreeModel cloneCETM = new CourseEditorTreeModel();
* now we have the cloned editor tree synchronized with the pre-published
* runstructure. The cloned editor tree is used within a new
* CourseEditorEnvironment which is placed in a new Editor User Course
* Session for evaluation only. This is like opening the runstructure in a
* virtual course editor for using the validation facilities of the editor
* environment.
CourseEditorEnv tmpCEV = new CourseEditorEnvImpl(cloneCETM, course.getCourseEnvironment().getCourseGroupManager(), locale);
// the resulting object is not needed, but constructor makes
// initializations within tmpCEV!! thus important step.
new EditorUserCourseEnvironmentImpl(tmpCEV);
StatusDescription[] status = tmpCEV.getCourseStatus();
// check if the resulting course contains cycles.
Set<String> nodesInCycle = tmpCEV.listCycles();
if (nodesInCycle.size() > 0) {
// there are nodes generating cylces -> error! this is not a publishable
// set!
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<String> iter = nodesInCycle.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String id =;
String title = editorTreeModel.getCourseEditorNodeById(id).getTitle();
sb.append("(id:").append(id).append(")<br />");
StatusDescription sd = new StatusDescription(ValidationStatus.ERROR, "pbl.error.cycles", "pbl.error.cycles", new String[] { sb
.toString() }, PACKAGE);
status = new StatusDescription[] { sd };
} else {
* these are now status description as they are helpful in the editor
* context. The same errors in the publish context have a kind of
* different meaning --- Let the nodes explain what it means in publish
* mode.
for (int i = 0; i < status.length; i++) {
StatusDescription description = status[i];
String nodeId = description.getDescriptionForUnit();
CourseNode cn = cloneCETM.getCourseNode(nodeId);
status[i] = cn.explainThisDuringPublish(description);
return status;