private Map<String, List<String>> checkReferencesFor(TreeNode tn) {
final CourseEditorTreeModel cetm = CourseFactory.getCourseEditSession(ores.getResourceableId()).getEditorTreeModel();
//create a list of all nodes in the selected subtree
final Set<String> allSubTreeids = new HashSet<String>();
TreeVisitor tv = new TreeVisitor(new Visitor() {
public void visit(INode node) {
}, tn, true);
//find all references pointing from outside the subtree into the subtree or
//on the subtree root node.
final Map<String, List<String>> allRefs = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
tv = new TreeVisitor(new Visitor() {
public void visit(INode node) {
List referencingNodes = euce.getCourseEditorEnv().getReferencingNodeIdsFor(node.getIdent());
// subtract the inner nodes. This allows to delete a whole subtree if
// only references residing completly inside the subtree are active.
if (referencingNodes.size() > 0) {
List<String> nodeNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Iterator iter = referencingNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String nodeId = (String) iter.next();
CourseNode cn = cetm.getCourseNode(nodeId);
allRefs.put(node.getIdent(), nodeNames);
}, tn, true);
// traverse all nodes from the deletion startpoint
// allRefs contains now all references, or zero if ready for delete.
return allRefs;