RepositoryEntry repoEntry = RepositoryManager.getInstance().lookupRepositoryEntryBySoftkey(cc.getGlossarySoftKey(), false);
DTab dt = dts.getDTab(repoEntry.getOlatResource());
if (dt != null) {
dts.activate(ureq, dt, ((Boolean)allowGlossaryEditing).toString());
} else {
ControllerCreator ctrlCreator = new ControllerCreator() {
public Controller createController(UserRequest lureq, WindowControl lwControl) {
GlossaryMainController glossaryController = CourseGlossaryFactory.createCourseGlossaryMainRunController(lwControl, lureq, cc,
if (glossaryController == null) {
// happens in the unlikely event of a user who is in a course and
// now
// tries to access the glossary
String text = translate("error.noglossary");
return MessageUIFactory.createInfoMessage(lureq, lwControl, null, text);
} else {
// use a one-column main layout
LayoutMain3ColsController layoutCtr = new LayoutMain3ColsController(lureq, lwControl, null, null, glossaryController
.getInitialComponent(), null);
// dispose glossary on layout dispose
return layoutCtr;
ControllerCreator layoutCtrlr = BaseFullWebappPopupLayoutFactory.createAuthMinimalPopupLayout(ureq, ctrlCreator);
// open in new browser window
openInNewBrowserWindow(ureq, layoutCtrlr);
return;// immediate return after opening new browser window!