private void generateCharts(Graph graph) {
statisticVc_.contextPut("hasChart", Boolean.FALSE);
statisticVc_.contextPut("hasChartError", Boolean.FALSE);
if (graph==null || graph.numElements==0) {
Component ic = getInitialComponent();
if (ic!=null) {
statisticVc_.contextPut("chartAlt", getTranslator().translate("chart.alt"));
statisticVc_.contextPut("chartIntro", graph.chartIntroStr);
int lengthLastLabel = graph.getLengthOfLastLabel(); // if '|' does not occur, this will be length+1 which is okish
int maxWidth = 1000;
int idealBarWidth = 32;
int idealBarSpace = 24;
int widthPerCharacter = 6; // this is the width per character, roughly
int additionalYAxisWidth = 9; // this is the width needed for the y axis and the dashes themselves
int spareWidth = 5;
int minimalSpaceBetweenLabels = 2;
double maxLabelWidth = ((double)idealBarWidth+(double)idealBarSpace-(double)minimalSpaceBetweenLabels);
int maxLabelChars = (int)Math.floor(maxLabelWidth/(double)widthPerCharacter);
int yAxisWidthLeftMargin = String.valueOf(graph.max).length()*widthPerCharacter + additionalYAxisWidth;
int yAxisWidthRightMargin = (maxLabelChars*widthPerCharacter)/2 + spareWidth;
double idealWidthToSpaceRatio = (double)idealBarWidth/(double)idealBarSpace;
String chartType = "bvs";
String chartData = graph.chd;
String chartDataScaling = "0,"+graph.max;
String chartAxisRange = "1,0,"+graph.max;
String chartColor = "879CB8";
//olat dark blue r=91, g=117, b=154 => 5B,75,9A
//olat light blue r=135, g=156, b=184 => 87,9C,B8
//olat light grey-blue r=217, g=220, b=227 => D9,Dc,E3
String chartXLabels = graph.getLabelsFormatted(maxLabelChars, maxLabelWidth);
String chartBarWidth = String.valueOf(idealBarWidth);
String chartSpaceBetweenBars = String.valueOf(idealBarSpace);
String chartSize = "1000x220";
//calculate the max size using default values
double n = graph.numElements;
long idealWidth = yAxisWidthLeftMargin + Math.round((n - 0.5) * idealBarWidth) + Math.round((n-1) * idealBarSpace) + yAxisWidthRightMargin;
if (idealWidth>maxWidth) {
double drawingWidth = maxWidth - yAxisWidthLeftMargin - yAxisWidthRightMargin;
// be:
// a: the width of a bar
// b: the space between bars
// f: the factor a/b -> f=a/b, a=f*b
// c: the max space available for all bars
// n: the number of bars
// formula:
// c = (n-0.5)*a + (n-1)*b = n*f*b + (n-1)*b = ((n-0.5)*f + n - 1)*b
double possibleBarSpace = drawingWidth/((n-0.5)*idealWidthToSpaceRatio + n - 1);
int barSpace = Math.max(0, (int)Math.floor(possibleBarSpace));
// calculate again with the actual barSpace
// formula:
// a = (c - (n-1)*b)/(n-0.5)
int barWidth = Math.max(1, (int)Math.floor((drawingWidth-(n-1)*((double)barSpace))/(n-0.5)));
chartBarWidth = String.valueOf(barWidth);
chartSpaceBetweenBars = String.valueOf(barSpace);
maxLabelWidth = ((double)barWidth+(double)barSpace-(double)minimalSpaceBetweenLabels);
maxLabelChars = (int)Math.floor(maxLabelWidth/(double)widthPerCharacter);
chartXLabels = graph.getLabelsFormatted(maxLabelChars, maxLabelWidth);
lengthLastLabel = Math.min(maxLabelChars, lengthLastLabel);
yAxisWidthRightMargin = (lengthLastLabel*widthPerCharacter)/2 + spareWidth;
long actualWidth = yAxisWidthLeftMargin + Math.round((n - 0.5) * barWidth) + Math.round((n-1) * barSpace) + yAxisWidthRightMargin;
chartSize = actualWidth+"x220";
} else {
chartSize = idealWidth+"x220";
String url = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?" +
"&chxt=x,y" +
statisticVc_.contextPut("chartUrl", url);
if (url.length()>2000) {
// from http://code.google.com/apis/chart/faq.html#url_length
// The maximum length of a URL is not determined by the Google Chart API,
// but rather by web browser and web server considerations.
// The longest URL that Google accepts in a chart GET request is 2048 characters in length,
// after URL-encoding (e.g., | becomes %7C). For POST, this limit is 16K.
statisticVc_.contextPut("hasChartError", Boolean.TRUE);
statisticVc_.contextPut("hasChart", Boolean.FALSE);
statisticVc_.contextPut("chartError", getTranslator().translate("chart.error"));
} else {
statisticVc_.contextPut("hasChart", Boolean.TRUE);
statisticVc_.contextPut("hasChartError", Boolean.FALSE);
} catch(RuntimeException re) {
log_.warn("generateCharts: RuntimeException during chart generation: "+re, re);
Component ic = getInitialComponent();
if (ic!=null) {