* @param start True to attempt to start the activity.
* @return GenericResultWaiter of the start job.
* @throws WfException
public void delegateAndAccept(String workEffortId, String fromPartyId, String fromRoleTypeId, Timestamp fromFromDate, String toPartyId, String toRoleTypeId, Timestamp toFromDate, boolean start) throws WfException {
WfAssignment assign = delegate(workEffortId, fromPartyId, fromRoleTypeId, fromFromDate, toPartyId, toRoleTypeId, toFromDate);
Debug.logVerbose("Delegated assignment.", module);
if (start) {
Debug.logVerbose("Starting activity.", module);
if (!activityRunning(assign.activity())) {
} else {
Debug.logWarning("Activity already running; not starting.", module);
} else {
Debug.logVerbose("Not starting assignment.", module);