Package org.ofbiz.webapp.event

Examples of org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException

    public void runAfterLoginEvents(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        for (ConfigXMLReader.Event event: getControllerConfig().getAfterLoginEventList().values()) {
            try {
                String returnString = this.runEvent(request, response, event, null, "after-login");
                if (returnString != null && !returnString.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) {
                    throw new EventHandlerException("Pre-Processor event did not return 'success'.");
            } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
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    public void runBeforeLogoutEvents(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        for (ConfigXMLReader.Event event: getControllerConfig().getBeforeLogoutEventList().values()) {
            try {
                String returnString = this.runEvent(request, response, event, null, "before-logout");
                if (returnString != null && !returnString.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) {
                    throw new EventHandlerException("Pre-Processor event did not return 'success'.");
            } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
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    public static void toJsonObject(Map<String,Object> attrMap, HttpServletResponse response) throws EventHandlerException {
        JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(attrMap);
        String jsonStr = json.toString();
        if (jsonStr == null) {
            throw new EventHandlerException("JSON Object was empty; fatal error!");
        // set the X-JSON content type
        // jsonStr.length is not reliable for unicode characters
        try {
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new EventHandlerException("Problems with Json encoding", e);
        // return the JSON String
        Writer out;
        try {
            out = response.getWriter();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new EventHandlerException("Unable to get response writer", e);
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            String jsonStr = jsonList.toString();
            if (jsonStr == null) {
                throw new EventHandlerException("JSON Object was empty; fatal error!");
            // set the X-JSON content type
            // jsonStr.length is not reliable for unicode characters
            try {
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new EventHandlerException("Problems with Json encoding", e);
            // return the JSON String
            Writer out;
            try {
                out = response.getWriter();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new EventHandlerException("Unable to get response writer", e);
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            String jsonStr = jsonList.toString();
            if (jsonStr == null) {
                throw new EventHandlerException("JSON Object was empty; fatal error!");
            // set the X-JSON content type
            // jsonStr.length is not reliable for unicode characters
            try {
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new EventHandlerException("Problems with Json encoding", e);
            // return the JSON String
            Writer out;
            try {
                out = response.getWriter();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new EventHandlerException("Unable to get response writer", e);
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                        String eMeth = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_METHOD);

                        try {
                            String returnString = this.runEvent(request, response, eType, ePath, eMeth);
                            if (returnString != null && !returnString.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) {
                                throw new EventHandlerException("First-Visit event did not return 'success'.");
                            } else if (returnString == null) {
                                nextView = "none:";
                        } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                            Debug.logError(e, module);

            // Invoke the pre-processor (but NOT in a chain)
            Collection preProcEvents = requestManager.getPreProcessor();
            if (preProcEvents != null) {
                Iterator i = preProcEvents.iterator();

                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    Map eventMap = (Map);
                    String eType = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_TYPE);
                    String ePath = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_PATH);
                    String eMeth = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_METHOD);
                    try {
                        String returnString = this.runEvent(request, response, eType, ePath, eMeth);
                        if (returnString != null && !returnString.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) {
                            throw new EventHandlerException("Pre-Processor event did not return 'success'.");
                        } else if (returnString == null) {
                            nextView = "none:";
                    } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);

        // Pre-Processor/First-Visit event(s) can interrupt the flow by returning null.
        // Warning: this could cause problems if more then one event attempts to return a response.
        if ("none:".equals(nextView)) {
            if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("[Pre-Processor Interrupted Request, not running: " + requestUri + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);

        if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("[Processing Request]: " + requestUri + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);
        request.setAttribute("thisRequestUri", requestUri); // store the actual request URI
        String eventReturnString = null;

        // Perform security check.
        if (requestManager.requiresAuth(requestUri)) {
            // Invoke the security handler
            // catch exceptions and throw RequestHandlerException if failed.
            Debug.logVerbose("[RequestHandler]: AuthRequired. Running security check." + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);
            String checkLoginType = requestManager.getEventType("checkLogin");
            String checkLoginPath = requestManager.getEventPath("checkLogin");
            String checkLoginMethod = requestManager.getEventMethod("checkLogin");
            String checkLoginReturnString;

            try {
                checkLoginReturnString = this.runEvent(request, response, checkLoginType,
                        checkLoginPath, checkLoginMethod);
            } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                throw new RequestHandlerException(e.getMessage(), e);
            if (!"success".equalsIgnoreCase(checkLoginReturnString)) {
                // previous URL already saved by event, so just do as the return says...
                eventReturnString = checkLoginReturnString;
                requestUri = "checkLogin";                           

        // Invoke the defined event (unless login failed)
        if (eventReturnString == null) {
            eventType = requestManager.getEventType(requestUri);
            eventPath = requestManager.getEventPath(requestUri);
            eventMethod = requestManager.getEventMethod(requestUri);
            if (eventType != null && eventPath != null && eventMethod != null) {
                try {
                    long eventStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

                    // run the event
                    eventReturnString = this.runEvent(request, response, eventType, eventPath, eventMethod);

                    // save the server hit
                    if (this.trackStats(request)) {
                        ServerHitBin.countEvent(cname + "." + eventMethod, request, eventStartTime,
                                System.currentTimeMillis() - eventStartTime, userLogin, delegator);

                    // set the default event return
                    if (eventReturnString == null) {
                        nextView = "none:";
                } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                    // check to see if there is an "error" response, if so go there and make an request error message
                    String tryErrorMsg = requestManager.getRequestAttribute(requestUri, "error");

                    if (tryErrorMsg != null) {
                        eventReturnString = "error";
                        Locale locale = UtilHttp.getLocale(request);
                        String errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(RequestHandler.err_resource, "requestHandler.error_call_event", locale);
                        request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", errMsg + ": " + e.toString());
                    } else {
                        throw new RequestHandlerException("Error calling event and no error repsonse was specified", e);

        // If error, then display more error messages:
        if ("error".equals(eventReturnString)) {
            if (Debug.errorOn()) {
                String errorMessageHeader = "Request " + requestUri + " caused an error with the following message: ";
                if (request.getAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_") != null) {
                    Debug.logError(errorMessageHeader + request.getAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_"), module);
                if (request.getAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_") != null) {
                    Debug.logError(errorMessageHeader + request.getAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_"), module);

        // Process the eventReturn.
        String eventReturnBasedResponse = requestManager.getRequestResponseValue(requestUri, eventReturnString);
        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[Response Qualified]: " + eventReturnBasedResponse + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);

        // Set the next view (don't use event return if success, default to nextView (which is set to eventReturn later if null); also even if success if it is a type "none" response ignore the nextView, ie use the eventReturn)
        if (eventReturnBasedResponse != null && (!"success".equals(eventReturnString) || eventReturnBasedResponse.startsWith("none:"))) nextView = eventReturnBasedResponse;
        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[Event Response Mapping]: " + nextView + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);

        // get the previous request info
        String previousRequest = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("_PREVIOUS_REQUEST_");
        String loginPass = (String) request.getAttribute("_LOGIN_PASSED_");

        // restore previous redirected request's attribute, so redirected page can display previous request's error msg etc.
        String preReqAttStr = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("_REQ_ATTR_MAP_");
        if (preReqAttStr != null) {
            byte[] reqAttrMapBytes = StringUtil.fromHexString(preReqAttStr);
            Map preRequestMap = (Map) UtilObject.getObject(reqAttrMapBytes);
            if (preRequestMap != null && preRequestMap.size() > 0) {
                Iterator keys = preRequestMap.keySet().iterator();
                while (keys.hasNext()){
                    String key = (String);
                    if("_ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_".equals(key) || "_ERROR_MESSAGE_MAP_".equals(key) || "_ERROR_MESSAGE_".equals(key) ||
                            "_EVENT_MESSAGE_LIST_".equals(key) || "_EVENT_MESSAGE_".equals(key)) {
                        Object value = preRequestMap.get(key);
                        request.setAttribute(key, value);

        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[RequestHandler]: previousRequest - " + previousRequest + " (" + loginPass + ")" + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);

        // if previous request exists, and a login just succeeded, do that now.
        if (previousRequest != null && loginPass != null && loginPass.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) {
            // special case to avoid login/logout looping: if request was "logout" before the login, change to null for default success view; do the same for "login" to avoid going back to the same page
            if ("logout".equals(previousRequest) || "/logout".equals(previousRequest) || "login".equals(previousRequest) || "/login".equals(previousRequest) || "checkLogin".equals(previousRequest) || "/checkLogin".equals(previousRequest) || "/checkLogin/login".equals(previousRequest)) {
                Debug.logWarning("Found special _PREVIOUS_REQUEST_ of [" + previousRequest + "], setting to null to avoid problems, not running request again", module);
            } else {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("[Doing Previous Request]: " + previousRequest + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);
                doRequest(request, response, previousRequest, userLogin, delegator);
                return; // this is needed or else we will run the view twice

        String successView = requestManager.getViewName(requestUri);
        if ("success".equals(eventReturnString) && successView.startsWith("request:")) {
            // chains will override any url defined views; but we will save the view for the very end
            if (nextView != null) {
                request.setAttribute("_POST_CHAIN_VIEW_", nextView);
            nextView = successView;

        // Make sure we have some sort of response to go to
        if (nextView == null) nextView = successView;
        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[Current View]: " + nextView + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);

        // Handle the responses - chains/views
        if (nextView != null && nextView.startsWith("request:")) {
            // chained request
            Debug.logInfo("[RequestHandler.doRequest]: Response is a chained request." + " sessionId=" + UtilHttp.getSessionId(request), module);
            nextView = nextView.substring(8);
            doRequest(request, response, nextView, userLogin, delegator);
        } else { // handle views
            // first invoke the post-processor events.
            Collection postProcEvents = requestManager.getPostProcessor();
            if (chain == null && postProcEvents != null) { // don't run post-proc events on chained requests
                Iterator i = postProcEvents.iterator();

                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    Map eventMap = (Map);
                    String eType = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_TYPE);
                    String ePath = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_PATH);
                    String eMeth = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_METHOD);
                    try {
                        String returnString = this.runEvent(request, response, eType, ePath, eMeth);
                        if (returnString != null && !returnString.equalsIgnoreCase("success"))
                            throw new EventHandlerException("Post-Processor event did not return 'success'.");
                        else if (returnString == null)
                            nextView = "none:";
                    } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);
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                String ePath = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_PATH);
                String eMeth = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_METHOD);
                try {
                    String returnString = this.runEvent(request, response, eType, ePath, eMeth);
                    if (returnString != null && !returnString.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) {
                        throw new EventHandlerException("Pre-Processor event did not return 'success'.");
                } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, module);
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                String ePath = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_PATH);
                String eMeth = (String) eventMap.get(ConfigXMLReader.EVENT_METHOD);
                try {
                    String returnString = this.runEvent(request, response, eType, ePath, eMeth);
                    if (returnString != null && !returnString.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) {
                        throw new EventHandlerException("Pre-Processor event did not return 'success'.");
                } catch (EventHandlerException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, module);
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            List entityList = (List)request.getAttribute("entityList");
            request.setAttribute("entityList", entityList);
        } catch (TemplateException ioe) {
            sendError(response, "Problem handling event");
            throw new EventHandlerException("Problem processing template", ioe);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ioe) {
            sendError(response, "Problem handling event");
            throw new EventHandlerException("Cannot find file", ioe);
        } catch (URISyntaxException ioe) {
            sendError(response, "Problem handling event");
            throw new EventHandlerException("Cannot read the input stream", ioe);
        } catch (SAXException ioe) {
            sendError(response, "Problem handling event");
            throw new EventHandlerException("Cannot read the input stream", ioe);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException ioe) {
            sendError(response, "Problem handling event");
            throw new EventHandlerException("Cannot read the input stream", ioe);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            sendError(response, "Problem handling event");
            throw new EventHandlerException("Cannot read the input stream", ioe);

        return "success";
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//            res.setContentType(msg.getContentType(Constants.DEFAULT_WFS_VERSION));
//            res.setContentLength(Integer.parseInt(Long.toString(msg.getContentLength())));
//            msg.writeTo(res.getOutputStream());                       
//            res.flushBuffer();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new EventHandlerException(e.getMessage(), e);
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException

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