Package org.ofbiz.service

Examples of org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext

            return "error";

        // now change the dispatcher to use this delegator
        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = (LocalDispatcher) request.getAttribute("dispatcher");
        DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();
        String dispatcherName = dispatcher.getName();

        if (dispatcherName == null) {
            String errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(CoreEvents.err_resource, "coreEvents.dispatcher_name_null", locale);
            request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "<li>" + errMsg);
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                    return false;

                // get the service objects
                LocalDispatcher dispatcher = (LocalDispatcher) context.get("dispatcher");
                DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();

                // get the service
                ModelService permService;
                try {
                    permService = dctx.getModelService(serviceName);
                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, module);
                    return false;
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    protected ArtifactInfoFactory(String delegatorName) throws GeneralException {
        this.delegatorName = delegatorName;
        this.entityModelReader = ModelReader.getModelReader(delegatorName);
        this.dispatchContext = new DispatchContext("ArtifactInfoDispCtx", null, this.getClass().getClassLoader(), null);
        this.entityEcaCache = EntityEcaUtil.getEntityEcaCache(EntityEcaUtil.getEntityEcaReaderName(delegatorName));
        this.serviceEcaCache = ServiceEcaUtil.ecaCache;

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    protected LabelManagerFactory(String delegatorName) throws GeneralException {
        delegator = GenericDelegator.getGenericDelegator(delegatorName);
        entityModelReader = ModelReader.getModelReader(delegatorName);
        dispatchContext = new DispatchContext("LabelManagerFactoryDispCtx", null, this.getClass().getClassLoader(), null);
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     * @param context Context for this service (will use only valid parameters)
     * @return Map result Map
     * @throws GenericServiceException
    public Map<String, Object> invoke(ServiceDispatcher dispatcher, String localName, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException {
        DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getLocalContext(localName);
        ModelService model = dctx.getModelService(getName());
        if (model == null)
            throw new GenericServiceException("Group defined service (" + getName() + ") is not a defined service.");

        Map<String, Object> thisContext = model.makeValid(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM);
        Debug.logInfo("Running grouped service [" + serviceName + "]", module);
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    public abstract void run() throws WfException;

    protected GenericResultWaiter runService(String serviceName, String params, String extend) throws WfException {
        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = getActivity().getDispatcher();
        DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();
        ModelService service = null;
        Debug.logVerbose("[WfActivityAbstractImplementation.runService] : Getting the service model.", module);
        try {
            service = dctx.getModelService(serviceName);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            throw new WfException(e.getMessage(), e);
        if (service == null)
            throw new WfException("Cannot determine model service for service name");
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        // trim up the expression if it isn't empty
        if (expression != null)
            expression = expression.trim();

        // get a DispatchContext object to pass over to the eval
        DispatchContext dctx = this.getDispatcher().getDispatchContext();

        // evaluate the condition
        Boolean evaluation = null;
        try {
            evaluation = cond.evaluateCondition(context, attrs, expression, dctx);
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        if (wsdlReq == null) {
            wsdlReq = request.getParameter("WSDL");
        if (wsdlReq != null) {
            String serviceName = RequestHandler.getOverrideViewUri(request.getPathInfo());
            DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();
            String locationUri = this.getLocationURI(request);

            if (serviceName != null) {
                Document wsdl = null;
                try {
                    wsdl = dctx.getWSDL(serviceName, locationUri);
                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                    serviceName = null;
                } catch (WSDLException e) {
                    sendError(response, "Unable to obtain WSDL");
                    throw new EventHandlerException("Unable to obtain WSDL", e);

                if (wsdl != null) {
                    try {
                        OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
                        UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(os, wsdl);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new EventHandlerException(e);
                    return null;
                } else {
                    sendError(response, "Unable to obtain WSDL");
                    throw new EventHandlerException("Unable to obtain WSDL");

            if (serviceName == null) {
                try {
                    Writer writer = response.getWriter();
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.append("<html><head><title>OFBiz SOAP/1.1 Services</title></head>");
                    sb.append("<body>No such service.").append("<p>Services:<ul>");

                    for (String scvName: dctx.getAllServiceNames()) {
                        ModelService model = dctx.getModelService(scvName);
                        if (model.export) {
                            sb.append("<li><a href=\"").append(locationUri).append("/").append("?wsdl\">");
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            } else if (location.contains(".xml#")) {
                String xmlResource = ScreenFactory.getResourceNameFromCombined(location);
                String methodName = ScreenFactory.getScreenNameFromCombined(location);
                Map<String, Object> localContext = FastMap.newInstance();
                DispatchContext ctx = this.modelScreen.getDispatcher(context).getDispatchContext();
                MethodContext methodContext = new MethodContext(ctx, localContext, null);
                try {
                    SimpleMethod.runSimpleMethod(xmlResource, methodName, methodContext);
                } catch (MiniLangException e) {
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        // make sure we have a valid reference to the Service Engine
        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = (LocalDispatcher) request.getAttribute("dispatcher");
        if (dispatcher == null) {
            throw new EventHandlerException("The local service dispatcher is null");
        DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();
        if (dctx == null) {
            throw new EventHandlerException("Dispatch context cannot be found");

        // get the details for the service(s) to call
        String mode = SYNC;
        String serviceName = null;

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(event.path)) {
            mode = SYNC;
        } else {
            mode = event.path;

        // we only support SYNC mode in this handler
        if (!SYNC.equals(mode)) {
            throw new EventHandlerException("Async mode is not supported");

        // nake sure we have a defined service to call
        serviceName = event.invoke;
        if (serviceName == null) {
            throw new EventHandlerException("Service name (eventMethod) cannot be null");
        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[Set mode/service]: " + mode + "/" + serviceName, module);

        // some needed info for when running the service
        Locale locale = UtilHttp.getLocale(request);
        TimeZone timeZone = UtilHttp.getTimeZone(request);
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("userLogin");

        // get the service model to generate context(s)
        ModelService modelService = null;

        try {
            modelService = dctx.getModelService(serviceName);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            throw new EventHandlerException("Problems getting the service model", e);

        if (modelService == null) {
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext

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