Package org.ofbiz.entity.model

Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelFieldType$ModelFieldValidator

            String errMsg = "Unable to establish a connection with the database for helperName [" + this.helperInfo.getHelperFullName() + "]... Error was: " + e.toString();
            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
            return errMsg;

        ModelFieldType type = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());

        if (type == null) {
            return "Field type [" + type + "] not found for field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "], not renaming column.";
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            Iterator<ModelField> fieldIter = entity.getFieldsIterator();
            while (fieldIter.hasNext()) {
                ModelField field =;
                ModelFieldType type = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());
                if (type == null) {
                    messages.add("Field type [" + type + "] not found for field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "], not creating table.");
                if (!"String".equals(type.getJavaType()) && !"java.lang.String".equals(type.getJavaType())) {

                StringBuilder sqlBuf = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE ");
                sqlBuf.append(" MODIFY COLUMN ");
                sqlBuf.append(" ");

                // if there is a characterSet, add the CHARACTER SET arg here
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.datasourceInfo.characterSet)) {
                    sqlBuf.append(" CHARACTER SET ");
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    public static void getValue(ResultSet rs, int ind, ModelField curField, GenericEntity entity, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(curField.getType());

        if (mft == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("definition fieldType " + curField.getType() + " not found, cannot getValue for field " +
                    entity.getEntityName() + "." + curField.getName() + ".");

        String fieldType = mft.getJavaType();

        try {
            // checking to see if the object is null is really only necessary for the numbers
            int typeValue = getType(fieldType);
            ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
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        setValue(sqlP, modelField, entity.getEntityName(), fieldValue, modelFieldTypeReader);

    public static void setValue(SQLProcessor sqlP, ModelField modelField, String entityName, Object fieldValue, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(modelField.getType());

        if (mft == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("GenericDAO.getValue: definition fieldType " + modelField.getType() + " not found, cannot setValue for field " +
                    entityName + "." + modelField.getName() + ".");

        // if the value is the GenericEntity.NullField, treat as null
        if (fieldValue == GenericEntity.NULL_FIELD) {
            fieldValue = null;

        String fieldType = mft.getJavaType();
        if (fieldValue != null) {
            if (!ObjectType.instanceOf(fieldValue, fieldType)) {
                // this is only an info level message because under normal operation for most JDBC
                // drivers this will be okay, but if not then the JDBC driver will throw an exception
                // and when lower debug levels are on this should help give more info on what happened
                String fieldClassName = fieldValue.getClass().getName();
                if (fieldValue instanceof byte[]) {
                    fieldClassName = "byte[]";

                if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("type of field " + entityName + "." + modelField.getName() +
                        " is " + fieldClassName + ", was expecting " + mft.getJavaType() + "; this may " +
                        "indicate an error in the configuration or in the class, and may result " +
                        "in an SQL-Java data conversion error. Will use the real field type: " +
                        fieldClassName + ", not the definition.", module);
                fieldType = fieldClassName;
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                            // -list all columns that do not have a corresponding field
                            if (fieldColNames.containsKey(ccInfo.columnName)) {
                                ModelField field = null;

                                field = fieldColNames.remove(ccInfo.columnName);
                                ModelFieldType modelFieldType = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());

                                if (modelFieldType != null) {
                                    // make sure each corresponding column is of the correct type
                                    String fullTypeStr = modelFieldType.getSqlType();
                                    String typeName;
                                    int columnSize = -1;
                                    int decimalDigits = -1;

                                    int openParen = fullTypeStr.indexOf('(');
                                    int closeParen = fullTypeStr.indexOf(')');
                                    int comma = fullTypeStr.indexOf(',');

                                    if (openParen > 0 && closeParen > 0 && closeParen > openParen) {
                                        typeName = fullTypeStr.substring(0, openParen);
                                        if (comma > 0 && comma > openParen && comma < closeParen) {
                                            String csStr = fullTypeStr.substring(openParen + 1, comma);
                                            try {
                                                columnSize = Integer.parseInt(csStr);
                                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                                Debug.logError(e, module);

                                            String ddStr = fullTypeStr.substring(comma + 1, closeParen);
                                            try {
                                                decimalDigits = Integer.parseInt(ddStr);
                                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                                Debug.logError(e, module);
                                        } else {
                                            String csStr = fullTypeStr.substring(openParen + 1, closeParen);
                                            try {
                                                columnSize = Integer.parseInt(csStr);
                                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                                Debug.logError(e, module);
                                    } else {
                                        typeName = fullTypeStr;

                                    // override the default typeName with the sqlTypeAlias if it is specified
                                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelFieldType.getSqlTypeAlias())) {
                                        typeName = modelFieldType.getSqlTypeAlias();

                                    // NOTE: this may need a toUpperCase in some cases, keep an eye on it, okay just compare with ignore case
                                    if (!ccInfo.typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) {
                                        String message = "WARNING: Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + entity.getTableName(datasourceInfo) + "] of entity [" +
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        sqlBuf.append(" (");
        Iterator<ModelField> fieldIter = entity.getFieldsIterator();
        while (fieldIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelField field =;
            ModelFieldType type = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());
            if (type == null) {
                return "Field type [" + type + "] not found for field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "], not creating table.";

            sqlBuf.append(" ");

            if ("String".equals(type.getJavaType()) || "java.lang.String".equals(type.getJavaType())) {
                // if there is a characterSet, add the CHARACTER SET arg here
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.datasourceInfo.characterSet)) {
                    sqlBuf.append(" CHARACTER SET ");
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            String errMsg = "Unable to establish a connection with the database for helperName [" + this.helperInfo.getHelperFullName() + "]... Error was: " + e.toString();
            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
            return errMsg;

        ModelFieldType type = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());

        if (type == null) {
            return "Field type [" + type + "] not found for field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "], not adding column.";

        StringBuilder sqlBuf = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE ");
        sqlBuf.append(" ADD ");
        sqlBuf.append(" ");

        if ("String".equals(type.getJavaType()) || "java.lang.String".equals(type.getJavaType())) {
            // if there is a characterSet, add the CHARACTER SET arg here
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.datasourceInfo.characterSet)) {
                sqlBuf.append(" CHARACTER SET ");

            // if there is a collate, add the COLLATE arg here
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.datasourceInfo.collate)) {
                sqlBuf.append(" COLLATE ");

        String sql = sqlBuf.toString();
        if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("[addColumn] sql=" + sql, module);
        try {
            stmt = connection.createStatement();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // if that failed try the alternate syntax real quick
            StringBuilder sql2Buf = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE ");
            sql2Buf.append(" ADD COLUMN ");
            sql2Buf.append(" ");

            if ("String".equals(type.getJavaType()) || "java.lang.String".equals(type.getJavaType())) {
                // if there is a characterSet, add the CHARACTER SET arg here
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.datasourceInfo.characterSet)) {
                    sql2Buf.append(" CHARACTER SET ");
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            String errMsg = "Unable to establish a connection with the database for helperName [" + this.helperInfo.getHelperFullName() + "]... Error was: " + e.toString();
            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
            return errMsg;

        ModelFieldType type = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());

        if (type == null) {
            return "Field type [" + type + "] not found for field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "], not renaming column.";
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            Iterator<ModelField> fieldIter = entity.getFieldsIterator();
            while (fieldIter.hasNext()) {
                ModelField field =;
                ModelFieldType type = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());
                if (type == null) {
                    messages.add("Field type [" + type + "] not found for field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "], not creating table.");
                if (!"String".equals(type.getJavaType()) && !"java.lang.String".equals(type.getJavaType())) {

                StringBuilder sqlBuf = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE ");
                sqlBuf.append(" MODIFY COLUMN ");
                sqlBuf.append(" ");

                // if there is a characterSet, add the CHARACTER SET arg here
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.datasourceInfo.characterSet)) {
                    sqlBuf.append(" CHARACTER SET ");
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                        // fields list
                        List<Map<String, Object>> javaNameList = FastList.newInstance();
                        for (Iterator<ModelField> f = entity.getFieldsIterator(); f.hasNext();) {
                            Map<String, Object> javaNameMap = FastMap.newInstance();
                            ModelField field =;
                            ModelFieldType type = delegator.getEntityFieldType(entity, field.getType());
                            javaNameMap.put("isPk", field.getIsPk());
                            javaNameMap.put("name", field.getName());
                            javaNameMap.put("colName", field.getColName());
                            String fieldDescription = null;
                            if (bundle != null) {
                                try {
                                    fieldDescription = bundle.getString("FieldDescription." + entity.getEntityName() + "." + field.getName());
                                } catch (Exception exception) {}
                            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(fieldDescription)) {
                                fieldDescription = field.getDescription();
                            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(fieldDescription) && bundle != null) {
                                try {
                                fieldDescription = bundle.getString("FieldDescription." + field.getName());
                                } catch (Exception exception) {}
                            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(fieldDescription)) {
                                fieldDescription = ModelUtil.javaNameToDbName(field.getName()).toLowerCase();
                                fieldDescription = ModelUtil.upperFirstChar(fieldDescription.replace('_', ' '));
                            javaNameMap.put("description", fieldDescription);
                            javaNameMap.put("type", (field.getType()) != null ? field.getType() : null);
                            javaNameMap.put("javaType", (field.getType() != null && type != null) ? type.getJavaType() : "Undefined");
                            javaNameMap.put("sqlType", (type != null && type.getSqlType() != null) ? type.getSqlType() : "Undefined");
                            javaNameMap.put("encrypted", field.getEncrypt());

                        // relations list
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelFieldType$ModelFieldValidator

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