Package org.ofbiz.entity.model

Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity


    public void select(GenericEntity entity, SQLProcessor sqlP) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();

        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());

        if (modelEntity.getPksSize() <= 0) {
            throw new GenericEntityException("Entity has no primary keys, cannot select by primary key");

        StringBuilder sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");

        if (modelEntity.getNopksSize() > 0) {
            modelEntity.colNameString(modelEntity.getNopksCopy(), sqlBuffer, "", ", ", "", datasourceInfo.aliasViews);
        } else {

        sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeFromClause(modelEntity, datasourceInfo));
        sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeWhereClause(modelEntity, modelEntity.getPkFieldsUnmodifiable(), entity, "AND", datasourceInfo.joinStyle));

        try {
            sqlP.prepareStatement(sqlBuffer.toString(), true, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
            SqlJdbcUtil.setPkValues(sqlP, modelEntity, entity, modelFieldTypeReader);

            if ( {
                int idx = 1;
                Iterator<ModelField> nopkIter = modelEntity.getNopksIterator();
                while (nopkIter.hasNext()) {
                    ModelField curField =;
                    SqlJdbcUtil.getValue(sqlP.getResultSet(), idx, curField, entity, modelFieldTypeReader);
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    public void partialSelect(GenericEntity entity, Set<String> keys) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();

        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());

        if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
            throw new org.ofbiz.entity.GenericNotImplementedException("Operation partialSelect not supported yet for view entities");

         if (entity == null || entity.<%=modelEntity.pkNameString(" == null || entity."," == null")%>) {
         Debug.logWarning("[]: Cannot select GenericEntity: required primary key field(s) missing.", module);
         return false;
        // we don't want to select ALL fields, just the nonpk fields that are in the passed GenericEntity
        List<ModelField> partialFields = FastList.newInstance();

        Set<String> tempKeys = new TreeSet<String>(keys);

        Iterator<ModelField> nopkIter = modelEntity.getNopksIterator();
        while (nopkIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelField curField =;
            if (tempKeys.contains(curField.getName())) {

        if (tempKeys.size() > 0) {
            throw new GenericModelException("In partialSelect invalid field names specified: " + tempKeys.toString());

        StringBuilder sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");

        if (partialFields.size() > 0) {
            modelEntity.colNameString(partialFields, sqlBuffer, "", ", ", "", datasourceInfo.aliasViews);
        } else {
        sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeFromClause(modelEntity, datasourceInfo));
        sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeWhereClause(modelEntity, modelEntity.getPkFieldsUnmodifiable(), entity, "AND", datasourceInfo.joinStyle));

        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperInfo);

        try {
            sqlP.prepareStatement(sqlBuffer.toString(), true, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
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    public int delete(GenericEntity entity, SQLProcessor sqlP) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();
        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());
        if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
            throw new org.ofbiz.entity.GenericNotImplementedException("Operation delete not supported yet for view entities");

        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder().append("DELETE FROM ").append(modelEntity.getTableName(datasourceInfo)).append(" WHERE ");
        SqlJdbcUtil.makeWhereStringFromFields(sql, modelEntity.getPkFieldsUnmodifiable(), entity, "AND");

        int retVal;

        try {
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    public void addSqlValue(StringBuilder sql, Map<String, String> tableAliases, ModelEntity modelEntity, List<EntityConditionParam> entityConditionParams, boolean includeTableNamePrefix, DatasourceInfo datasourceInfo) {
        if (this.modelViewEntity != null) {
            // NOTE: this section is a bit of a hack; the other code is terribly complex and really needs to be refactored to incorporate support for this

            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entityAlias)) {
                ModelEntity memberModelEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(entityAlias);
                ModelField modelField = memberModelEntity.getField(fieldName);

                // using entityAliasStack (ordered top to bottom) build a big long alias; not that dots will be replaced after it is combined with the column name in the SQL gen
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.entityAliasStack)) {
                    boolean dotUsed = false;
                    for (String curEntityAlias: entityAliasStack) {
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                        ModelRelation modelRelation =;
                        if (!"one".equals(modelRelation.getType())) {

                        ModelEntity relModelEntity = modelEntities.get(modelRelation.getRelEntityName());
                        if (relModelEntity == null) {
                            Debug.logError("No such relation: " + entity.getEntityName() + " -> " + modelRelation.getRelEntityName(), module);
                        String relConstraintName = makeFkConstraintName(modelRelation, datasourceInfo.constraintNameClipLength);
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        // iterate over the table names is alphabetical order
        for (String tableName: new TreeSet<String>(colInfo.keySet())) {
            Map<String, ColumnCheckInfo> colMap = colInfo.get(tableName);
            ModelEntity newEntity = new ModelEntity(tableName, colMap, modelFieldTypeReader, isCaseSensitive);

        return newEntList;
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        // iterate over the table names is alphabetical order
        for (String tableName: new TreeSet<String>(colInfo.keySet())) {
            Map<String, ColumnCheckInfo> colMap = colInfo.get(tableName);
            ModelEntity newEntity = new ModelEntity(tableName, colMap, modelFieldTypeReader, isCaseSensitive);
            root.appendChild(newEntity.toXmlElement(document, "org.ofbiz.ext." + packageName));

        // print the messages to the console
        for (String message: messages) {
            Debug.logInfo(message, module);
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            // go through the relationships to see if any foreign keys need to be added
            Iterator<ModelRelation> relationsIter = entity.getRelationsIterator();
            while (relationsIter.hasNext()) {
                ModelRelation modelRelation =;
                if ("one".equals(modelRelation.getType())) {
                    ModelEntity relModelEntity = modelEntities.get(modelRelation.getRelEntityName());
                    if (relModelEntity == null) {
                        Debug.logError("Error adding foreign key: ModelEntity was null for related entity name " + modelRelation.getRelEntityName(), module);
                    if (relModelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
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        for (String fieldInfo: fieldsWrongSize) {
            String entityName = fieldInfo.substring(0, fieldInfo.indexOf('.'));
            String fieldName = fieldInfo.substring(fieldInfo.indexOf('.') + 1);

            ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
            ModelField modelField = modelEntity.getField(fieldName);
            repairColumnSize(modelEntity, modelField, messages);
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        // go through the relationships to see if any foreign keys need to be added
        Iterator<ModelRelation> relationsIter = entity.getRelationsIterator();
        while (relationsIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelRelation modelRelation =;
            if ("one".equals(modelRelation.getType())) {
                ModelEntity relModelEntity = modelEntities.get(modelRelation.getRelEntityName());

                if (relModelEntity == null) {
                    String errMsg = "Error adding foreign key: ModelEntity was null for related entity name " + modelRelation.getRelEntityName();
                    Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
                    if (messages != null) messages.add(errMsg);
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity

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