Package org.ofbiz.entity.jdbc

Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.jdbc.SQLProcessor

        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());

        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);

        try {
            return singleInsert(entity, modelEntity, modelEntity.getFieldsUnmodifiable(), sqlP);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            // no need to create nested, just throw original which will have all info: throw new GenericEntityException("Exception while inserting the following entity: " + entity.toString(), e);
            throw e;
        } finally {
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        return customUpdate(entity, modelEntity, partialFields);

    private int customUpdate(GenericEntity entity, ModelEntity modelEntity, List<ModelField> fieldsToSave) throws GenericEntityException {
        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);
        try {
            return singleUpdate(entity, modelEntity, fieldsToSave, sqlP);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            // no need to create nested, just throw original which will have all info: throw new GenericEntityException("Exception while updating the following entity: " + entity.toString(), e);
            throw e;
        } finally {
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        return retVal;

    public int updateByCondition(ModelEntity modelEntity, Map<String, ? extends Object> fieldsToSet, EntityCondition condition) throws GenericEntityException {
        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);

        try {
            return updateByCondition(modelEntity, fieldsToSet, condition, sqlP);
        } catch (GenericDataSourceException e) {
            throw new GenericDataSourceException("Generic Entity Exception occured in updateByCondition", e);
        } finally {
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    /* ====================================================================== */

    /* ====================================================================== */

    public void select(GenericEntity entity) throws GenericEntityException {
        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);

        try {
            select(entity, sqlP);
        } finally {
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        sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeFromClause(modelEntity, datasourceInfo));
        sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeWhereClause(modelEntity, modelEntity.getPkFieldsUnmodifiable(), entity, "AND", datasourceInfo.joinStyle));

        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);

        try {
            sqlP.prepareStatement(sqlBuffer.toString(), true, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
            SqlJdbcUtil.setPkValues(sqlP, modelEntity, entity, modelFieldTypeReader);

            if ( {
                for (int j = 0; j < partialFields.size(); j++) {
                    ModelField curField = partialFields.get(j);
                    SqlJdbcUtil.getValue(sqlP.getResultSet(), j + 1, curField, entity, modelFieldTypeReader);

            } else {
                // Debug.logWarning("[]: select failed, result set was empty.", module);
                throw new GenericEntityNotFoundException("Result set was empty for entity: " + entity.toString());
        } finally {
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        // ORDER BY clause
        sqlBuffer.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeOrderByClause(modelEntity, orderBy, datasourceInfo));
        String sql = sqlBuffer.toString();

        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);
        sqlP.prepareStatement(sql, findOptions.getSpecifyTypeAndConcur(), findOptions.getResultSetType(),
                findOptions.getResultSetConcurrency(), findOptions.getFetchSize(), findOptions.getMaxRows());

        if (verboseOn) {
            // put this inside an if statement so that we don't have to generate the string when not used...
            Debug.logVerbose("Setting the whereEntityConditionParams: " + whereEntityConditionParams, module);
        // set all of the values from the Where EntityCondition
        for (EntityConditionParam whereEntityConditionParam: whereEntityConditionParams) {
            SqlJdbcUtil.setValue(sqlP, whereEntityConditionParam.getModelField(), modelEntity.getEntityName(), whereEntityConditionParam.getFieldValue(), modelFieldTypeReader);
        if (verboseOn) {
            // put this inside an if statement so that we don't have to generate the string when not used...
            Debug.logVerbose("Setting the havingEntityConditionParams: " + havingEntityConditionParams, module);
        // set all of the values from the Having EntityCondition
        for (EntityConditionParam havingEntityConditionParam: havingEntityConditionParams) {
            SqlJdbcUtil.setValue(sqlP, havingEntityConditionParam.getModelField(), modelEntity.getEntityName(), havingEntityConditionParam.getFieldValue(), modelFieldTypeReader);

        long queryStartTime = 0;
        if (Debug.timingOn()) {
            queryStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (Debug.timingOn()) {
            long queryEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long queryTotalTime = queryEndTime - queryStartTime;
            if (queryTotalTime > 150) {
                Debug.logTiming("Ran query in " + queryTotalTime + " milli-seconds: " + sql, module);
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        return new EntityListIterator(sqlP, modelEntity, selectFields, modelFieldTypeReader);

    public List<GenericValue> selectByMultiRelation(GenericValue value, ModelRelation modelRelationOne, ModelEntity modelEntityOne,
        ModelRelation modelRelationTwo, ModelEntity modelEntityTwo, List<String> orderBy) throws GenericEntityException {
        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);

        // get the tables names
        String atable = modelEntityOne.getTableName(datasourceInfo);
        String ttable = modelEntityTwo.getTableName(datasourceInfo);

        // get the column name string to select
        StringBuilder selsb = new StringBuilder();
        List<String> collist = FastList.newInstance();
        List<String> fldlist = FastList.newInstance();

        for (Iterator<ModelField> iterator = modelEntityTwo.getFieldsIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            ModelField mf =;

            selsb.append(ttable + "." + mf.getColName());
            if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                selsb.append(", ");
            } else {
                selsb.append(" ");

        // construct assoc->target relation string
        int kmsize = modelRelationTwo.getKeyMapsSize();
        StringBuilder wheresb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < kmsize; i++) {
            ModelKeyMap mkm = modelRelationTwo.getKeyMap(i);
            String lfname = mkm.getFieldName();
            String rfname = mkm.getRelFieldName();

            if (wheresb.length() > 0) {
                wheresb.append(" AND ");
            wheresb.append(atable + "." + modelEntityOne.getField(lfname).getColName() + " = " + ttable + "." + modelEntityTwo.getField(rfname).getColName());

        // construct the source entity qualifier
        // get the fields from relation description
        kmsize = modelRelationOne.getKeyMapsSize();
        Map<ModelField, Object> bindMap = FastMap.newInstance();

        for (int i = 0; i < kmsize; i++) {
            // get the equivalent column names in the relation
            ModelKeyMap mkm = modelRelationOne.getKeyMap(i);
            String sfldname = mkm.getFieldName();
            String lfldname = mkm.getRelFieldName();
            ModelField amf = modelEntityOne.getField(lfldname);
            String lcolname = amf.getColName();
            Object rvalue = value.get(sfldname);

            bindMap.put(amf, rvalue);
            // construct one condition
            if (wheresb.length() > 0) {
                wheresb.append(" AND ");
            wheresb.append(atable + "." + lcolname + " = ? ");

        // construct a join sql query
        StringBuilder sqlsb = new StringBuilder();

        sqlsb.append("SELECT ");
        sqlsb.append(" FROM ");
        sqlsb.append(atable + ", " + ttable);
        sqlsb.append(" WHERE ");
        sqlsb.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeOrderByClause(modelEntityTwo, orderBy, true, datasourceInfo));

        // now execute the query
        List<GenericValue> retlist = FastList.newInstance();
        GenericDelegator gd = value.getDelegator();

        try {
            for (Map.Entry<ModelField, Object> entry: bindMap.entrySet()) {
                ModelField mf = entry.getKey();
                Object curvalue = entry.getValue();

                SqlJdbcUtil.setValue(sqlP, mf, modelEntityOne.getEntityName(), curvalue, modelFieldTypeReader);
            //int collsize = collist.size();

            while ( {
                Map<String, Object> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
                GenericValue gv = gd.makeValue(modelEntityTwo.getEntityName(), emptyMap);

                // loop thru all columns for in one row
                int idx = 1;
                for (String fldname: fldlist) {
                    ModelField mf = modelEntityTwo.getField(fldname);
                    SqlJdbcUtil.getValue(sqlP.getResultSet(), idx, mf, gv, modelFieldTypeReader);
        } finally {

        return retlist;
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        String sql = sqlBuffer.toString();

        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);
        sqlP.prepareStatement(sql, findOptions.getSpecifyTypeAndConcur(), findOptions.getResultSetType(),
                findOptions.getResultSetConcurrency(), findOptions.getFetchSize(), findOptions.getMaxRows());
        if (verboseOn) {
            // put this inside an if statement so that we don't have to generate the string when not used...
            Debug.logVerbose("Setting the whereEntityConditionParams: " + whereEntityConditionParams, module);
        // set all of the values from the Where EntityCondition
        for (EntityConditionParam whereEntityConditionParam: whereEntityConditionParams) {
            SqlJdbcUtil.setValue(sqlP, whereEntityConditionParam.getModelField(), modelEntity.getEntityName(), whereEntityConditionParam.getFieldValue(), modelFieldTypeReader);
        if (verboseOn) {
            // put this inside an if statement so that we don't have to generate the string when not used...
            Debug.logVerbose("Setting the havingEntityConditionParams: " + havingEntityConditionParams, module);
        // set all of the values from the Having EntityCondition
        for (EntityConditionParam havingEntityConditionParam: havingEntityConditionParams) {
            SqlJdbcUtil.setValue(sqlP, havingEntityConditionParam.getModelField(), modelEntity.getEntityName(), havingEntityConditionParam.getFieldValue(), modelFieldTypeReader);

        try {
            long count = 0;
            ResultSet resultSet = sqlP.getResultSet();
            boolean isGroupBy = false;
            if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
                ModelViewEntity modelViewEntity = (ModelViewEntity) modelEntity;
                String groupByString = modelViewEntity.colNameString(modelViewEntity.getGroupBysCopy(), ", ", "", false);
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(groupByString)) {
                    isGroupBy = true;                 
            if (isGroupBy) {
                while ( count++;
            else if ( {
                count = resultSet.getLong(1);
            return count;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new GenericDataSourceException("Error getting count value", e);
        } finally {
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    /* ====================================================================== */

    /* ====================================================================== */

    public int delete(GenericEntity entity) throws GenericEntityException {
        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);

        try {
            return delete(entity, sqlP);
        } catch (GenericDataSourceException e) {
            throw new GenericDataSourceException("Exception while deleting the following entity: " + entity.toString(), e);
        } finally {
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        return retVal;

    public int deleteByCondition(ModelEntity modelEntity, EntityCondition condition) throws GenericEntityException {
        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperName);

        try {
            return deleteByCondition(modelEntity, condition, sqlP);
        } catch (GenericDataSourceException e) {
            throw new GenericDataSourceException("Generic Entity Exception occured in deleteByCondition", e);
        } finally {
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.entity.jdbc.SQLProcessor

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