Package org.ofbiz.entity.jdbc

Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.jdbc.DatabaseUtil$ReferenceCheckInfo

        Boolean fixSizes = (Boolean) context.get("fixColSizes");
        if (fixSizes == null) fixSizes = Boolean.FALSE;
        List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

        GenericHelperInfo helperInfo = delegator.getGroupHelperInfo(groupName);
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(helperInfo);
        Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities;
        try {
            modelEntities = delegator.getModelEntityMapByGroup(groupName);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, "Error getting list of entities in group: " + e.toString(), module);
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "EntityExtErrorGettingListOfEntityInGroup", UtilMisc.toMap("errorString", e.toString()), locale));

        // step 1 - remove FK indices
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all foreign key indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 2 - remove FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all foreign keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

        // step 3 - remove PKs
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all primary keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deletePrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 4 - remove declared indices
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all declared indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 5 - repair field sizes
        if (fixSizes.booleanValue()) {
            Debug.logImportant("Updating column field size changes", module);
            List<String> fieldsWrongSize = FastList.newInstance();
            dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, fieldsWrongSize, messages, true, true, true, true);
            if (fieldsWrongSize.size() > 0) {
                dbUtil.repairColumnSizeChanges(modelEntities, fieldsWrongSize, messages);
            } else {
                String thisMsg = "No field sizes to update";
                Debug.logImportant(thisMsg, module);

        // step 6 - create PKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all primary keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createPrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 7 - create FK indices
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all foreign key indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 8 - create FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all foreign keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

        // step 8 - create FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all declared indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 8 - checkdb
        Debug.logImportant("Running DB check with add missing enabled", module);
        dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, messages, true);

        Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
        result.put("messages", messages);
        return result;
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        Boolean fixSizes = (Boolean) context.get("fixColSizes");
        if (fixSizes == null) fixSizes = Boolean.FALSE;
        List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

        GenericHelperInfo helperInfo = delegator.getGroupHelperInfo(groupName);
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(helperInfo);
        Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities;
        try {
            modelEntities = delegator.getModelEntityMapByGroup(groupName);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            String errorMessage = "Error getting list of entities in group: " + e.toString();
            Debug.logError(e, errorMessage, module);
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(errorMessage);

        // step 1 - remove FK indices
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all foreign key indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 2 - remove FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all foreign keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

        // step 3 - remove PKs
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all primary keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deletePrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 4 - remove declared indices
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all declared indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 5 - repair field sizes
        if (fixSizes.booleanValue()) {
            Debug.logImportant("Updating column field size changes", module);
            List<String> fieldsWrongSize = FastList.newInstance();
            dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, fieldsWrongSize, messages, true, true, true, true);
            if (fieldsWrongSize.size() > 0) {
                dbUtil.repairColumnSizeChanges(modelEntities, fieldsWrongSize, messages);
            } else {
                String thisMsg = "No field sizes to update";
                Debug.logImportant(thisMsg, module);

        // step 6 - create PKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all primary keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createPrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 7 - create FK indices
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all foreign key indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 8 - create FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all foreign keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

        // step 8 - create FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all declared indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 8 - checkdb
        Debug.logImportant("Running DB check with add missing enabled", module);
        dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, messages, true);

        Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
        result.put("messages", messages);
        return result;
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        if (helperInfo == null) {
            throw new ContainerException("Unable to locate the datasource helper for the group [" + groupNameToUse + "]");

        // get the database util object
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(helperInfo);
        Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities;
        try {
            modelEntities = delegator.getModelEntityMapByGroup(groupNameToUse);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new ContainerException(e.getMessage(), e);
        TreeSet<String> modelEntityNames = new TreeSet<String>(modelEntities.keySet());

        // check for drop index/fks
        if (dropConstraints) {
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

            Debug.logImportant("Dropping foreign key indcies...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.deleteForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

            Debug.logImportant("Dropping declared indices...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.deleteDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

            Debug.logImportant("Dropping foreign keys...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.deleteForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                    for (String message : messages) {
                        Debug.logInfo(message, module);

        // drop pks
        if (dropPks) {
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();
            Debug.logImportant("Dropping primary keys...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.deletePrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);

            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                    for (String message : messages) {
                        Debug.logInfo(message, module);

        // repair columns
        if (repairColumns) {
            List<String> fieldsToRepair = FastList.newInstance();
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();
            dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, fieldsToRepair, messages, false, false, false, false);
            if (fieldsToRepair.size() > 0) {
                messages = FastList.newInstance();
                dbUtil.repairColumnSizeChanges(modelEntities, fieldsToRepair, messages);
                if (messages.size() > 0) {
                    if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                        for (String message : messages) {
                            Debug.logInfo(message, module);

        // get the reader name URLs first
        List<URL> urlList = null;
        if (readerNames != null) {
            urlList = EntityDataLoader.getUrlList(helperInfo.getHelperBaseName(), component, readerNames);
        } else if (!"none".equalsIgnoreCase(this.readers)) {
            urlList = EntityDataLoader.getUrlList(helperInfo.getHelperBaseName(), component);

        // need a list if it is empty
        if (urlList == null) {
            urlList = FastList.newInstance();

        // add in the defined extra files
        for (String fileName: this.files) {
            URL fileUrl = UtilURL.fromResource((String) fileName);
            if (fileUrl != null) {

        // next check for a directory of files
        if ( != null) {
            File dir = new File(;
            if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory() && dir.canRead()) {
                File[] fileArray = dir.listFiles();
                if (fileArray != null && fileArray.length > 0) {
                    for (File file: fileArray) {
                        if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) {
                            try {
                            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                                Debug.logError(e, "Unable to load file (" + file.getName() + "); not a valid URL.", module);

        // process the list of files
        NumberFormat changedFormat = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();

        List<Object> errorMessages = FastList.newInstance();
        List<String> infoMessages = FastList.newInstance();
        int totalRowsChanged = 0;
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(urlList)) {
            Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= Doing a data load with the following files:", module);
            for (URL dataUrl: urlList) {
                Debug.logImportant(dataUrl.toExternalForm(), module);

            Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= Starting the data load...", module);

            for (URL dataUrl: urlList) {
                try {
                    int rowsChanged = EntityDataLoader.loadData(dataUrl, helperInfo.getHelperBaseName(), delegator, errorMessages, txTimeout, useDummyFks, maintainTxs, tryInserts);
                    totalRowsChanged += rowsChanged;
                    infoMessages.add(changedFormat.format(rowsChanged) + " of " + changedFormat.format(totalRowsChanged) + " from " + dataUrl.toExternalForm());
                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, "Error loading data file: " + dataUrl.toExternalForm(), module);
        } else {
            Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= No data load files found.", module);

        if (infoMessages.size() > 0) {
            Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here is a summary of the data load:", module);
            for (String message: infoMessages) {
              Debug.logImportant(message, module);

        if (errorMessages.size() > 0) {
            Debug.logImportant("The following errors occured in the data load:", module);
            for (Object message: errorMessages) {
              Debug.logImportant(message.toString(), module);

        Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= Finished the data load with " + totalRowsChanged + " rows changed.", module);

        // create primary keys
        if (createPks) {
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

            Debug.logImportant("Creating primary keys...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.createPrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);
            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                    for (String message : messages) {
                        Debug.logInfo(message, module);

        // create constraints
        if (createConstraints) {
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

            Debug.logImportant("Creating foreign keys...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.createForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

            Debug.logImportant("Creating foreign key indcies...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.createForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

            Debug.logImportant("Creating declared indices...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.createDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
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    /* ====================================================================== */

    public void checkDb(Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities, List<String> messages, boolean addMissing) {
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(this.helperInfo);
        dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, messages, addMissing);
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        dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, messages, addMissing);

    /** Creates a list of ModelEntity objects based on meta data from the database */
    public List<ModelEntity> induceModelFromDb(Collection<String> messages) {
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(this.helperInfo);
        return dbUtil.induceModelFromDb(messages);
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        if (helperInfo == null) {
            throw new ContainerException("Unable to locate the datasource helper for the group [" + groupNameToUse + "]");

        // get the database util object
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(helperInfo);
        Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities;
        try {
            modelEntities = delegator.getModelEntityMapByGroup(groupNameToUse);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new ContainerException(e.getMessage(), e);
        TreeSet<String> modelEntityNames = new TreeSet<String>(modelEntities.keySet());

        // check for drop index/fks
        if (dropConstraints) {
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

            Debug.logImportant("Dropping foreign key indcies...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.deleteForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

            Debug.logImportant("Dropping declared indices...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.deleteDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

            Debug.logImportant("Dropping foreign keys...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.deleteForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                    for (String message : messages) {
                        Debug.logInfo(message, module);

        // drop pks
        if (dropPks) {
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();
            Debug.logImportant("Dropping primary keys...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.deletePrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);

            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                    for (String message : messages) {
                        Debug.logInfo(message, module);

        // repair columns
        if (repairColumns) {
            List<String> fieldsToRepair = FastList.newInstance();
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();
            dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, fieldsToRepair, messages, false, false, false, false);
            if (fieldsToRepair.size() > 0) {
                messages = FastList.newInstance();
                dbUtil.repairColumnSizeChanges(modelEntities, fieldsToRepair, messages);
                if (messages.size() > 0) {
                    if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                        for (String message : messages) {
                            Debug.logInfo(message, module);

        // get the reader name URLs first
        List<URL> urlList = null;
        if (readerNames != null) {
            urlList = EntityDataLoader.getUrlList(helperInfo.getHelperBaseName(), component, readerNames);
        } else if (!"none".equalsIgnoreCase(this.readers)) {
            urlList = EntityDataLoader.getUrlList(helperInfo.getHelperBaseName(), component);

        // need a list if it is empty
        if (urlList == null) {
            urlList = FastList.newInstance();

        // add in the defined extra files
        for (String fileName: this.files) {
            URL fileUrl = UtilURL.fromResource((String) fileName);
            if (fileUrl != null) {

        // next check for a directory of files
        if ( != null) {
            File dir = new File(;
            if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory() && dir.canRead()) {
                File[] fileArray = dir.listFiles();
                if (fileArray != null && fileArray.length > 0) {
                    for (File file: fileArray) {
                        if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) {
                            try {
                            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                                Debug.logError(e, "Unable to load file (" + file.getName() + "); not a valid URL.", module);

        // process the list of files
        NumberFormat changedFormat = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();

        List<Object> errorMessages = FastList.newInstance();
        List<String> infoMessages = FastList.newInstance();
        int totalRowsChanged = 0;
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(urlList)) {
            Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= Doing a data load with the following files:", module);
            for (URL dataUrl: urlList) {
                Debug.logImportant(dataUrl.toExternalForm(), module);

            Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= Starting the data load...", module);

            for (URL dataUrl: urlList) {
                try {
                    int rowsChanged = EntityDataLoader.loadData(dataUrl, helperInfo.getHelperBaseName(), delegator, errorMessages, txTimeout, useDummyFks, maintainTxs, tryInserts);
                    totalRowsChanged += rowsChanged;
                    infoMessages.add(changedFormat.format(rowsChanged) + " of " + changedFormat.format(totalRowsChanged) + " from " + dataUrl.toExternalForm());
                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, "Error loading data file: " + dataUrl.toExternalForm(), module);
        } else {
            Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= No data load files found.", module);

        if (infoMessages.size() > 0) {
            Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here is a summary of the data load:", module);
            for (String message: infoMessages) {
              Debug.logImportant(message, module);

        if (errorMessages.size() > 0) {
            Debug.logImportant("The following errors occured in the data load:", module);
            for (Object message: errorMessages) {
              Debug.logImportant(message.toString(), module);

        Debug.logImportant("=-=-=-=-=-=-= Finished the data load with " + totalRowsChanged + " rows changed.", module);

        // create primary keys
        if (createPks) {
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

            Debug.logImportant("Creating primary keys...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.createPrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);
            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                    for (String message : messages) {
                        Debug.logInfo(message, module);

        // create constraints
        if (createConstraints) {
            List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

            Debug.logImportant("Creating foreign keys...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.createForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

            Debug.logImportant("Creating foreign key indcies...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.createForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

            Debug.logImportant("Creating declared indices...", module);
            for (String entityName : modelEntityNames) {
                ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
                if (modelEntity != null) {
                    dbUtil.createDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
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        Boolean fixSizes = (Boolean) context.get("fixColSizes");
        if (fixSizes == null) fixSizes = Boolean.FALSE;
        List<String> messages = FastList.newInstance();

        GenericHelperInfo helperInfo = delegator.getGroupHelperInfo(groupName);
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(helperInfo);
        Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities;
        try {
            modelEntities = delegator.getModelEntityMapByGroup(groupName);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            String errorMessage = "Error getting list of entities in group: " + e.toString();
            Debug.logError(e, errorMessage, module);
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(errorMessage);

        // step 1 - remove FK indices
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all foreign key indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 2 - remove FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all foreign keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

        // step 3 - remove PKs
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all primary keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deletePrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 4 - remove declared indices
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all declared indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.deleteDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 5 - repair field sizes
        if (fixSizes.booleanValue()) {
            Debug.logImportant("Updating column field size changes", module);
            List<String> fieldsWrongSize = FastList.newInstance();
            dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, fieldsWrongSize, messages, true, true, true, true);
            if (fieldsWrongSize.size() > 0) {
                dbUtil.repairColumnSizeChanges(modelEntities, fieldsWrongSize, messages);
            } else {
                String thisMsg = "No field sizes to update";
                Debug.logImportant(thisMsg, module);

        // step 6 - create PKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all primary keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createPrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 7 - create FK indices
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all foreign key indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 8 - create FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all foreign keys", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);

        // step 8 - create FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all declared indices", module);
        for (ModelEntity modelEntity: modelEntities.values()) {
            dbUtil.createDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);

        // step 8 - checkdb
        Debug.logImportant("Running DB check with add missing enabled", module);
        dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, messages, true);

        Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
        result.put("messages", messages);
        return result;
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    /* ====================================================================== */

    public void checkDb(Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities, List<String> messages, boolean addMissing) {
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(this.helperName);
        dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, messages, addMissing);
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        dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, messages, addMissing);

    /** Creates a list of ModelEntity objects based on meta data from the database */
    public List<ModelEntity> induceModelFromDb(Collection<String> messages) {
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(this.helperName);
        return dbUtil.induceModelFromDb(messages);
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        Boolean fixSizes = (Boolean) context.get("fixColSizes");
        if (fixSizes == null) fixSizes = Boolean.FALSE;
        List messages = new ArrayList();

        String helperName = delegator.getGroupHelperName(groupName);
        DatabaseUtil dbUtil = new DatabaseUtil(helperName);
        Map modelEntities = delegator.getModelEntityMapByGroup(groupName);
        Set modelEntityNames = new TreeSet(modelEntities.keySet());

        Iterator modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 1 - remove FK indices
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all foreign key indices", module);
        modelEntityNameIter = modelEntityNames.iterator();
        while (modelEntityNameIter.hasNext()) {
            String modelEntityName = (String);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = (ModelEntity) modelEntities.get(modelEntityName);
            dbUtil.deleteForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);
        modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 2 - remove FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all foreign keys", module);
        modelEntityNameIter = modelEntityNames.iterator();
        while (modelEntityNameIter.hasNext()) {
            String modelEntityName = (String);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = (ModelEntity) modelEntities.get(modelEntityName);
            dbUtil.deleteForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);
        modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 3 - remove PKs
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all primary keys", module);
        modelEntityNameIter = modelEntityNames.iterator();
        while (modelEntityNameIter.hasNext()) {
            String modelEntityName = (String);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = (ModelEntity) modelEntities.get(modelEntityName);
            dbUtil.deletePrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);
        modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 4 - remove declared indices
        Debug.logImportant("Removing all declared indices", module);
        modelEntityNameIter = modelEntityNames.iterator();
        while (modelEntityNameIter.hasNext()) {
            String modelEntityName = (String);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = (ModelEntity) modelEntities.get(modelEntityName);
            dbUtil.deleteDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);
        modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 5 - repair field sizes
        if (fixSizes.booleanValue()) {
            Debug.logImportant("Updating column field size changes", module);
            List fieldsWrongSize = new LinkedList();
            dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, fieldsWrongSize, messages, true, true, true, true);
            if (fieldsWrongSize.size() > 0) {
                dbUtil.repairColumnSizeChanges(modelEntities, fieldsWrongSize, messages);
            } else {
                String thisMsg = "No field sizes to update";
                Debug.logImportant(thisMsg, module);

        // step 6 - create PKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all primary keys", module);
        modelEntityNameIter = modelEntityNames.iterator();
        while (modelEntityNameIter.hasNext()) {
            String modelEntityName = (String);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = (ModelEntity) modelEntities.get(modelEntityName);
            dbUtil.createPrimaryKey(modelEntity, messages);
        modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 7 - create FK indices
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all foreign key indices", module);
        modelEntityNameIter = modelEntityNames.iterator();
        while (modelEntityNameIter.hasNext()) {
            String modelEntityName = (String);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = (ModelEntity) modelEntities.get(modelEntityName);
            dbUtil.createForeignKeyIndices(modelEntity, messages);
        modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 8 - create FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all foreign keys", module);
        modelEntityNameIter = modelEntityNames.iterator();
        while (modelEntityNameIter.hasNext()) {
            String modelEntityName = (String);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = (ModelEntity) modelEntities.get(modelEntityName);
            dbUtil.createForeignKeys(modelEntity, modelEntities, messages);
        modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 8 - create FKs
        Debug.logImportant("Creating all declared indices", module);
        modelEntityNameIter = modelEntityNames.iterator();
        while (modelEntityNameIter.hasNext()) {
            String modelEntityName = (String);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = (ModelEntity) modelEntities.get(modelEntityName);
            dbUtil.createDeclaredIndices(modelEntity, messages);
        modelEntityNameIter = null;

        // step 8 - checkdb
        Debug.logImportant("Running DB check with add missing enabled", module);
        dbUtil.checkDb(modelEntities, messages, true);
        Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
        result.put("messages", messages);
        return result;
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