Package org.ofbiz.entity.datasource

Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.datasource.GenericHelper

            if (doCacheClear) {
                // always clear cache before the operation
                this.clearCacheLineByCondition(entityName, condition);
            ModelEntity modelEntity = getModelReader().getModelEntity(entityName);
            GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(entityName);

            List<GenericValue> removedEntities = null;
            if (testMode) {
                removedEntities = this.findList(entityName, condition, null, null, null, false);

            int rowsAffected = helper.removeByCondition(modelEntity, condition);

            if (testMode) {
                for (GenericValue entity : removedEntities) {
                    storeForTestRollback(new TestOperation(OperationType.DELETE, entity));
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            EntityEcaRuleRunner<?> ecaRunner = this.getEcaRuleRunner(primaryKey.getEntityName());
            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_VALIDATE, EntityEcaHandler.OP_FIND, primaryKey, false);

            GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(primaryKey.getEntityName());
            GenericValue value = null;

            if (!primaryKey.isPrimaryKey()) {
                throw new GenericModelException("[GenericDelegator.findByPrimaryKey] Passed primary key is not a valid primary key: " + primaryKey);

            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RUN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_FIND, primaryKey, false);
            try {
                value = helper.findByPrimaryKeyPartial(primaryKey, keys);
            } catch (GenericEntityNotFoundException e) {
            if (value != null) value.setDelegator(this);

            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RETURN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_FIND, primaryKey, false);
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            havingEntityCondition.encryptConditionFields(modelEntity, this);

        ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RUN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_FIND, dummyValue, false);
        GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(modelEntity.getEntityName());
        EntityListIterator eli = helper.findListIteratorByCondition(modelEntity, whereEntityCondition, havingEntityCondition, fieldsToSelect, orderBy, findOptions);

        ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RETURN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_FIND, dummyValue, false);
        return eli;
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        ModelViewEntity modelViewEntity = dynamicViewEntity.makeModelViewEntity(this);
        if (whereEntityCondition != null) whereEntityCondition.checkCondition(modelViewEntity);
        if (havingEntityCondition != null) havingEntityCondition.checkCondition(modelViewEntity);

        GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(dynamicViewEntity.getOneRealEntityName());
        EntityListIterator eli = helper.findListIteratorByCondition(modelViewEntity, whereEntityCondition,
                havingEntityCondition, fieldsToSelect, orderBy, findOptions);
        //TODO: add decrypt fields
        return eli;
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                havingEntityCondition.encryptConditionFields(modelEntity, this);

            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RUN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_FIND, dummyValue, false);
            GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(modelEntity.getEntityName());
            long count = helper.findCountByCondition(modelEntity, whereEntityCondition, havingEntityCondition, findOptions);

            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RETURN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_FIND, dummyValue, false);
            return count;
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            String errMsg = "Failure in findListIteratorByCondition operation for entity [DynamicView]: " + e.toString() + ". Rolling back transaction.";
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            ModelRelation modelRelationOne = modelEntity.getRelation(relationNameOne);
            ModelEntity modelEntityOne = getModelEntity(modelRelationOne.getRelEntityName());
            ModelRelation modelRelationTwo = modelEntityOne.getRelation(relationNameTwo);
            ModelEntity modelEntityTwo = getModelEntity(modelRelationTwo.getRelEntityName());

            GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(modelEntity);

            return helper.findByMultiRelation(value, modelRelationOne, modelEntityOne, modelRelationTwo, modelEntityTwo, orderBy);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            String errMsg = "Failure in getMultiRelation operation for entity [" + value.getEntityName() + "]: " + e.toString() + ". Rolling back transaction.";
            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
            try {
                // only rollback the transaction if we started one...
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        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(helperInfo.getHelperFullName())) {
            // pre-load field type defs, the return value is ignored
            // get the helper and if configured, do the datasource check
            GenericHelper helper = GenericHelperFactory.getHelper(helperInfo);

            DatasourceInfo datasourceInfo = EntityConfigUtil.getDatasourceInfo(helperBaseName);
            if (datasourceInfo.checkOnStart) {
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                    Debug.logInfo("Doing database check as requested in entityengine.xml with addMissing=" + datasourceInfo.addMissingOnStart, module);
                try {
                    helper.checkDataSource(this.getModelEntityMapByGroup(groupName), null, datasourceInfo.addMissingOnStart);
                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                    Debug.logWarning(e, e.getMessage(), module);
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        if (value == null) {
            throw new GenericEntityException("Cannot create a null value");

        GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(value.getEntityName());
        // just make sure it is this delegator...
        // this will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the entity for the value does not have one pk field, or if it already has a value set for the one pk field

        boolean beganTransaction = false;
        try {
            if (alwaysUseTransaction) {
                beganTransaction = TransactionUtil.begin();

            EntityEcaRuleRunner<?> ecaRunner = this.getEcaRuleRunner(value.getEntityName());
            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_VALIDATE, EntityEcaHandler.OP_CREATE, value, false);

            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RUN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_CREATE, value, false);


            // if audit log on for any fields, save new value with no old value because it's a create
            if (value != null && value.getModelEntity().getHasFieldWithAuditLog()) {
                createEntityAuditLogAll(value, false, false);

            try {
                value = helper.create(value);

                if (testMode) {
                    storeForTestRollback(new TestOperation(OperationType.INSERT, value));
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                // see if this was caused by an existing record before resetting the sequencer and trying again
                // NOTE: use the helper directly so ECA rules, etc won't be run

                GenericValue existingValue = null;
                try {
                    existingValue = helper.findByPrimaryKey(value.getPrimaryKey());
                } catch (GenericEntityException e1) {
                    // ignore this error, if not found it'll probably be a GenericEntityNotFoundException
                    // it is important to not let this get thrown because it will mask the original exception
                if (existingValue == null) {
                    throw e;
                } else {
                    Debug.logInfo("Error creating entity record with a sequenced value [" + value.getPrimaryKey() + "], trying again about to refresh bank for entity [" + value.getEntityName() + "]", module);

                    // found an existing value... was probably a duplicate key, so clean things up and try again
                    this.sequencer.forceBankRefresh(value.getEntityName(), 1);

                    value = helper.create(value);
                    Debug.logInfo("Successfully created new entity record on retry with a sequenced value [" + value.getPrimaryKey() + "], after getting refreshed bank for entity [" + value.getEntityName() + "]", module);

                    if (testMode) {
                        storeForTestRollback(new TestOperation(OperationType.INSERT, value));
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            EntityEcaRuleRunner<?> ecaRunner = this.getEcaRuleRunner(value.getEntityName());
            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_VALIDATE, EntityEcaHandler.OP_CREATE, value, false);

            GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(value.getEntityName());

            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RUN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_CREATE, value, false);


            // if audit log on for any fields, save new value with no old value because it's a create
            if (value != null && value.getModelEntity().getHasFieldWithAuditLog()) {
                createEntityAuditLogAll(value, false, false);

            value = helper.create(value);

            if (testMode) {
                storeForTestRollback(new TestOperation(OperationType.INSERT, value));
            if (value != null) {
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            EntityEcaRuleRunner<?> ecaRunner = this.getEcaRuleRunner(primaryKey.getEntityName());
            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_VALIDATE, EntityEcaHandler.OP_REMOVE, primaryKey, false);

            GenericHelper helper = getEntityHelper(primaryKey.getEntityName());

            if (doCacheClear) {
                // always clear cache before the operation
                ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_CACHE_CLEAR, EntityEcaHandler.OP_REMOVE, primaryKey, false);

            ecaRunner.evalRules(EntityEcaHandler.EV_RUN, EntityEcaHandler.OP_REMOVE, primaryKey, false);

            // if audit log on for any fields, save old value before removing so it's still there
            if (primaryKey.getModelEntity().getHasFieldWithAuditLog()) {
                createEntityAuditLogAll(this.findOne(primaryKey.getEntityName(), primaryKey, false), true, true);

            GenericValue removedEntity = null;
            if (testMode) {
                removedEntity = this.findOne(primaryKey.entityName, primaryKey, false);
            int num = helper.removeByPrimaryKey(primaryKey);

            if (testMode) {
                if (removedEntity != null) {
                    storeForTestRollback(new TestOperation(OperationType.DELETE, removedEntity));
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.entity.datasource.GenericHelper

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