Package org.ofbiz.base.util

Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException

        assertSame(label + ":to-Object", toConvert, simpleTypeConvert(toConvert, "Object", null, null, null, true));
        assertSame(label + ":to-java.lang.Object", toConvert, simpleTypeConvert(toConvert, "java.lang.Object", null, null, null, true));

    public void testClassNotFound() {
        GeneralException caught = null;
        try {
            ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(this, "foobarbaz", null, null, null, false);
        } catch (GeneralException e) {
            caught = e;
        } finally {
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        public void runAction(Map<String, Object> context) throws GeneralException {
            if (location.endsWith(".bsh")) {
                try {
                    BshUtil.runBshAtLocation(location, context);
                } catch (GeneralException e) {
                    throw new GeneralException("Error running BSH script at location [" + location + "]", e);
            } else if (location.endsWith(".groovy")) {
                try {
                    groovy.lang.Script script = InvokerHelper.createScript(GroovyUtil.getScriptClassFromLocation(location), GroovyUtil.getBinding(context));
                    if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(method)) {
                    } else {
                        script.invokeMethod(method, EMPTY_ARGS);
                } catch (GeneralException e) {
                    throw new GeneralException("Error running Groovy script at location [" + location + "]", e);
            } else if (location.endsWith(".xml")) {
                Map<String, Object> localContext = FastMap.newInstance();
                DispatchContext ctx = this.modelScreen.getDispatcher(context).getDispatchContext();
                MethodContext methodContext = new MethodContext(ctx, localContext, null);
                try {
                    SimpleMethod.runSimpleMethod(location, method, methodContext);
                } catch (MiniLangException e) {
                    throw new GeneralException("Error running simple method at location [" + location + "]", e);
            } else {
                throw new GeneralException("For screen script actions the script type is not yet supported for location: [" + location + "]");
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                serviceName = paymentSettings.getString("paymentService");
            paymentConfig = paymentSettings.getString("paymentPropertiesPath");
            paymentGatewayConfigId = paymentSettings.getString("paymentGatewayConfigId");
        } else {
            throw new GeneralException("Could not find any valid payment settings for order with ID [" + orh.getOrderId() + "], and payment operation (serviceType) [" + serviceType + "]");

        // make sure the service name is not null
        if (serviceName == null) {
            throw new GeneralException("Invalid payment processor, serviceName is null: " + paymentSettings);

        // make the process context
        Map<String, Object> processContext = FastMap.newInstance();

        // get the visit record to obtain the client's IP address
        GenericValue orderHeader = orh.getOrderHeader();
        //if (orderHeader == null) {}

        String visitId = orderHeader.getString("visitId");
        GenericValue visit = null;
        if (visitId != null) {
            try {
                visit = orderHeader.getDelegator().findByPrimaryKey("Visit", UtilMisc.toMap("visitId", visitId));
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);

        if (visit != null && visit.get("clientIpAddress") != null) {
            processContext.put("customerIpAddress", visit.getString("clientIpAddress"));

        GenericValue productStore = orderHeader.getRelatedOne("ProductStore");

        processContext.put("userLogin", userLogin);
        processContext.put("orderId", orh.getOrderId());
        processContext.put("orderItems", orh.getOrderItems());
        processContext.put("shippingAddress", EntityUtil.getFirst(orh.getShippingLocations())); // TODO refactor the payment API to handle support all addresses
        processContext.put("paymentConfig", paymentConfig);
        processContext.put("paymentGatewayConfigId", paymentGatewayConfigId);
        processContext.put("currency", orh.getCurrency());
        processContext.put("orderPaymentPreference", paymentPreference);
        if (paymentPreference.get("securityCode") != null) {
            processContext.put("cardSecurityCode", paymentPreference.get("securityCode"));

        // get the billing information
        getBillingInformation(orh, paymentPreference, processContext);

        // default charge is totalRemaining
        BigDecimal processAmount = totalRemaining;

        // use override or max amount available
        if (overrideAmount != null) {
            processAmount = overrideAmount;
        } else if (paymentPreference.get("maxAmount") != null) {
            processAmount = paymentPreference.getBigDecimal("maxAmount");

        // Check if the order is a replacement order
        boolean replacementOrderFlag = isReplacementOrder(orderHeader);

        // don't authorized more then what is required
        if (!replacementOrderFlag && processAmount.compareTo(totalRemaining) > 0) {
            processAmount = totalRemaining;

        // format the decimal
        processAmount = processAmount.setScale(decimals, rounding);

        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Charging amount: " + processAmount, module);
        processContext.put("processAmount", processAmount);

        // invoke the processor
        Map<String, Object> processorResult = null;
        try {
            // invoke the payment processor; allow 5 minute transaction timeout and require a new tx; we'll capture the error and pass back nicely

            GenericValue creditCard = (GenericValue) processContext.get("creditCard");

            // only try other exp dates if orderHeader.autoOrderShoppingListId is not empty, productStore.autoOrderCcTryExp=Y and this payment is a creditCard
            boolean tryOtherExpDates = "Y".equals(productStore.getString("autoOrderCcTryExp")) && creditCard != null && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderHeader.getString("autoOrderShoppingListId"));

            // if we are not trying other expire dates OR if we are and the date is after today, then run the service
            if (!tryOtherExpDates || UtilValidate.isDateAfterToday(creditCard.getString("expireDate"))) {
                processorResult = dispatcher.runSync(serviceName, processContext, TX_TIME, true);

            // try other expire dates if the expireDate is not after today, or if we called the auth service and resultBadExpire = true
            if (tryOtherExpDates && (!UtilValidate.isDateAfterToday(creditCard.getString("expireDate")) || (processorResult != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(processorResult.get("resultBadExpire"))))) {
                // try adding 2, 3, 4 years later with the same month
                String expireDate = creditCard.getString("expireDate");
                int dateSlash1 = expireDate.indexOf("/");
                String month = expireDate.substring(0, dateSlash1);
                String year = expireDate.substring(dateSlash1 + 1);

                // start adding 2 years, if comes back with resultBadExpire try again up to twice incrementing one year
                year = StringUtil.addToNumberString(year, 2);
                // note that this is set in memory only for now, not saved to the database unless successful
                creditCard.set("expireDate", month + "/" + year);
                // don't need to set back in the processContext, it's already there: processContext.put("creditCard", creditCard);
                processorResult = dispatcher.runSync(serviceName, processContext, TX_TIME, true);

                // note that these additional tries will only be done if the service return is not an error, in that case we let it pass through to the normal error handling
                if (!ServiceUtil.isError(processorResult) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(processorResult.get("resultBadExpire"))) {
                    // okay, try one more year...
                    year = StringUtil.addToNumberString(year, 1);
                    creditCard.set("expireDate", month + "/" + year);
                    processorResult = dispatcher.runSync(serviceName, processContext, TX_TIME, true);

                if (!ServiceUtil.isError(processorResult) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(processorResult.get("resultBadExpire"))) {
                    // okay, try one more year... and this is the last try
                    year = StringUtil.addToNumberString(year, 1);
                    creditCard.set("expireDate", month + "/" + year);
                    processorResult = dispatcher.runSync(serviceName, processContext, TX_TIME, true);

                // at this point if we have a successful result, let's save the new creditCard expireDate
                if (!ServiceUtil.isError(processorResult) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(processorResult.get("authResult"))) {
                    // TODO: this is bad; we should be expiring the old card and creating a new one instead of editing it
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, "Error occurred on: " + serviceName + " => " + processContext, module);
            throw new GeneralException("Problems invoking payment processor! Will retry later. Order ID is: [" + orh.getOrderId() + "", e);

        if (processorResult != null) {
            // check for errors from the processor implementation
            if (ServiceUtil.isError(processorResult)) {
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        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, module);
            throw e;
        if (ServiceUtil.isError(resResp)) {
            throw new GeneralException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(resResp));
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    private static void processCaptureResult(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> result, GenericValue userLogin,
            GenericValue paymentPreference, String authServiceType, Locale locale) throws GeneralException {
        if (result == null) {
            throw new GeneralException("Null capture result sent to processCaptureResult; fatal error");

        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
        Boolean captureResult = (Boolean) result.get("captureResult");
        BigDecimal amount = null;
        if (result.get("captureAmount") != null) {
            amount = (BigDecimal) result.get("captureAmount");
        } else if (result.get("processAmount") != null) {
            amount = (BigDecimal) result.get("processAmount");
            result.put("captureAmount", amount);

        if (amount == null) {
            throw new GeneralException("Unable to process null capture amount");

        // setup the amount big decimal
        amount = amount.setScale(decimals, rounding);

        result.put("orderPaymentPreference", paymentPreference);
        result.put("userLogin", userLogin);
        result.put("serviceTypeEnum", authServiceType);

        ModelService model = dctx.getModelService("processCaptureResult");
        Map<String, Object> context = model.makeValid(result, ModelService.IN_PARAM);
        Map<String, Object> capRes;
        try {
            capRes = dispatcher.runSync("processCaptureResult", context);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, module);
            throw e;
        if (capRes != null && ServiceUtil.isError(capRes)) {
            throw new GeneralException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(capRes));
        if (!captureResult.booleanValue()) {
            // capture returned false (error)
            try {
                processReAuthFromCaptureFailure(dctx, result, amount, userLogin, paymentPreference, locale);
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        try {
            GenericValue orderHeader = paymentPreference.getRelatedOne("OrderHeader");
            if (orderHeader != null)
                orh = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Problems getting OrderHeader; cannot re-auth the payment", e);

        // make sure the order exists
        if (orh == null) {
            throw new GeneralException("No order found for payment preference #" + paymentPreference.get("orderPaymentPreferenceId"));

        // set the re-auth amount
        if (amount == null) {
            amount = ZERO;
        if (amount.compareTo(ZERO) == 0) {
            amount = paymentPreference.getBigDecimal("maxAmount");
            Debug.logInfo("resetting payment amount from 0.00 to correctMax amount", module);
        Debug.logInfo("reauth with amount: " + amount, module);

        // first re-auth the card
        Map<String, Object> authPayRes = authPayment(dispatcher, userLogin, orh, paymentPreference, amount, true, null);
        if (authPayRes == null) {
            throw new GeneralException("Null result returned from payment re-authorization");

        // check the auth-response
        Boolean authResp = (Boolean) authPayRes.get("authResult");
        Boolean capResp = (Boolean) authPayRes.get("captureResult");
        if (authResp != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(authResp)) {
            GenericValue authTrans = processAuthRetryResult(dctx, authPayRes, userLogin, paymentPreference);
            // check if auto-capture was enabled; process if so
            if (capResp != null && capResp.booleanValue()) {
                processCaptureResult(dctx, result, userLogin, paymentPreference, locale);
            } else {
                // no auto-capture; do manual capture now
                Map<String, Object> capPayRes = capturePayment(dctx, userLogin, orh, paymentPreference, amount, authTrans, locale);
                if (capPayRes == null) {
                    throw new GeneralException("Problems trying to capture payment (null result)");

                // process the capture result
                Boolean capPayResp = (Boolean) capPayRes.get("captureResult");
                if (capPayResp != null && capPayResp.booleanValue()) {
                    // process the capture result
                    processCaptureResult(dctx, capPayRes, userLogin, paymentPreference, locale);
                } else {
                    throw new GeneralException("Capture of authorized payment failed");
        } else {
            throw new GeneralException("Payment re-authorization failed");
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            content = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId));
        } else {
            content = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId));
        if (content == null) {
            throw new GeneralException("No content found for content ID [" + contentId + "]");

        // if the content is a PUBLISH_POINT and the data resource is not defined; get the related content
        if ("WEB_SITE_PUB_PT".equals(content.get("contentTypeId")) && content.get("dataResourceId") == null) {
            List<GenericValue> relContentIds = delegator.findByAndCache("ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo",
                    UtilMisc.toMap("contentIdStart", content.get("contentId"),"statusId","CTNT_PUBLISHED",
                    "caContentAssocTypeId", "PUBLISH_LINK"), UtilMisc.toList("caFromDate"));

            relContentIds = EntityUtil.filterByDate(relContentIds, UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(), "caFromDate", "caThruDate", true);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(relContentIds)) {
                content = EntityUtil.getFirst(relContentIds);

            if (content == null) {
                throw new GeneralException("No related content found for publish point [" + contentId + "]");

        // check for alternate content per locale
        if (locale != null) {
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                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, module);
                    throw e;
                if (ServiceUtil.isError(serviceRes)) {
                    throw new GeneralException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(serviceRes));
                } else {

        String contentId = content.getString("contentId");

        if (templateContext == null) {
            templateContext = FastMap.newInstance();

        // create the content facade
        ContentMapFacade facade = new ContentMapFacade(dispatcher, content, templateContext, locale, mimeTypeId, cache);
        // If this content is decorating something then tell the facade about it in order to maintain the chain of decoration
        ContentMapFacade decoratedContent = (ContentMapFacade) templateContext.get("decoratedContent");
        if (decoratedContent != null) {

        // look for a content decorator
        String contentDecoratorId = content.getString("decoratorContentId");
        // Check that the decoratorContent is not the same as the current content
        if (contentId.equals(contentDecoratorId)) {
            Debug.logError("[" + contentId + "] decoratorContentId is the same as contentId, ignoring.", module);
            contentDecoratorId = null;
        // check to see if the decorator has already been run
        boolean isDecorated = Boolean.TRUE.equals(templateContext.get("_IS_DECORATED_"));
        if (!isDecorated && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(contentDecoratorId)) {
            // if there is a decorator content; do not render this content;
            // instead render the decorator
            GenericValue decorator;
            if (cache) {
                decorator = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentDecoratorId));
            } else {
                decorator = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentDecoratorId));
            if (decorator == null) {
                throw new GeneralException("No decorator content found for decorator contentId [" + contentDecoratorId + "]");

            // render the decorator
            ContentMapFacade decFacade = new ContentMapFacade(dispatcher, decorator, templateContext, locale, mimeTypeId, cache);
            templateContext.put("decoratedContent", facade); // decorated content
            templateContext.put("thisContent", decFacade); // decorator content
            ContentWorker.renderContentAsText(dispatcher, delegator, contentDecoratorId, out, templateContext, locale, mimeTypeId, null, null, cache);
        } else {
            // get the data resource info
            String templateDataResourceId = content.getString("templateDataResourceId");
            String dataResourceId = content.getString("dataResourceId");
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(dataResourceId)) {
                Debug.logError("No dataResourceId found for contentId: " + content.getString("contentId"), module);

            // set this content facade in the context
            templateContext.put("thisContent", facade);
            templateContext.put("contentId", contentId);

            // now if no template; just render the data
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(templateDataResourceId) || templateContext.containsKey("ignoreTemplate")) {
                if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(contentId)) {
                    Debug.logError("No content ID found.", module);
                DataResourceWorker.renderDataResourceAsText(delegator, dataResourceId, out, templateContext, locale, mimeTypeId, cache);

            // there is a template; render the data and then the template
            } else {
                Writer dataWriter = new StringWriter();
                DataResourceWorker.renderDataResourceAsText(delegator, dataResourceId, dataWriter,
                        templateContext, locale, mimeTypeId, cache);

                String textData = dataWriter.toString();
                if (textData != null) {
                    textData = textData.trim();

                String mimeType;
                try {
                    mimeType = DataResourceWorker.getDataResourceMimeType(delegator, dataResourceId, null);
                } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                    throw new GeneralException(e.getMessage());

                // This part is using an xml file as the input data and an ftl or xsl file to present it.
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(mimeType)) {
                    if (mimeType.toLowerCase().indexOf("xml") >= 0) {
                        GenericValue dataResource = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("DataResource", UtilMisc.toMap("dataResourceId", dataResourceId));
                        GenericValue templateDataResource = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("DataResource", UtilMisc.toMap("dataResourceId", templateDataResourceId));
                        if ("FTL".equals(templateDataResource.getString("dataTemplateTypeId"))) {
                            StringReader sr = new StringReader(textData);
                            try {
                                NodeModel nodeModel = NodeModel.parse(new InputSource(sr));
                                templateContext.put("doc", nodeModel) ;
                            } catch (SAXException e) {
                                throw new GeneralException(e.getMessage());
                            } catch (ParserConfigurationException e2) {
                                throw new GeneralException(e2.getMessage());
                        } else {
                            templateContext.put("docFile", DataResourceWorker.getContentFile(dataResource.getString("dataResourceTypeId"), dataResource.getString("objectInfo"), (String) templateContext.get("contextRoot")).getAbsoluteFile().toString());
                    } else {
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            try {
                currentContent = ContentWorker.getSubContentCache(delegator, contentId, mapKey, subContentId, userLogin, assocTypes, fromDate, nullThruDatesOnly, contentAssocPredicateId);
                Map<String, Object> node = ContentWorker.makeNode(currentContent);
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new GeneralException(e.getMessage());
        ctx.put("globalNodeTrail", passedGlobalNodeTrail);
        ctx.put("indent", Integer.valueOf(sz));
        //if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("getCurrentContent, currentContent:" + currentContent, "");
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                partyIdFrom = partyId;
                partyIdTo = coParty;
                paymentAmount = amount;
        } else {
            throw new GeneralException("Unable to create financial account transaction!");

        // payment amount should always be positive; adjustments may
        // create the payment for the transaction
        Map<String, Object> paymentCtx = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("paymentTypeId", paymentType);
        paymentCtx.put("paymentMethodTypeId", paymentMethodType);
        paymentCtx.put("partyIdTo", partyIdTo);
        paymentCtx.put("partyIdFrom", partyIdFrom);
        paymentCtx.put("statusId", "PMNT_RECEIVED");
        paymentCtx.put("currencyUomId", currencyUom);
        paymentCtx.put("amount", paymentAmount);
        paymentCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
        paymentCtx.put("paymentRefNum", Long.toString(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp().getTime()));

        String paymentId;
        Map<String, Object> payResult;
        try {
            payResult = dispatcher.runSync("createPayment", paymentCtx);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            throw new GeneralException(e);
        if (payResult == null) {
            throw new GeneralException("Unknow error in creating financial account transaction!");
        if (ServiceUtil.isError(payResult)) {
            throw new GeneralException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(payResult));
        paymentId = (String) payResult.get("paymentId");

        // create the initial transaction
        Map<String, Object> transCtx = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("finAccountTransTypeId", txType);
        transCtx.put("finAccountId", finAccountId);
        transCtx.put("partyId", partyId);
        transCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
        transCtx.put("orderItemSeqId", orderItemSeqId);
        transCtx.put("reasonEnumId", reasonEnumId);
        transCtx.put("amount", amount);
        transCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
        transCtx.put("paymentId", paymentId);

        Map<String, Object> transResult;
        try {
            transResult = dispatcher.runSync("createFinAccountTrans", transCtx);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            throw new GeneralException(e);
        if (transResult == null) {
            throw new GeneralException("Unknown error in creating financial account transaction!");
        if (ServiceUtil.isError(transResult)) {
            throw new GeneralException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(transResult));

        return (String) transResult.get("finAccountTransId");
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException

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