* <p>
* Throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of the presentation document slide count.
public OdfSlide newSlide(int index, String name, OdfSlide.SlideLayout slideLayout) {
OfficePresentationElement contentRoot = null;
try {
contentRoot = getContentRoot();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(OdfPresentationDocument.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
return null;
NodeList slideList = contentRoot.getElementsByTagNameNS(OdfDocumentNamespace.DRAW.getUri(), "page");
int slideCount = slideList.getLength();
if ((index < 0) || (index > slideCount)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("the specified Index is out of slide count when call newSlide method.");
//if insert page at the beginning of the document,
//get the next page style as the new page style
//else get the previous page style as the new page style
DrawPageElement refStyleSlide = null;
int refSlideIndex = 0;
if (index > 0) {
refSlideIndex = index - 1;
refStyleSlide = (DrawPageElement) slideList.item(refSlideIndex);
String masterPageStyleName = "Default";
String masterName = refStyleSlide.getDrawMasterPageNameAttribute();
if (masterName != null) {
masterPageStyleName = masterName;
DrawPageElement newSlideElement = contentRoot.newDrawPageElement(masterPageStyleName);
String drawStyleName = refStyleSlide.getDrawStyleNameAttribute();
if (drawStyleName != null) {
String pageLayoutName = refStyleSlide.getPresentationPresentationPageLayoutNameAttribute();
if (pageLayoutName != null) {
setSlideLayout(newSlideElement, slideLayout);
//insert notes page
NodeList noteNodes = refStyleSlide.getElementsByTagNameNS(OdfDocumentNamespace.PRESENTATION.getUri(), "notes");
if (noteNodes.getLength() > 0) {
PresentationNotesElement notePage = (PresentationNotesElement) noteNodes.item(0);
PresentationNotesElement cloneNotePage = (PresentationNotesElement) notePage.cloneNode(true);
if (index < slideCount) {
DrawPageElement refSlide = (DrawPageElement) slideList.item(index);
contentRoot.insertBefore(newSlideElement, refSlide);
//in case that the appended new slide have the same name with the original slide
hasCheckSlideName = false;