public EndpointReferenceUtilsTest(String arg0) {
public void testGetWSDLDefinitionFromImplementation() throws Exception {
Bus bus = Bus.init();
// This implementor is not derived from an SEI and does not implement
// the Remote interface. It is however annotated with a WebService
// annotation
// in which the wsdl location attribute is not set.
Object implementor = new AnnotatedGreeterNoOverloadImpl();
WSDLManager manager = bus.getWSDLManager();
EndpointReferenceType ref = EndpointReferenceUtils
.getEndpointReference(manager, implementor);
Definition def = EndpointReferenceUtils.getWSDLDefinition(manager, ref);
assertNotNull("Could not generate wsdl", def);
Port port = EndpointReferenceUtils.getPort(bus.getWSDLManager(), ref);
// FIXME - a soap binding and service/port should have been
// generated
// negative test case
// fail("Did not expect a port to be found. Did someone fix this?");
assertNotNull("Expected to find a port", port);
// This implementor is annotated with a WebService annotation that has
// no
// wsdl location specified but it is derived from an interface that is
// annotated with a WebService annotation in which the attribute IS set
// -
// to a url that can be resolved because the interface was generated as
// part
// of the test build.
implementor = new DerivedGreeterImpl();
ref = EndpointReferenceUtils.getEndpointReference(manager, implementor);
def = EndpointReferenceUtils.getWSDLDefinition(manager, ref);
assertNotNull("Could not load wsdl", def);
port = EndpointReferenceUtils.getPort(bus.getWSDLManager(), ref);
// FIXME - a soap binding and service/port should have been generated
// negative test case
// fail("Did not expect a port to be found. Did someone fix this?");
assertNotNull("Could not find port", port);