Package org.objectweb.asm

Examples of org.objectweb.asm.Type

       * @param arg
       * @param class1
      private void push(Arg value, Type stack_type) {
        Type t = value.type;
        if (value.kind == Kind.X || value.kind == Kind.Y) {
          if (value.type == Type.INT_TYPE
              || value.type == Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
            // throw new Error("should not happen");
            mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, var_index(value));
          } else {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, var_index(value));
        } else if (value.kind == Kind.F) {
          mv.visitVarInsn(DLOAD, var_index(value));
        } else if (value.kind == Kind.IMMEDIATE) {
          t = push_immediate(value.value, stack_type);
        } else {
          throw new Error();

        if (t != null && !t.equals(stack_type)) {
          emit_convert(t, stack_type);
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          throw new Error("cannot convert " + value + " as "
              + stack_type);

        String known = constants.get(value);
        Type type = getConstantType(value);

        if (known == null) {

          String cn = getConstantName(value, constants.size());

          constants.put(value, known = cn);
          cv.visitField(ACC_STATIC, known, type.getDescriptor(),
              null, null);

          // System.err.println(constants);

        if (known != null) {
          mv.visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, self_type.getInternalName(),
              known, type.getDescriptor());
          return type;

        throw new Error("cannot push " + value + " as " + stack_type);
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        push(arg1, arg1.type);

        mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, EOBJECT_NAME,
            test_bif.getName(), test_bif.getDescriptor());

        Type returnType = test_bif.getReturnType();
        if (failLabel != 0) {
          // guard
          if (returnType.getSort() != Type.OBJECT)
            throw new Error("guards must return object type: "
                + test_bif);

          // dup result for test
          if (arg1 != null) {
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      public void visitTest(BeamOpcode test, int failLabel, Arg arg,
          int arity, Type tupleType) {

        switch (test) {
        case test_arity: {
          Type tt = getTubleType(arity);
          if (tt.equals(arg.type)) {
            // do nothing //
          } else {
            push(arg, EOBJECT_TYPE);
            mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, tt.getInternalName(),
                "cast", "(" + arg.type.getDescriptor() + ")"
                    + tt.getDescriptor());

            mv.visitVarInsn(ASTORE, scratch_reg);
            mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNULL, getLabel(failLabel));
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  private static final Type STRING_TYPE = Type.getType(String.class);

  public org.objectweb.asm.Type emit_const(MethodVisitor fa) {

    Type type = EATOM_TYPE;

    fa.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, type.getInternalName(),
        "intern", "(" + STRING_TYPE.getDescriptor() + ")"
            + type.getDescriptor());

    return type;
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        BeamOpcode test = insn_.opcode();

        if (insn_ instanceof Insn.LD) { // Handle simple type tests:
          Insn.LD insn = (Insn.LD)insn_;
          Arg arg = src_arg(insn_idx, insn.dest);
          Type test_type = type_tested_for(insn);
          if (test_type != null) {
            if (insn_.opcode() == BeamOpcode.is_nonempty_list
                || !test_type.equals(arg.type))
              vis.visitTest(test, failLabel, arg, test_type);

        switch (test) {
        case is_function2: {
          Insn.LDS insn = (Insn.LDS) insn_;
          vis.visitTest(test, failLabel,
                  dest_arg(insn_idx, insn.dest),

        case is_eq_exact:
          /* hack to convert types ... */

        case is_lt:
        case is_ge:
        case is_ne_exact:
        case is_ne:
        case is_eq: {
          Insn.LSS insn = (Insn.LSS) insn_;
          Arg[] args = new Arg[] {
            src_arg(insn_idx, insn.src1),
            src_arg(insn_idx, insn.src2) };

          Type outType = Type.VOID_TYPE;
          Type t1 = getType(typeMap, insn.src1);
          Type t2 = getType(typeMap, insn.src2);

          if (t1.equals(EOBJECT_TYPE) && !t2.equals(EOBJECT_TYPE)) {
            outType = t2;
          if (t2.equals(EOBJECT_TYPE) && !t1.equals(EOBJECT_TYPE)) {
            outType = t1;
          vis.visitTest(test, failLabel, args, outType);
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          case move: {
            Insn.SD insn = (Insn.SD) insn_;
            SourceOperand src = insn.src;
            DestinationOperand dst = insn.dest;

            Type srcType = getType(current, src);

            // Determine type after possible conversion:
            Type dstType = srcType;
            if (dst.testFReg() != null) {
              dstType = Type.DOUBLE_TYPE; // FRegs are always unboxed
            } else if (sizeof(current, src) > sizeof(current, dst)) { // Conversion needed
              if (srcType.equals(Type.DOUBLE_TYPE)) {
                dstType = EDOUBLE_TYPE; // Box
              } else {
                throw new Error("why?" + insn.toSymbolic()
                    + "; srcType="+getType(current,src));

            current = setType(current, dst, dstType);
            continue next_insn;
          case put_string: {
            Insn.ByD insn = (Insn.ByD) insn_;
            DestinationOperand dst = insn.dest;
            current = setType(current, dst, ESEQ_TYPE);
            continue next_insn;

          case jump: {
            Insn.L insn = (Insn.L) insn_;
            current = branch(current, insn.label, insn_idx);
            continue next_insn;


          case send: {
            current.touchx(0, 2);
            current = current.setx(0, current.getx(1), FV.this);
            continue next_insn;

          case fnegate: {
            Insn.LSD insn = (Insn.LSD)insn_;
            EAtom name = insn.opcode().symbol;
            SourceOperand[] parms = new SourceOperand[] {
            Type type = getBifResult("erlang", name.getName(),
                         parmTypes(current, parms), false);
            current = setType(current, insn.dest, type);

            continue next_insn;
          case fadd:
          case fsub:
          case fmul:
          case fdiv:
            Insn.LSSD insn = (Insn.LSSD) insn_;
            EAtom name = insn.opcode().symbol;
            SourceOperand[] parms = new SourceOperand[] {
              insn.src1, insn.src2
            Type type = getBifResult("erlang", name.getName(),
                         parmTypes(current, parms), false);
            current = setType(current, insn.dest, type);

            continue next_insn;

           case gc_bif1:
           case gc_bif2:
           case gc_bif3:
            // {gc_bif,BifName,F,Live,[A1,A2?],Reg};

            Insn.GcBif insn = (Insn.GcBif) insn_;
            boolean is_guard = ( != 0);

            current = branch(current, insn.label, insn_idx);

            EAtom name =;
            SourceOperand[] parms = insn.argList();

            Type type = getBifResult("erlang", name.getName(),
                         parmTypes(current, parms), is_guard);

            current = setType(current, insn.dest, type);

            continue next_insn;

          case bif0:
          case bif1:
          case bif2:
            Insn.Bif insn = (Insn.Bif) insn_;
            current = branch(current, insn.label, insn_idx);

            EAtom name =;
            SourceOperand[] parms = insn.argList();

            Type type = getBifResult("erlang", name.getName(),
                         parmTypes(current, parms), false);

            current = setType(current, insn.dest, type);

            continue next_insn;

          case is_tuple: {
            if (insn_idx+1 < insns.size()) {
            Insn next_insn = insns.get(insn_idx+1);
            if (next_insn.opcode() == BeamOpcode.test_arity) {
              if ([insn_idx+1] == null) {
      [insn_idx+1] =[insn_idx];
              int this_fail = decode_labelref(((Insn.L)insn_).label,[insn_idx].exh);
              int next_fail = decode_labelref(((Insn.L)next_insn).label,[insn_idx+1].exh);

              if (this_fail == next_fail) {

                Arg this_arg = src_arg(insn_idx, ((Insn.LD)insn_).dest);
                Arg next_arg = src_arg(insn_idx+1, ((Insn.LD)next_insn).dest);

                if (this_arg.equals(next_arg)) {
                  // SKIP THIS INSTRUCTION!                 
                  continue next_insn;

            // Tests:
            // LS:
          case is_integer:
          case is_float:
          case is_number:
          case is_atom:
          case is_pid:
          case is_reference:
          case is_port:
          case is_nil:
          case is_binary:
          case is_list:
          case is_nonempty_list:
          case is_function:
          case is_boolean:
          case is_bitstr:
            // LSI:
          case test_arity:
          case bs_test_tail2:
          case bs_test_unit:
            // LSS:
          case is_lt:
          case is_ge:
          case is_eq:
          case is_ne:
          case is_eq_exact:
          case is_ne_exact:
          case is_function2:
            // LSBi:
          case bs_match_string:
            // LSII:
          case bs_skip_utf8:
          case bs_skip_utf16:
          case bs_skip_utf32:
            // LSIID:
          case bs_start_match2:
          case bs_get_utf8:
          case bs_get_utf16:
          case bs_get_utf32:
            // LSSII:
          case bs_skip_bits2:
            // LSISIID:
          case bs_get_integer2:
          case bs_get_float2:
          case bs_get_binary2:
            try {
              current = analyze_test(current, (Insn.L)insn_, insn_idx);
            } catch (Error e) {
              throw new Error(" at "
                      + LabeledBlock.this.block_label + ":"
                      + insn_idx, e);
            assert (current != null);
            continue next_insn;

          case fconv: {
            // unbox and convert to DOUBLE
            Insn.SD insn = (Insn.SD) insn_;
            getType(current, insn.src);
            current = setType(current, insn.dest,
            continue next_insn;

          case init: {
            Insn.D insn = (Insn.D) insn_;
            current = setType(current, insn.dest, ENIL_TYPE);
            continue next_insn;

          case set_tuple_element: {
            Insn.SDI insn = (Insn.SDI) insn_;
            getType(current, insn.src);
            getType(current, insn.dest);
            continue next_insn;

          case get_tuple_element: {
            Insn.SID insn = (Insn.SID) insn_;
            getType(current, insn.src);
            current = setType(current, insn.dest, EOBJECT_TYPE);
            continue next_insn;

          case get_list: {
            Insn.SDD insn = (Insn.SDD) insn_;
            current = setType(current, insn.dest1, EOBJECT_TYPE);

            Type list_type = getType(current, insn.src);
            Type tail_type =
              (list_type == ELIST_TYPE || list_type == ESEQ_TYPE)
              ? ESEQ_TYPE : EOBJECT_TYPE;
            current = setType(current, insn.dest2, tail_type);

            continue next_insn;

          case put_list: {
            Insn.SSD insn = (Insn.SSD) insn_;

            Type head_type = getType(current, insn.src1);
            Type tail_type = getType(current, insn.src2);

            if (tail_type == null) {
              throw new Error("value: " + insn.src2.toSymbolic()
                  + " has no type");

            Type list_type = (tail_type.equals(ENIL_TYPE)
                      || tail_type.equals(ESEQ_TYPE)
                      || tail_type.equals(ELIST_TYPE))
              ? ELIST_TYPE : ECONS_TYPE;
            current = setType(current, insn.dest, list_type);
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          cell instanceof Operands.YReg)
          return 32;
        if (cell instanceof Operands.FReg)
          return 64;

        Type t = getType(current, cell);
        if (t == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE) {
          return 64;
        } else {
          return 32;
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      private Type[] parmTypes(TypeMap current, SourceOperand[] args) {
        Type[] res = new Type[args.length];

        for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
          SourceOperand arg = args[i];
          Type argType = getType(current, arg);
          if (argType == null) {
            throw new Error("uninitialized " + arg);
          res[i] = argType;
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        return res;

      private void checkArg(TypeMap current, SourceOperand arg) {
        Type argType = getType(current, arg);
        if (argType == null) {
          throw new Error("uninitialized " + arg);
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Related Classes of org.objectweb.asm.Type

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