Package org.netlib.util

Examples of org.netlib.util.intW

        double[] Xd = ((DenseMatrix) X).getData();


        intW info = new intW(0);
        LAPACK.getInstance().dtbtrs(uplo.netlib(), trans.netlib(), diag.netlib(),
          numRows, kd, X.numColumns(), data, Matrices.ld(kd + 1), Xd, Matrices.ld(n),

        if (info.val > 0)
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        int lwork;

        // Query optimal workspace. First for computing the factorization
            work = new double[1];
            intW info = new intW(0);
            LAPACK.getInstance().dgerqf(m, n, new double[0], Matrices.ld(m), new double[0],
                    work, -1, info);

            if (info.val != 0)
                lwork = m;
                lwork = (int) work[0];
            lwork = Math.max(1, lwork);
            work = new double[lwork];

        // Workspace needed for generating an explicit orthogonal matrix
            workGen = new double[1];
            intW info = new intW(0);
            LAPACK.getInstance().dorgrq(m, n, m, new double[0],Matrices.ld(m),
                    new double[0], workGen, -1, info);

            if (info.val != 0)
                lwork = m;
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            throw new IllegalArgumentException("R == null");

         * Calculate factorisation, and extract the triangular factor
        intW info = new intW(0);
        LAPACK.getInstance().dgerqf(m, n, A.getData(), Matrices.ld(m), tau, work,
                work.length, info);

        if (info.val < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
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        if (!upper && A.kl != kd)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("A.kl != kd");

        notspd = false;

        intW info = new intW(0);
        if (upper)
            LAPACK.getInstance().dpbtrf(UpLo.Upper.netlib(), n, kd, A.getData(),
              Matrices.ld(kd + 1), info);
            LAPACK.getInstance().dpbtrf(UpLo.Lower.netlib(), n, kd, A.getData(),
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        double anorm = A.norm(Norm.One);

        double[] work = new double[3 * n];
        int[] lwork = new int[n];

        intW info = new intW(0);
        doubleW rcond = new doubleW(0);
        if (upper)
            LAPACK.getInstance().dpbcon(UpLo.Upper.netlib(), n, kd, Cu.getData(),
              Matrices.ld(kd + 1), anorm, rcond, work, lwork, info);
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        if (notspd)
            throw new MatrixNotSPDException();
        if (B.numRows() != n)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("B.numRows() != n");

        intW info = new intW(0);
        if (upper)
            LAPACK.getInstance().dpbtrs(UpLo.Upper.netlib(), n, kd, B.numColumns(),
                    Cu.getData(), Matrices.ld(kd + 1), B.getData(), Matrices.ld(n), info);
            LAPACK.getInstance().dpbtrs(UpLo.Lower.netlib(), n, kd, B.numColumns(),
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        isuppz = new int[2 * Math.max(1, n)];

        // Find the needed workspace
        double[] worksize = new double[1];
        int[] iworksize = new int[1];
        intW info = new intW(0);
        LAPACK.getInstance().dstevr(job.netlib(), range.netlib(), n, new double[0],
                new double[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, abstol, new intW(1), new double[0],
                new double[0], Matrices.ld(n), isuppz, worksize, -1, iworksize, -1, info);

        // Allocate workspace
        int lwork = 0, liwork = 0;
        if (info.val != 0) {
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    public SymmTridiagEVD factor(SymmTridiagMatrix A)
            throws NotConvergedException {
        if (A.numRows() != n)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("A.numRows() != n");

        intW info = new intW(0);
        LAPACK.getInstance().dstevr(job.netlib(), range.netlib(), n, A.getDiagonal(),
                A.getOffDiagonal(), 0, 0, 0, 0, abstol, new intW(1), w,
                job == JobEig.All ? Z.getData() : new double[0], Matrices.ld(n), isuppz, work,
                work.length, iwork, iwork.length, info);

        if (info.val > 0)
            throw new NotConvergedException(
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        if (A.ku != ku + kl)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("A.ku != ku + kl");

        singular = false;

        intW info = new intW(0);
        LAPACK.getInstance().dgbtrf(n, n, kl, ku, A.getData(), 2 * kl + ku + 1, ipiv, info);

        if (info.val > 0)
            singular = true;
        else if (info.val < 0)
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        double anorm = A.norm(norm);

        double[] work = new double[3 * n];
        int[] lwork = new int[n];

        intW info = new intW(0);
        doubleW rcond = new doubleW(0);
        LAPACK.getInstance().dgbcon(norm.netlib(), n, kl, ku, LU.getData(),
           Matrices.ld(2 * kl + ku + 1), ipiv, anorm, rcond, work, lwork, info);

        if (info.val < 0)
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Related Classes of org.netlib.util.intW

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