", the LDAP attribute must be " + expectedLdapAttr + " instead of " + ldapAttrName).append(EOL + EOL);
Schema schema = DirectoryServer.getSchema();
AttributeType attrType = schema.getAttributeType(ldapAttrName.toLowerCase());
// LDAP attribute exists
if (attrType == null) {
errors.append(propName + " property on config object " + objName + " is declared" +
" to use ldap attribute " + ldapAttrName + ", but this attribute is not in the schema ").append(EOL + EOL);
} else {
// LDAP attribute is multivalued if the property is multivalued
if (propDef.hasOption(PropertyOption.MULTI_VALUED) && attrType.isSingleValue()) {
errors.append(propName + " property on config object " + objName + " is declared" +
" as multi-valued, but the corresponding ldap attribute " + ldapAttrName +
" is declared as single-valued.").append(EOL + EOL);