Package org.mvel2.tests.core

Examples of org.mvel2.tests.core.AbstractTest$Order

            conf.setClassLoader( context.getPackageBuilder().getRootClassLoader() );

            // first compilation is for verification only
            // @todo proper source file name
            final ParserContext parserContext1 = new ParserContext( conf );
            if ( localTypes != null ) {
                for ( Entry entry : localTypes.entrySet() ) {
                    parserContext1.addInput( (String) entry.getKey(),
                                             (Class) entry.getValue() );
            if ( availableIdentifiers.getThisClass() != null ) {
                parserContext1.addInput( "this",
                                         availableIdentifiers.getThisClass() );

            if ( availableIdentifiers.getOperators() != null ) {
                for ( Entry<String, EvaluatorWrapper> opEntry : availableIdentifiers.getOperators().entrySet() ) {
                    parserContext1.addInput( opEntry.getKey(), opEntry.getValue().getClass() );

            parserContext1.setStrictTypeEnforcement( false );
            parserContext1.setStrongTyping( false );
            parserContext1.setInterceptors( dialect.getInterceptors() );
            Class< ? > returnType;

            try {
                returnType = MVEL.analyze( expr,
                                           parserContext1 );
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                BaseDescr base = (context instanceof RuleBuildContext) ? ((RuleBuildContext)context).getRuleDescr() : context.getParentDescr();
                DialectUtil.copyErrorLocation(e, context.getParentDescr());
                context.addError( new DescrBuildError( base,
                                                              "Unable to Analyse Expression " + expr + ":\n" + e.getMessage() ) );
                return null;

            Set<String> requiredInputs = new HashSet<String>();
            requiredInputs.addAll( parserContext1.getInputs().keySet() );
            HashMap<String, Class< ? >> variables = (HashMap<String, Class< ? >>) ((Map) parserContext1.getVariables());
            if ( localTypes != null ) {
                for ( String str : localTypes.keySet() ) {
                    // we have to do this due to mvel regressions on detecting true local vars
                    variables.remove( str );

            // MVEL includes direct fields of context object in non-strict mode. so we need to strip those
            if ( availableIdentifiers.getThisClass() != null ) {
                for ( Iterator<String> it = requiredInputs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                    if ( PropertyTools.getFieldOrAccessor( availableIdentifiers.getThisClass(),
                                                  ) != null ) {

            // now, set the required input types and compile again
            final ParserContext parserContext2 = new ParserContext( conf );
            parserContext2.setStrictTypeEnforcement( true );
            parserContext2.setStrongTyping( true );
            parserContext2.setInterceptors( dialect.getInterceptors() );

            for ( String str : requiredInputs ) {
                Class< ? > cls = availableIdentifiers.getDeclrClasses().get( str );
                if ( cls != null ) {
                    parserContext2.addInput( str,
                                             cls );

                cls = availableIdentifiers.getGlobals().get( str );
                if ( cls != null ) {
                    parserContext2.addInput( str,
                                             cls );

                cls = availableIdentifiers.getOperators().keySet().contains( str ) ? context.getConfiguration().getComponentFactory().getExpressionProcessor().getEvaluatorWrapperClass() : null;
                if ( cls != null ) {
                    parserContext2.addInput( str,
                                             cls );

                if ( str.equals( contextIndeifier ) ) {
                    parserContext2.addInput( contextIndeifier,
                                             kcontextClass );
                } else if ( str.equals( "kcontext" ) ) {
                    parserContext2.addInput( "kcontext",
                                             kcontextClass );
                if ( str.equals( "rule" ) ) {
                    parserContext2.addInput( "rule",
                                             Rule.class );

                if ( localTypes != null ) {
                    cls = localTypes.get( str );
                    if ( cls != null ) { 
                        parserContext2.addInput( str,
                                                 cls );
            if ( availableIdentifiers.getThisClass() != null ) {
                parserContext2.addInput( "this",
                                         availableIdentifiers.getThisClass() );

            boolean typesafe = context.isTypesafe();
            try {
                returnType = MVEL.analyze( expr,
                                           parserContext2 );
                typesafe = true;
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                // is this an error, or can we fall back to non-typesafe mode?
                if ( typesafe ) {
                    BaseDescr base = (context instanceof RuleBuildContext) ? ((RuleBuildContext)context).getRuleDescr() : context.getParentDescr();
                    DialectUtil.copyErrorLocation(e, context.getParentDescr());
                    context.addError( new DescrBuildError( base,
                                                           "Unable to Analyse Expression " + expr + ":\n" + e.getMessage() ) );
                    return null;                   

            if ( typesafe ) {
                requiredInputs = new HashSet<String>();
                requiredInputs.addAll( parserContext2.getInputs().keySet() );
                requiredInputs.addAll( variables.keySet() );
                variables = (HashMap<String, Class< ? >>) ((Map) parserContext2.getVariables());
                if ( localTypes != null ) {
                    for ( String str : localTypes.keySet() ) {
                        // we have to do this due to mvel regressions on detecting true local vars
                        variables.remove( str );
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        MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
        ParserConfiguration conf = data.getParserConfiguration();

        conf.setClassLoader( context.getPackageBuilder().getRootClassLoader() );

        final ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext( conf );
        pctx.setStrongTyping( false );
        pctx.addInput( "this",
                       thisClass );
        pctx.addInput( "empty",
                       boolean.class ); // overrides the mvel empty label

        try {
            MVEL.analysisCompile( expr, pctx );
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // There is a problem in setting the inputs for this expression, but it will be
            // reported during expression analysis, so swallow it at the moment

        if ( !pctx.getInputs().isEmpty() ) {
            for ( String v : pctx.getInputs().keySet() ) {
                // in the following if, we need to check that the expr actually contains a reference
                // to an "empty" property, or the if will evaluate to true even if it doesn't
                if ( "this".equals( v ) || (PropertyTools.getFieldOrAccessor( thisClass,
                                                                               v ) != null && expr.matches( "(^|.*\\W)empty($|\\W.*)" )) ) {
                    descrBranch.getFieldAccessors().add( v );
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            MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
            ParserConfiguration pconf = data.getParserConfiguration();
            ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext( pconf );

            Object o = MVELSafeHelper.getEvaluator().executeExpression( MVEL.compileExpression( value,
                    pctx ) );
            if ( o != null && vtype == null ) {
                // was a compilation problem else where, so guess valuetype so we can continue
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            NoSuchFieldException {

        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter( ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS );
        FieldVisitor fv;
        MethodVisitor mv;

        // get the method bitmask
        BitSet mask = traitRegistry.getFieldMask(trait.getName(), core.getDefinedClass().getName());

        String name = TraitFactory.getPropertyWrapperName( trait, core );
        String masterName = TraitFactory.getProxyName(trait, core);

        String internalWrapper  = BuildUtils.getInternalType( name );
        String descrCore        = Type.getDescriptor( core.getDefinedClass() );
        String internalCore     = Type.getInternalName( core.getDefinedClass() );

        cw.visit( ClassGenerator.JAVA_VERSION, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER,
                Type.getInternalName( TripleBasedStruct.class ),
                new String[] { Type.getInternalName( Serializable.class ) } );

        cw.visitInnerClass( Type.getInternalName( Map.Entry.class ),
                            Type.getInternalName( Map.class ),
                            ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC + ACC_ABSTRACT + ACC_INTERFACE );

            fv = cw.visitField(0, "object", descrCore, null, null);

            mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC,

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKESPECIAL,
                                Type.getInternalName( TripleBasedStruct.class ),
                                "()V" );
//            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
//            mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, internalWrapper, "initSoftFields", "()V");
            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 1, 1 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );


            mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC,
                    "(" +
                            descrCore +
                            Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ) +
                            Type.getDescriptor( TripleFactory.class ) +

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );

            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKESPECIAL,
                                Type.getInternalName( TripleBasedStruct.class ),
                                "()V" );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTFIELD, internalWrapper, "object", descrCore );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 2 );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTFIELD, internalWrapper, "store", Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ) );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 3 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL,
                    Type.getInternalName( TripleBasedStruct.class ),
                    "(" + Type.getDescriptor( TripleFactory.class ) + ")V" );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 2 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL,
                                Type.getInternalName( TripleStore.class ),
                                "()" + Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTFIELD,
                               Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKESPECIAL, internalWrapper, "initSoftFields", "()V" );
            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 2, 4 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );


        buildInitSoftFields( cw, internalWrapper, trait, core, mask );

        buildClearSoftFields(cw, internalWrapper, trait, mask);

        buildSize( cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask );

        buildIsEmpty( cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask );

        buildGet( cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask );

        buildPut( cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask );

        buildClear(cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask);

        buildRemove(cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask);

        buildContainsKey(cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask);

        buildContainsValue(cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask);

        buildKeyset(cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask);

        buildValues(cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask);

        buildEntryset(cw, name, core.getClassName(), trait, core, mask);

        buildCommonMethods( cw, name );

        buildSpecificMethods( cw, name, core );

        buildExtensionMethods( cw, name, core );


        return cw.toByteArray();
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            NoSuchFieldException {

        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter( ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS );
        FieldVisitor fv;
        MethodVisitor mv;

        // get the method bitmask
        BitSet mask = traitRegistry.getFieldMask( getTrait().getName(), core.getDefinedClass().getName() );

        String name = TraitFactory.getPropertyWrapperName( getTrait(), core );
        String masterName = TraitFactory.getProxyName( getTrait(), core );

        String internalWrapper  = BuildUtils.getInternalType(name);
        String internalProxy    = BuildUtils.getInternalType(masterName);

        String internalCore     = Type.getInternalName(core.getDefinedClass());
        String descrCore        = Type.getDescriptor(core.getDefinedClass());
        String internalTrait    = Type.getInternalName(getTrait().getDefinedClass());

        Class mixinClass = null;
        String mixin = null;
        Set<Method> mixinMethods = new HashSet<Method>();
        Map<String,Method> mixinGetSet = new HashMap<String,Method>();
        try {
            if ( getTrait().getDefinedClass() != null ) {
                Trait annTrait = getAnnotation( getTrait().getDefinedClass(), Trait.class );
                if ( hasImpl( annTrait ) ) {
                    mixinClass = annTrait.impl();
                    mixin = mixinClass.getSimpleName().substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + mixinClass.getSimpleName().substring(1);
                    ClassFieldInspector cfi = new ClassFieldInspector( mixinClass );

                    for ( Method m : mixinClass.getMethods() ) {
                        try {
                            getTrait().getDefinedClass().getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes() );
                            if ( cfi.getGetterMethods().containsValue( m )
                                    || cfi.getSetterMethods().containsValue( m )) {
                                mixinGetSet.put( m.getName(), m );
                            } else {
                                mixinMethods.add( m );
                        } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {


        } catch ( Exception e ) {

        cw.visit( ClassGenerator.JAVA_VERSION,
                  ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER,
                  Type.getInternalName( proxyBaseClass ),
                  new String[] { internalTrait, Type.getInternalName( Externalizable.class ) } );

            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_FINAL + ACC_STATIC,
                    TraitType.traitNameField, Type.getDescriptor( String.class ),
                    null, null );
            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PUBLIC, "object", descrCore, null, null );
            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE, "store", Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ), null, null );
            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE, "storeId", Type.getDescriptor( String.class ), null, null);
        if ( mixinClass != null ) {
                fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE,
                        Type.getDescriptor( mixinClass ),
                        null, null);

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_STATIC, "<clinit>", "()V", null, null );
            mv.visitLdcInsn( Type.getType( Type.getDescriptor( trait.getDefinedClass() ) ) );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL,
                    Type.getInternalName( Class.class ), "getName", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTSTATIC,
                    Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );
            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", "()V", null, null );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKESPECIAL, Type.getInternalName( proxyBaseClass ), "<init>", "()V" );

            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 1, 1 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", "(" + descrCore + Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ) + Type.getDescriptor( TripleFactory.class ) + Type.getDescriptor( BitSet.class ) + Type.getDescriptor( BitSet.class ) + Type.getDescriptor( boolean.class  ) +")V", null, null );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 2 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL, Type.getInternalName( TripleStore.class ), "getId", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTFIELD, internalProxy, "storeId", Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );

            int size = buildConstructorCore( cw, mv, internalProxy, internalWrapper, internalCore, descrCore, mixin, mixinClass );

            initFields( mv, internalProxy );

            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 5 + size, 4 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );
            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "getTraitName", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( String.class ), null, null);
            mv.visitFieldInsn( GETSTATIC, internalProxy, TraitType.traitNameField, Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );
            mv.visitInsn( ARETURN );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );
            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "getCore", "()" + descrCore + "", null, null );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( GETFIELD, internalProxy, "object", descrCore );
            mv.visitInsn( ARETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 1, 1 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );
            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "getObject", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( TraitableBean.class ), null, null );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( GETFIELD, internalProxy, "object", descrCore );
            mv.visitTypeInsn( CHECKCAST, Type.getInternalName( TraitableBean.class ) );
            mv.visitInsn( ARETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 1, 1 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );
            mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "setObject", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + ")V", null, null);
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitTypeInsn( CHECKCAST, internalCore );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTFIELD, internalProxy, "object", descrCore );
            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 2, 2 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_BRIDGE + ACC_SYNTHETIC, "getCore", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ), null, null );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL, internalProxy, "getCore", "()" + descrCore );
            mv.visitInsn( ARETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 1, 1 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "isTop", "()Z", null, null );
            mv.visitInsn( Thing.class.equals( trait.getDefinedClass() ) ? ICONST_1 : ICONST_0 );
            mv.visitInsn( IRETURN );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "shed", Type.getMethodDescriptor( Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[] {} ), null, null );

            if ( core.isFullTraiting() ) {
                Iterator<FieldDefinition> iter = trait.getFieldsDefinitions().iterator();
                for ( int j = 0; j < trait.getFieldsDefinitions().size(); j++ ) {
                    FieldDefinition fld =;
                    boolean hardField = ! TraitRegistry.isSoftField( fld, j, mask );
                    shedField( mv, fld, internalProxy, trait, core, hardField, j + 2 );

            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "writeExternal", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( ObjectOutput.class )+ ")V", null, new String[] { Type.getInternalName( IOException.class ) } );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKESPECIAL, Type.getInternalName( proxyBaseClass ), "writeExternal", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( ObjectOutput.class ) + ")V" );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL, internalProxy, "getObject", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( TraitableBean.class ) );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( ObjectOutput.class ), "writeObject", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + ")V" );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( GETFIELD, internalProxy, "storeId", Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( ObjectOutput.class ), "writeObject", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + ")V" );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( GETFIELD, internalProxy, "store", Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ) );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( ObjectOutput.class ), "writeObject", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + ")V" );

            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 2, 2 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );
            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "readExternal", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( ObjectInput.class ) + ")V", null,
                                 new String[] { Type.getInternalName( IOException.class ), Type.getInternalName( ClassNotFoundException.class ) } );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKESPECIAL, Type.getInternalName( proxyBaseClass ), "readExternal", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( ObjectInput.class ) + ")V" );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( ObjectInput.class ), "readObject", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) );
            mv.visitTypeInsn( CHECKCAST, internalCore );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTFIELD, internalProxy, "object", descrCore );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( ObjectInput.class ), "readObject", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) );
            mv.visitTypeInsn( CHECKCAST, Type.getInternalName( String.class ) );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTFIELD, internalProxy, "storeId", Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) );

            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( ObjectInput.class ), "readObject", "()" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) );
            mv.visitTypeInsn( CHECKCAST, Type.getInternalName( TripleStore.class ) );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( PUTFIELD, internalProxy, "store", Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ) );

            mv.visitInsn( RETURN );
//            mv.visitMaxs( 3, 2 );
            mv.visitMaxs( 0, 0 );

        buildProxyAccessors( mask, cw, masterName, core, mixinGetSet );

        boolean hasKeys = false;
        for ( FactField ff : getTrait().getFields() ) {
            if ( ff.isKey() ) {
                hasKeys = true;
        if ( ! hasKeys ) {
            buildEqualityMethods( cw, masterName, core.getClassName() );
        } else {
            buildKeyedEqualityMethods( cw, getTrait(), masterName, core.getClassName() );

        if ( mixinClass != null ) {
            buildMixinMethods( cw, masterName, mixin, mixinClass, mixinMethods );
            buildMixinMethods( cw, masterName, mixin, mixinClass, mixinGetSet.values() );

        buildCommonMethods( cw, masterName );

        buildExtendedMethods( cw, getTrait(), core, mask );


        return cw.toByteArray();

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            NoSuchFieldException {

        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter( ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS );
        FieldVisitor fv;
        MethodVisitor mv;

        // get the method bitmask
        BitSet mask = traitRegistry.getFieldMask(trait.getName(), core.getDefinedClass().getName());

        String name = TraitFactory.getPropertyWrapperName( trait, core );
        String masterName = TraitFactory.getProxyName(trait, core);

        String internalWrapper  = BuildUtils.getInternalType( name );
        String descrCore        = Type.getDescriptor( core.getDefinedClass() );
        String internalCore     = Type.getInternalName( core.getDefinedClass() );

        cw.visit( ClassGenerator.JAVA_VERSION, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER,
                Type.getInternalName( TripleBasedStruct.class ),
                new String[] { Type.getInternalName( Serializable.class ) } );

        cw.visitInnerClass( Type.getInternalName( Map.Entry.class ),
                            Type.getInternalName( Map.class ),
                            ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC + ACC_ABSTRACT + ACC_INTERFACE );

            fv = cw.visitField(0, "object", descrCore, null, null);

            mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC,
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        mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
        mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL,
                            Type.getInternalName( String.class ),
                            "("+ Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + ")Z" );
        Label l1 = new Label();
        mv.visitJumpInsn( IFEQ, l1 );

        TraitFactory.invokeExtractor( mv, wrapperName, trait, core, field );

        if ( BuildUtils.isPrimitive( field.getTypeName() ) ) {
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                stack = Math.max( stack, BuildUtils.sizeOf( field.getTypeName() ) );

                mv.visitLdcInsn( field.getName() );
                mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
                mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL, Type.getInternalName( String.class ), "equals", "(" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + ")Z" );
                Label l2 = new Label();
                mv.visitJumpInsn( IFEQ, l2 );
                mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
                mv.visitFieldInsn( GETFIELD, internalWrapper, "store", Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ) );
                mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0);
                mv.visitLdcInsn( field.getName() );
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                            "(" + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + ")" + Type.getDescriptor( Triple.class ) );
        mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL,
                            "(" + Type.getDescriptor( Triple.class ) + ")Z" );
        Label l0 = new Label();
        mv.visitJumpInsn( IFNE, l0 );

        mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
        mv.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, wrapperName, "store", Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ) );

        mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
        mv.visitLdcInsn( field.resolveAlias() );

        mv.visitInsn( field.getTypeName() ) );
        if ( BuildUtils.isPrimitive( field.getTypeName() ) ) {
            TraitFactory.valueOf( mv, field.getTypeName() );
            size = BuildUtils.sizeOf( field.getTypeName() );

        } else {
            size = 2;
        mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL,
                "(" + Type.getDescriptor( String.class ) + Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + ")" + Type.getDescriptor( Triple.class ) );
        mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL,
                Type.getInternalName( TripleStore.class ),
                "(" + Type.getDescriptor( Triple.class ) + "Z)Z" );

        if ( core.isFullTraiting() ) {
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
            mv.visitFieldInsn( GETFIELD, internalWrapper, "object", Type.getDescriptor( core.getDefinedClass() ) );
            mv.visitTypeInsn( CHECKCAST, Type.getInternalName( TraitableBean.class ) );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( TraitableBean.class ), "_getFieldTMS", Type.getMethodDescriptor( Type.getType( TraitFieldTMS.class ), new Type[] {} ) );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ASTORE, 1 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitLdcInsn( field.resolveAlias() );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( TraitFieldTMS.class ), "isManagingField", Type.getMethodDescriptor( Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE, new Type[] { Type.getType( String.class ) } ) );
            Label l1 = new Label();
            mv.visitJumpInsn( IFNE, l1 );
            mv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 1 );
            mv.visitLdcInsn( Type.getType( BuildUtils.getTypeDescriptor( core.getClassName() ) ) );
            mv.visitLdcInsn( field.resolveAlias() );
            mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName( TraitFieldTMS.class ), "registerField", Type.getMethodDescriptor( Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[]{ Type.getType( Class.class ), Type.getType( String.class ) } ) );
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        for ( FieldDefinition field : core.getFieldsDefinitions() ) {
            if ( ! BuildUtils.isPrimitive( field.getTypeName() ) ) {
                hasNillable = true;
        Label l99 = null;
        if ( hasNillable ) {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1);
            l99 = new Label();
            mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNONNULL, l99);

        int j = 0;
        int N = core.getFieldsDefinitions().size();
        for ( FieldDefinition field : core.getFieldsDefinitions() ) {
            if ( ! BuildUtils.isPrimitive( field.getTypeName() ) ) {
                TraitFactory.invokeExtractor( mv, wrapperName, trait, core, field );
                if ( j != N ) {
                    Label l1 = new Label();
                    mv.visitJumpInsn( IFNONNULL, l1 );
                    mv.visitInsn( ICONST_1 );
                    mv.visitInsn( IRETURN );
                    mv.visitLabel( l1 );
                } else {
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