Package org.mvel2.asm

Examples of org.mvel2.asm.FieldVisitor


    public static Object eval(String str, Map vars) {
        ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler( str.trim() );

        ParserContext context = new ParserContext();
        context.addPackageImport( "org.jbpm.task" );
        context.addPackageImport( "java.util" );
        context.addImport( "AccessType", AccessType.class );
        context.addImport( "AllowedToDelegate", AllowedToDelegate.class );
        context.addImport( "Attachment", Attachment.class );
        context.addImport( "BooleanExpression", BooleanExpression.class );
        context.addImport( "Comment", Comment.class );
        context.addImport( "Deadline", Deadline.class );
        context.addImport( "Deadlines", Deadlines.class );
        context.addImport( "Delegation", Delegation.class );
        context.addImport( "Escalation", Escalation.class );
        context.addImport( "Group", Group.class );
        context.addImport( "I18NText", I18NText.class );
        context.addImport( "Notification", Notification.class );
        context.addImport( "OrganizationalEntity", OrganizationalEntity.class );
        context.addImport( "PeopleAssignments", PeopleAssignments.class );
        context.addImport( "Reassignment", Reassignment.class );
        context.addImport( "Status", Status.class );
        context.addImport( "Task", Task.class );
        context.addImport( "TaskData", TaskData.class );
        context.addImport( "TaskSummary", TaskSummary.class );
        context.addImport( "User", User.class );

        return MVEL.executeExpression( compiler.compile( context ), vars );
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  public static Object eval(String str, Map vars) {
        ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler( str.trim() );

        ParserContext context = new ParserContext();
        context.addPackageImport( "org.drools.task" );
        context.addPackageImport( "java.util" );
        context.addImport( "AccessType", AccessType.class );
        context.addImport( "AllowedToDelegate", AllowedToDelegate.class );
        context.addImport( "Attachment", Attachment.class );
        context.addImport( "BooleanExpression", BooleanExpression.class );
        context.addImport( "Comment", Comment.class );
        context.addImport( "Deadline", Deadline.class );
        context.addImport( "Deadlines", Deadlines.class );
        context.addImport( "Delegation", Delegation.class );
        context.addImport( "Escalation", Escalation.class );
        context.addImport( "Group", Group.class );
        context.addImport( "I18NText", I18NText.class );
        context.addImport( "Notification", Notification.class );
        context.addImport( "OrganizationalEntity", OrganizationalEntity.class );
        context.addImport( "PeopleAssignments", PeopleAssignments.class );
        context.addImport( "Reassignment", Reassignment.class );
        context.addImport( "Status", Status.class );
        context.addImport( "Task", Task.class );
        context.addImport( "TaskData", TaskData.class );
        context.addImport( "TaskSummary", TaskSummary.class );
        context.addImport( "User", User.class );

        return MVEL.executeExpression( compiler.compile( context ), vars );
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    @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "rawtypes" })
  public static Object eval(String str, Map vars) {
        ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler( str.trim() );

        ParserContext context = new ParserContext();
        context.addPackageImport( "org.jbpm.task" );
        context.addPackageImport( "java.util" );
        context.addImport( "AccessType", AccessType.class );
        context.addImport( "AllowedToDelegate", AllowedToDelegate.class );
        context.addImport( "Attachment", Attachment.class );
        context.addImport( "BooleanExpression", BooleanExpression.class );
        context.addImport( "Comment", Comment.class );
        context.addImport( "Deadline", Deadline.class );
        context.addImport( "Deadlines", Deadlines.class );
        context.addImport( "Delegation", Delegation.class );
        context.addImport( "Escalation", Escalation.class );
        context.addImport( "Group", Group.class );
        context.addImport( "I18NText", I18NText.class );
        context.addImport( "Notification", Notification.class );
        context.addImport( "OrganizationalEntity", OrganizationalEntity.class );
        context.addImport( "PeopleAssignments", PeopleAssignments.class );
        context.addImport( "Reassignment", Reassignment.class );
        context.addImport( "Status", Status.class );
        context.addImport( "Task", Task.class );
        context.addImport( "TaskData", TaskData.class );
        context.addImport( "TaskSummary", TaskSummary.class );
        context.addImport( "User", User.class );

        return MVEL.executeExpression( compiler.compile( context ), vars );
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    String targetRunMvel = mvel + ";\n for(i = 0; i < " + RUNS + "; i++) {\n "
        + mvelCallable + "\n}\n";

    ParserContext parserContext = new ParserContext();
    parserContext.addIndexedInput(new String[0]);

    VariableResolverFactory factory =
        VariableSpaceCompiler.compile(targetRunMvel, parserContext).createFactory(new Object[0]);
    compiledMvel = MVEL.compileExpression(targetRunMvel, parserContext);
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        strictMode = in.readBoolean();

    public Serializable getCompiledExpression(MVELDialectRuntimeData runtimeData ) {       
        ParserConfiguration conf = runtimeData.getParserConfiguration();
        final ParserContext parserContext = new ParserContext( conf );
        if ( MVELDebugHandler.isDebugMode() ) {
            parserContext.setDebugSymbols( true );

        parserContext.setStrictTypeEnforcement( strictMode );
        parserContext.setStrongTyping( strictMode );
        parserContext.setIndexAllocation( true );

        if ( interceptors != null ) {
            parserContext.setInterceptors( interceptors );

        parserContext.addIndexedInput( inputIdentifiers );
        String identifier = null;
        String type = null;
        try {
            for ( int i = 0, length = inputIdentifiers.length; i < length; i++ ) {
                identifier = inputIdentifiers[i];
                type = inputTypes[i];
                Class< ? > cls = loadClass( runtimeData.getRootClassLoader(),
                                            inputTypes[i] );
                parserContext.addInput( inputIdentifiers[i],
                                        cls );
        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Unable to resolve class '" + type + "' for identifier '" + identifier );

        parserContext.setSourceFile( name );

        String[] varNames = parserContext.getIndexedVarNames();
        ExecutableStatement stmt = (ExecutableStatement) compile( expression,
                                                                  languageLevel );
        Set<String> localNames = parserContext.getVariables().keySet();


        String[] locals = localNames.toArray(new String[localNames.size()]);
        String[] allVars = new String[varNames.length + locals.length];

        System.arraycopy(varNames, 0, allVars, 0, varNames.length);
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            NoSuchFieldException {

        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter( ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS );
        FieldVisitor fv;
        MethodVisitor mv;

        // get the method bitmask
        BitSet mask = traitRegistry.getFieldMask(trait.getName(), core.getDefinedClass().getName());

        String name = TraitFactory.getPropertyWrapperName( trait, core );
        String masterName = TraitFactory.getProxyName(trait, core);

        String internalWrapper  = BuildUtils.getInternalType( name );
        String descrCore        = Type.getDescriptor( core.getDefinedClass() );
        String internalCore     = Type.getInternalName( core.getDefinedClass() );

        cw.visit( ClassGenerator.JAVA_VERSION, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER,
                Type.getInternalName( TripleBasedStruct.class ),
                new String[] { Type.getInternalName( Serializable.class ) } );

        cw.visitInnerClass( Type.getInternalName( Map.Entry.class ),
                            Type.getInternalName( Map.class ),
                            ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC + ACC_ABSTRACT + ACC_INTERFACE );

            fv = cw.visitField(0, "object", descrCore, null, null);

            mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC,
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            NoSuchFieldException {

        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter( ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS );
        FieldVisitor fv;
        MethodVisitor mv;

        // get the method bitmask
        BitSet mask = traitRegistry.getFieldMask( getTrait().getName(), core.getDefinedClass().getName() );

        String name = TraitFactory.getPropertyWrapperName( getTrait(), core );
        String masterName = TraitFactory.getProxyName( getTrait(), core );

        String internalWrapper  = BuildUtils.getInternalType(name);
        String internalProxy    = BuildUtils.getInternalType(masterName);

        String internalCore     = Type.getInternalName(core.getDefinedClass());
        String descrCore        = Type.getDescriptor(core.getDefinedClass());
        String internalTrait    = Type.getInternalName(getTrait().getDefinedClass());

        Class mixinClass = null;
        String mixin = null;
        Set<Method> mixinMethods = new HashSet<Method>();
        Map<String,Method> mixinGetSet = new HashMap<String,Method>();
        try {
            if ( getTrait().getDefinedClass() != null ) {
                Trait annTrait = getAnnotation( getTrait().getDefinedClass(), Trait.class );
                if ( hasImpl( annTrait ) ) {
                    mixinClass = annTrait.impl();
                    mixin = mixinClass.getSimpleName().substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + mixinClass.getSimpleName().substring(1);
                    ClassFieldInspector cfi = new ClassFieldInspector( mixinClass );

                    for ( Method m : mixinClass.getMethods() ) {
                        try {
                            getTrait().getDefinedClass().getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes() );
                            if ( cfi.getGetterMethods().containsValue( m )
                                    || cfi.getSetterMethods().containsValue( m )) {
                                mixinGetSet.put( m.getName(), m );
                            } else {
                                mixinMethods.add( m );
                        } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {


        } catch ( Exception e ) {

        cw.visit( ClassGenerator.JAVA_VERSION,
                  ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER,
                  Type.getInternalName( proxyBaseClass ),
                  new String[] { internalTrait, Type.getInternalName( Externalizable.class ) } );

            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_FINAL + ACC_STATIC,
                    TraitType.traitNameField, Type.getDescriptor( String.class ),
                    null, null );
            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PUBLIC, "object", descrCore, null, null );
            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE, "store", Type.getDescriptor( TripleStore.class ), null, null );
            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE, "storeId", Type.getDescriptor( String.class ), null, null);
        if ( mixinClass != null ) {
                fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE,
                        Type.getDescriptor( mixinClass ),
                        null, null);

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_STATIC, "<clinit>", "()V", null, null );
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    protected void buildProxyAccessor( BitSet mask, ClassWriter cw, String masterName, ClassDefinition core, Map<String,Method> mixinGetSet, FieldDefinition field, boolean isSoftField ) {
        FieldVisitor fv;

        if ( core.isFullTraiting() ) {
            buildLogicalGetter( cw, field, masterName, trait, core );
            if ( ! isSoftField ) {
                buildHardSetter( cw, field, masterName, trait, core );
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            NoSuchFieldException {

        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter( ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS );
        FieldVisitor fv;
        MethodVisitor mv;

        // get the method bitmask
        BitSet mask = traitRegistry.getFieldMask( getTrait().getName(), core.getDefinedClass().getName() );

        String name = TraitFactory.getPropertyWrapperName( getTrait(), core );
        String masterName = TraitFactory.getProxyName( getTrait(), core );

        String internalWrapper  = BuildUtils.getInternalType( name );
        String internalProxy    = BuildUtils.getInternalType( masterName );

        String descrCore        = Type.getDescriptor( core.getDefinedClass() );
        String internalCore     = Type.getInternalName( core.getDefinedClass() );
        String internalTrait    = Type.getInternalName( getTrait().getDefinedClass() );

        Class mixinClass = null;
        String mixin = null;
        Set<Method> mixinMethods = new HashSet<Method>();
        Map<String,Method> mixinGetSet = new HashMap<String,Method>();
        try {
            if ( getTrait().getDefinedClass() != null ) {
                Trait annTrait = getAnnotation( getTrait().getDefinedClass(), Trait.class );
                if ( hasImpl( annTrait ) ) {
                    mixinClass = annTrait.impl();
                    mixin = mixinClass.getSimpleName().substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + mixinClass.getSimpleName().substring(1);
                    ClassFieldInspector cfi = new ClassFieldInspector( mixinClass );

                    for ( Method m : mixinClass.getMethods() ) {
                        try {
                            getTrait().getDefinedClass().getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes() );
                            if ( cfi.getGetterMethods().containsValue( m )
                                    || cfi.getSetterMethods().containsValue( m )) {
                                mixinGetSet.put( m.getName(), m );
                            } else {
                                mixinMethods.add( m );
                        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {


        } catch ( Exception e ) {

        cw.visit( ClassGenerator.JAVA_VERSION, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER,
                  Type.getInternalName( proxyBaseClass ),
                  new String[]{ internalTrait, Type.getInternalName( Serializable.class ) } );

            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_FINAL + ACC_STATIC,
                    TraitType.traitNameField, Type.getDescriptor( String.class ),
                    null, null );

            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL, "object", descrCore, null, null );
            fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL, "map", Type.getDescriptor( Map.class ), "Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;>;", null );

        if ( mixinClass != null ) {
                fv = cw.visitField( ACC_PRIVATE,
                        BuildUtils.getTypeDescriptor( mixinClass.getName() ),
                        null, null );

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_STATIC, "<clinit>", "()V", null, null );
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            NoSuchFieldException {

        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter( ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS );
        FieldVisitor fv;
        MethodVisitor mv;

        // get the method bitmask
        BitSet mask = traitRegistry.getFieldMask( trait.getName(), core.getDefinedClass().getName() );

        String name = TraitFactory.getPropertyWrapperName(trait, core);

        String internalWrapper  = BuildUtils.getInternalType( name );
        String descrCore        = Type.getDescriptor( core.getDefinedClass() );
        String internalCore     = Type.getInternalName( core.getDefinedClass() );

        cw.visit( ClassGenerator.JAVA_VERSION, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER,
                Type.getDescriptor( Object.class ) + Type.getDescriptor( Map.class ) + Type.getDescriptor( MapWrapper.class ),
//                "Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;>;Lorg/drools/factmodel/traits/MapWrapper;",
                Type.getInternalName( Object.class ),
                new String[]{ Type.getInternalName( Map.class ), Type.getInternalName( MapWrapper.class ), Type.getInternalName( Serializable.class ) } );

        cw.visitInnerClass( Type.getInternalName( Map.Entry.class ), Type.getInternalName( Map.class ), "Entry", ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC + ACC_ABSTRACT + ACC_INTERFACE );

            fv = cw.visitField( 0, "object", descrCore, null, null );

            fv = cw.visitField( 0, "map", Type.getDescriptor( Map.class ), "Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;>;", null );

            mv = cw.visitMethod( ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>",                                       
                    "(" + descrCore + Type.getDescriptor( Map.class ) + ")V",
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Related Classes of org.mvel2.asm.FieldVisitor

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