throw new EndpointException(
MessageReceiver receiver = getReceivers().get(uri);
// Lets see if the uri matches up with the last part of
// any of the receiver keys.
if (receiver == null)
receiver = HttpMessageReceiver.findReceiverByStem(connector.getReceivers(), uri);
if (receiver == null)
receiver = matchReceiverByWildcard(uri, receiver);
if (receiver == null)
throw new NoReceiverForEndpointException(uri);
InboundEndpoint endpoint = receiver.getEndpoint();
// Ensure that this receiver is using a dynamic (mutable) endpoint
if (!(endpoint instanceof DynamicURIInboundEndpoint))
endpoint = new DynamicURIInboundEndpoint(receiver.getEndpoint());
// Tell the dynamic endpoint about our new URL
//Note we don't use the servlet: prefix since we need to be dealing with the raw endpoint here
EndpointURI epURI = new MuleEndpointURI(getRequestUrl(httpServletRequest), muleContext);